

【作者】 蔡定均

【导师】 廖方正;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从文献综述和导师临床经验总结两方面探讨灸法的临床应用。 文献综述部分:以近十五年有关灸法研究的文献为主,从灸法的适应症、灸量、灸术等方面综述灸法的临床研究成果和进展。认为灸法的临床研究存在不少问题,并对其中的一些问题进行了探讨。 经验总结部分:导师廖方正教授从事针灸教学、医疗数十年,善用灸法,尤其在“热证用灸”等禁忌症中独辟蹊径,形成了独具鲜明特色的风格。本文从灸治热证、急证、虚证、寒证和保健等方面简要摘辑了部分随师临证体验,并附实例加以说明。以期更好地发扬之。

【Abstract】 Probed into clinical aPPlication of muxibustion in summary and tutor’ clinicalexperience in the article.In the first ped: Reviewed a large nurnber of the relevant literature tomoxibustion research. Surnrnarized the clinical research achievements anddevelopmentS ofmoxibustion in clinical adaPive symPtoms, moxibustion dosage andmoxibustion methods. Considered that there were many questions in current clinicalresearch and discussed some of them.In the second part: Professor Liao Fangzheng, my tutor, has been engaged inteaching and medical treatIneat decades. She is adept at moxibustion, speciallymoxibustion on febrile disease. To propagatC and develop professor LiaoFangzheng’academic thinking, summed uP professor Liao Fangzheng’clinicalexperience ofmoxibustion theraPy on heat pattem, emergency, cold pattem, vacuitypattem and hygieme in this article. Explained and proved my tutor’ experience withcases.

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