

【作者】 林静怀

【导师】 孙超图; 杨晓萍;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 水利水电工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以配电网为对象,在分析其特点和国内外发展状况的基础上,提出了全开放的分层、分布式的基于电力载波通信的配电自动化系统的总体设计。配电自动化是集计算机技术、通讯技术、电力系统技术为一体的大型系统,是应目前我国电网改造需要而提出的现代技术的新课题。开发出一套可靠性高、灵活性好、可扩充性好、使用维护方便和功能强大的配电自动化系统是当前城网改造的迫切任务。 配电自动化系统的技术难点在于通信。本文提出并实现基于数字信号处理DSP技术的一种适用于配电自动化保护与控制的网络化数字载波通信系统(NDLC),分析了配电网载波的特点及配电网载波通信的通道衰耗,提出了一种提高NDLC系统可靠性的措施及载波网络化的组网原则。通信处理机是配电网自动化通信系统的承上启下的设备,它承担着配电自动化远程控制和远程通信的功能。本文提出并实现了基于IEC870.5-101、DNP 3.0规约的通信前置机的软件设计及编程。 本系统吸取了当前国内外先进的软件设计思想,重点针对后台数据库的实时数据库RTDB的设计及编程,提出了以电力系统设备对象为节点,将实时数据库和商用数据库有机结合而共享内存的新的设计思想。另本文采用动态链接库DLL的数据库访问接口的统一处理,并利用VC++6.0语言编程实现,使配电自动化系统具有很高的可靠性、灵活性和开放性。

【Abstract】 This paper concentrates on delving distribution network. Based on analysingdistribution-network features. distribution outomation development at home and abroad,a general design is proposed. Its architecture is a layered and distributed opening systembased on power line carrier technique. Distribution automation is a large scale systemincluding computer、communication and electric power system technology It is a modernsubject for city and countryside power distribution reconstruction in China. Developing asuit of reliable. flexible. expandable、convenient using 、maintainable and powerfulfunctions distribution automation system is an urgent task for city and countryside powerdistribution reconstruction in China at present.The key problem of distribution system is communication. In this thesis, a network-distribution line carrier (NDLC) communication system based on Digital SignalProcessing (DSP) technology is introduced and implemented, Which is suitble for theprotection and control of distribution systems. The characteristics and channel attenuationof distribution system line carrier communication are analysed. Some practical measuresare studied in order to improve the relibility of NDLC system and networking princilesare also provided for the distribution line carrier communication system. Communicationprocessor is a connecting link between the preceding and the following device in thedistribution system communication. It transmits remote control and communicationinformation. In this thesis, a communication processor software-based IEC870.5-101transmission protocols and DNP3.0 is designed and programmed.The distribution automation system takes advantage of the world softwares designideas. In this thesis, the emphase is designing and programming the real-time database(RTDB). The new idea Which electric power systems facilities regarded as nodes is bringforward. Based on the node, a new share memory design for distribution automationdatabase conjoining real-time database to commericial database is introduced andimplemented. On the other, a technique-dynamic link library (DLL) accessing databaseis adopted. The software of real time database (RTDB) and DLL are implemented withVC++6.0.This distribution automation system has good reliability、 flexibility andopening.

  • 【分类号】TM769;TN913.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】359