【作者】 常秀峰;
【导师】 夏泽芳;
【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2001, 硕士
【摘要】 本文从文献综述与临床探讨两个方面讨论了无排卵、黄体功能不全、输卵管阻塞及抗精子抗体(AsAb)所致不孕症的治疗。 综述部分:从辨证论治、中药人工周期疗法及中西医结合等方面概述了无排卵及黄体功能不全所致不孕的治疗;从内治法、外治法及内治外治相结合等方面概述了输卵管阻塞性不孕的治疗:从西医和中医两方面概述了抗精子抗体所致免疫性不孕的治疗,西医治疗包括局部隔绝法。兔疫抑制剂疗法及辅助生殖技术(ART),中医治疗包括辨证论治、专方专药、局部用药等。结论:补肾为主人工周期疗法与西药相结合是治疗无排卵性不孕的较好方法;补肾疏研与调周相结合,并辅以心理疏导是治疗黄体不健性不孕的较好方法;输卵管阻塞宜内治与外治相结合;中医药及ART是AsAb所致不孕的较好治疗方法。 临床探讨部分:通过自己的临床实践,以辨病与辨证相结合,对排卵功能障碍性不孕,输卵管胞性不孕及免疫性不孕的治疗进行了探讨,并讨论了肝郁在不孕症发病与治疗中的作用。认为不孕症的治疗宜采用辨病与辨证相结合、补肾与调肝相结合,宏观辨证与微观辨证相结合及中西医相结合。
【Abstract】 In this essay we study the treatment of infertility caused by anovulation、 Luteal phase defect(LPD)、oviduct obstruction and antispenn antibody(AsAb) from two sides of recapitulate and clinical research. In the first part, the treatments of anovulation and LPD were recapitulated in the aspects of treatment based on differentiation、Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) artificial cyclic therapy and the therapy of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine. We recapitulated the treatment of oviduct obstruction from oral administration of medicine and external treatment, and the therapy of infertility with AsAb from western medicine and 1CM. The treatments of western medicine include condom~ immunosuppressive therapy and assisted reproductive technology(ART), and the treatments of TCM include the treatment based on differentiation., the special prescription for the disease and so on. Conclusions: It is the better therapy of anovulatory infertility to combine cyclic therapy of toniyfing Kidneys with western medicine. The better therapy of LPD is integration tonifying Kidney and soothe Liver into psychological regulation. Treating oviduct obstruction should combine oral administration of medicine with external treatment. 1CM and ART can be used to treat the infertility of AsAb. In the second part, we study the treatment of infertility caused by the obstacle of ovulation., oviduct obstruction and immunology by combining differential diagnosis of disease with differential symptoms and signs, and research the role of Liver stagnation in pathogenesis and treatment of infertility, too. We think that we should treat infertility by combining differential diagnosis of disease with differential symptoms and signs mixing tonifying Kidney into dispersing the stagnated Liver-Qi Combining macrocosmic differential symptoms and signs with microcosmic differential symptoms and signs、integrating 1CM into western medicine.
【Key words】 Infertility; Anovulation; Luteal phase defect(LPD); Oviduct obstruction; Anflsperm antibody(AsAb); Treatment; Recapitulate; Clinical research;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 成都中医药大学 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
- 【分类号】R271.14
- 【下载频次】950