

【作者】 潘娟

【导师】 蒋永光;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医医史方献, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术、网络技术、多媒体技术以及其他相关技术的飞速发展,多媒体辅助教学系统的开发与应用也得到了长足的发展。 多媒体教学作为现代教育技术的重要手段,是实现优化教学的极为有效的途径。把多媒体教育技术运用于中医教育,突出了以学生为主导的教学方式,将改变中国针灸学传统的教学方法,甚至改变传统的教学观念、教育模式,为推动中医教学改革的进展,改善教学质量有重要的价值和意义。 本系统是专门针对针灸教学而设计的,结合最新的计算机及相关技术,提供一个图文并茂,生动形象全新的教学模式,促进教学模式由以教为主向以学为主的转变,激发学生主动学习的积极性。教学资源信息的网状结构可促进学习者对知识的加工和转化,减轻学习者的认知负担。 该系统主要使用了Photoshops 5.0CS 、Corel Draw、Photo Editor;HTML、Java等制作工具在Windows环境下组合开发平台,力求以最佳方案解决实际问题。 本文结合具体问题,论述了系统开发实现的各个步骤和相关技术,特别对脚本的设计做了详细论述,最后,针对本系统存在的不足提出了改进意见。

【Abstract】 Computer Aided InstrUction is well developed accomPany with thedevelopment of the comPuter technology. IniemCt and multi-mediatechnology etc.As the imPortan means of modem educational technologymultimedia is the extreme efficient way to realize the optimizingteaching. Applying the multimedia technology to acuPunctUre insmictionwill alter the traditional of teaChing of acupunCfore and improve thereformation of teaching of acuPuncfore.This system is aimed at the Chinese medicine on acupunctUre.Combined with the newly comPuter techniques and the basicacupuncfore theories. this system wil1 provide novel teaching pattern inthe acuPunctUre instrUction together with vivid pictures. teat andanimations, in order to promote the convert from mainly teaching tolearning in teaching conversion and Stimulate the activeness of stUdents.The design of multdriedia and nctlilie strUcture can promote stUdent’accePtance to Anowledge.This system is optdriizing realized with Java. HTML PhotOshop5.0CS. CoreI Draw. Photo Editor etc.This article discusses on the steps in the development followed byand related technologies. Specially, the scriPt system is Retail discussed.Last, this article gives some ideas to improve the usability of this system.

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