


【作者】 王伏林

【导师】 刘克铭;

【作者基本信息】 广西大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 液压传动甘蔗压榨机与机械传动甘蔗压榨机相比,具有明显的优势。它在国外糖厂压榨提汁生产线应用较多,在国内应用极少,研究更少。本文围绕研究课题,展开研究工作,制定了甘蔗压榨机的液压传动系统方案,建立其数学模型,并对模型进行了静、动态特性数字仿真研究。同时根据现行糖厂压榨提汁生产线控制系统缺陷,科学提出了用PLC集成控制取代传统继电控制系统的方案。 甘蔗压榨机液压驱动系统采用斜盘式轴向柱塞变量泵与横梁传力内曲线马拉松式定量液压马达组成容积调速闭式系统。压榨机顶辊采用单独的一套液压系统,前后辊合用一套液压系统(主要是共用液压油箱),将上述两个液压系统组合成一个可移动的模块式动力站,这种模块化的结构也是液压驱动系统对比机械传动系统的优势之一。元件除马达采用瑞典赫格隆公司生产的,其余都作国产化选择。对马达与榨机榨辊的联结方式进行了优选分析,选择了合乎系统工况要求的优化联结——马达直接安装在榨辊轴端上。整个液压驱动系统具有结构简单,性能价格比高,自动化程度高等特点。 对系统的各元件进行了详细的分析、依据系统工况要求和元件在系统的功用对其模型进行了合理的取舍;遵循功率流向,采用先进的功率键合图—状态空间法技术建立了系统的静、动态数学模型。 对原李旭琼所编仿真程序进行了二次开发,使其更加适合大扭矩、低转速的液压大系统的仿真研究,很好地完成了本论文系统仿真的要求。也可将其应用到其他液压系统的仿真上。 对所研究的液压驱动系统进行了较全面的数字仿真研究,结果表明设计系统 广西大学硕士学位论文 具有很好的静、动态特性。其稳定性、可靠性和快速响应性均符合研究系统的工 况要求。液压系统中管道长度、直径,系统背压,运动部件转动惯量,外负载等 因素变化对系统的静动态特性具有不同程度的影响,其中管道直径、系统背压、 外负载等因素对系统的性能影响较大。对这些因素的优化,可以使系统更加合理。 讨论了系统结构细化程度不同对静、动态性能的影响,对比了系统简化为六 阶结构模型与七阶结构模型时,其性能的差异,确认了本论文设计采用的七阶模 型为优化结构模型。 为解决糖厂压榨提汁生产线的传统继电控制系统的可靠性与可更改性差,操 作工人工作环境极差等缺点,结合糖厂科技发展的趋势与当前物料输送线多采取 集中控制的潮流,设计采用了先进、灵活、可靠的PLC控制技术对压榨提汁生 产线进行集成控制。针对糖厂实际特点提出了一个设计方案。 本论文给甘蔗压榨机液压驱动系统的实际设计与研究工作提供了参考方案 与理论依据,为糖厂其它设备采用液压驱动系统的研究与分析提供了借鉴。也给 糖厂压榨提汁或其他工艺生产线的集成控制提供了一个较好的控制参考样式。

【Abstract】 DIGITAI EMULATION ON FLUID DRIVE SYSTEM OFSUGARCANE MILL & PLC INTEGRATED CONTROLON THE PRODUCTIVE LINE FOR GRINDING CANEIN SUGAR-REFINERYABSTRACTThe fluid drive system of Sugarcane Mill is adopted on the productive line in the sugar-refinery in broad and few used at home. Needless to say, the study is done about it. Contrasting with the mechanical drive system, its predominance is in evidence. The thesis centered on the topic. A fluid drive program of the Sugarcane Mill is made. It is a must to have the digital simulation study on the hydraulic system. At the same time, a good program of PLC integrated control instead of Relay control system that owns much limitation is drew up on the productive line for grinding cane and extracting sugar juice in sugar-refinery.A volume speed controlling system is selected on the fluid drive system of Sugarcane Mill, which consists of cam type axial piston variable pump and ram marathon fixed motor. An individual hydraulic system is adopted by the up-axis of the Mill. The forward axis and the back axis use a uniformity fluid system. Except the motors and the pipelines of the two system, the others parts are consisted of a single mobile power station. This is a one advantage of fluid drive system comparing to mechanical drive system. The components are elected in China only in addition to the motors. The hagglund motors in Sweden are chosen in the two systems. A careful analyst is done for the coupling of the motors and axes of the Mill. A best coupling style that the motors fix at the end of the axes is adopted in this thesis. The whole systems have simple structure, high cost performance and high automation degree.A reasonable choice among the factors affecting on the fluid drive system aremade, established the static and dynamic mathematical models system by mean of the power bond graphs. On the basis of modifying the original digital simulation program, the digital simulation study is made. The up-axis hydraulic system is chosen as a typical to analyze the whole systems performance. The result shows that the design system has good static characters and dynamic characters. The factors of the hydraulic system, such as the line size, the backed pressure, the inertia of the rotary parts and the load magnitude has different effect on the system’s behaviors. The line diameter, the backed pressure and the load magnitude are important to affect on the system.With the system structure simplification to different degree, the capability of which is different. This discuss here affirm that the study model in the thesis is an optimizing one.According with the specialty of the grinding productive line, the advanced agility and credible PLC integrated control system is designed to in place of Relay control system that owns bad reliability and bad alterability. The environment is improved. It also meets the tidal current of material transportation controlling, tally with the up trend of the science and technology in the sugar-refinery.A reasonable program and a theoretical model are provided for the practical design and debug of the fluid drive system of Sugarcane Mill so as to shorten its design period, and a reference for study of others hydraulic system of the equipment in the sugar-refinery. It also affords a viable manner for integrated control on the grinding or other technologic productive line.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】TS243.11;TH137
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】383