

Analysis of Practical Functions and Comparison of Criteria Used in Anti-dumping

【作者】 张捷

【导师】 张文山;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 民商法, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从比较研究和功效分析的角度,剖析WTO、美国和欧盟的反倾销法,探寻反倾销法的本质及存在意义,为中国反倾销法的实施提出建议。本文认为,美国和欧盟的反倾销法只有一个目的,即限制进口,保护本国工业和市场,WTO反倾销法代表着各成员国利益与国际自由贸易间的最大调和,是世贸组织承认各国利益又对各国利益进行协调的产物。反倾销法是一国贸易保护政策的体现,其本质是保护主义的,是非关税壁垒。由于反倾销法的实施,进口国把外国倾销产品赶出本国市场,为本国工业的发展提供了机会,然而,反倾销措施也会培养本国企业的惰性,损害消费者和下游企业的利益,造成进口国社会总福利下降,它人为地设置了贸易障碍,眼制了来自国外生产者的竞争,阻碍了世界贸易的进行。因此,国际上一些学者主张废除反倾销法。笔者认为,在现行的世贸组织框架下废除反倾销法是不可能的,反倾销法仍有其存在价值。鉴于此,即将加入世贸组织的中国应理性地看待反倾销法,不能滥用反倾销法,在合理保护本国工业的同时尽可能将反倾销法的负面效应降到最低。

【Abstract】 By comparative study and functional analysis, this dissertation makes comments on anti-dumping laws of World Trade Organization (WTO), the United States (US) and the European Union (EU), seeks true nature and living significance of anti-dumping law, offers suggestion for practicing China anti-dumping law. In my opinion, US and EU antidumping laws only have a purpose that protects domestic industries and markets by restricting entry. WTO Anti-dumping law shows the biggest compromise in both the member states of WTO and hberahzation# of global trade. It is a non-tariff barner that is a component part of national trade policies. Its nature is protectionism. To protect domestic industries, importing countries carry out anti~dumping law and drive lower-price products from foreign countries out of domestic markets. But, anti-dumping measure also keeps domestic industries lazy, damages interest of consumers and downstream industries and incurs welfare losses on the importing countries as a whole. So many scholars advocate abolition of anti-dumping law. The author does not think it is possible to abolish anti-dumping law within the current WTO framework. Anti-dumping law still ha value of existence. According to these analyses, china that is going to join in WTO should rational treat and carry out anti-dumping law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】113