

【作者】 张军

【导师】 熊正英;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在查阅了槐米、Vc的各自药用价值以及槐米、Vc相互之间的作用基础上,又基于运动与自由基、槐米与自由基、Vc与自由基之间的作用,研究了槐米对运动能力的影响及槐米与Vc。合用对运动能力的影响。 第一部分研究工作,其目的是在于研究槐米在提高运动能力方面是否具有积极的作用。本实验以ICR小鼠(陕西省中医药研究院提供)为研究对象,随机分组,每组8只。分别为:安静对照组、运动对照组、力竭对运动对照组、力竭恢复对照组以及安静槐米组、运动槐米组、力竭运动槐米组。力竭恢复槐米组。各对照组小鼠每天正常饮水、喂食。各给药组小鼠按剂量每天灌胃,持续20天后建立一次性力竭模型和运动相同时间模型,记录游泳时间,即刻从眼眶采血、取肝脏、心脏、股四头肌、测定Hb含量及各样品的SOD活性、MDA含量以及肝糖原、肌糖原含量等各项指标。 实验结果显示:(1)槐米对运动相同时间小鼠身体机能有显著的增强作用。槐米可降低因剧烈运动导致自由基的增加而致的SOD活性及MDA含量的升高,可有效地消除自由基。同时槐米也可明显提高糖原含量的贮备;(2)槐米对力竭运动小鼠机体机能的恢复有显著的作用。槐米可显著地促进力竭小鼠体内糖原的恢复,可明显消除力竭运动时机体内产生的大量自由基,抑制机体内的脂质过氧化作用。 第二部分研究工作,其目的在于研究槐米与Vc合用后清除自由基的效果,是否具有提高运动能力的作用,是否优于单服槐米或单服Vc的效果。以ICR小鼠(陕西省中医药研究院提供)为实验对象,随机分为:安静对照组、运动对照组、力竭运动对照组、力竭恢复对照组以及安静槐米组、安静槐米·Vc。组、安静Vc组、运动槐米组、运动槐米·Vc组、运动Vc组、 且 张军:槐米J。对小鼠某些生化指标及运动能力影响的实验研究一力竭运动槐米组、力竭运动槐米·V。组\力竭运动V。组、力竭恢复槐米组、力竭恢复槐米·V。组、力竭恢复V。组。每组8只。各对照组小鼠每天正常饮水喂食,各给药组小鼠每天按一定的剂量灌胃,持续20天,建立一次性力竭模型和运动相同时间模型,记录游泳时间,即刻眼眶采血、取材、测定Hb含量各组织和血样的SOD活性、MDA含量以及肝、肌糖原含量。结果显示:()槐米·VC对运动相同时间的小鼠身体机能有显著的增强作用,其效果优于单服槐米或单服VC的效果;槐米·V。混合液可更有效地清除运动时产生的自由基,减弱其脂质过氧化作用,同时对机体内糖原的贮备有一定的积极意义,可延缓疲劳的出现。门)槐米·VC混合液可明显促进力竭小鼠机体机能的恢复,其效果优于单服槐米或单服VC的效果;槐米·V* 合液可更显著地清除力竭运动时产生的大量自由基,可延缓疲劳的出现,可促进机体的生理机能快速恢复到正常水平。

【Abstract】 The medicine value of Flos·Sophorae, Vc and the relationbetween Flos·Sophorae and Vc have been looked up. The influence of F1os·Sophorae on exercise performance and Flos·Sophorae, Vc on exercise perfor-manc e have been investiged based on the effect between exercise and freeradical l Vc and free radical, Flos. sophorae and free radical.The study is devided into two stages:In the first stage, the research purpose is that Flos·sophorae could im-prove the exercise performance. ICR mice were randomly divided into fourbig groups: Normal groupel Exercise group, Exhaustive exercise group,restoring after exhaustive exercise group. Every big group include Controlgroup and Medicine group. Every Control group are fed and drink normallyfor 20 days. Every medicine group are fed Corresponding medicine accordingdosage for 20 days. After 20 days. the mice are made the once - off exhaus-tive model and the same time exercise model, register their Swimming time,then all the mice are killed, SepaIated bold, liver, heart and quadricepsfemories tissues. the content of Hb, the activity of SOD, the content ofMDA, the content of glycogen in each sample are measured.The resluts show:(1 ) Flos·Sophorae can obviously enhance the physical performance ofmice under condition of the same time exercise mice, lower the abnormal ac-tivity of SOD and the content of MDA, eliminate the free radical and alsoenhance the energy storage of body.(2 ) Flos. Sophorae can significantly restore plysical performance of miceafter the exhaustive exercise mice, promote glycogen to resumption, and ob-viously eliminate the free radical produced during exercise, inhibit lipid per- 张军:槐米*。对小鼠某些生化指标及运动能力影响的实验研究OXldst100, The purpose of second stage Is to research effect of mixture(Flos·sophorae and Vc).The experimental eleslgn Is similar to that of first stage,The results show: (1)Flos Sophorae and Vc can obviously enhance the mice physical per-formance under condition of same time exercise.The effect Is superior tosingle taking Flos·sophorae or Vc.The mixture can slgnlflcantly eliminatefree radical produced during exercise,weaken Llpld peroxldatlon,mean。while It can also improve glycogen storage of body. (2)The mixture has active function the exhaustive restoring.Its effectIs super to single taking Flos’sopharae or Vc.The mixture can slgnlflcantlyeliminate the abnormal concentration of free radical during exhaustive exer-else.It can postpone fatigue and speed up the resumption of physical perfor-mance to normal level.

【关键词】 槐米Vc自由基运动能力
【Key words】 Flos·sophoraefree radicalVcexercise perbrmance
  • 【分类号】R870.2;G804.7
  • 【下载频次】184