

【作者】 马敏

【导师】 白丹;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 环境工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 高层建筑给水系统是高层建筑的重要组成部分。它由于高层建筑的特殊性,如层数多、高度大、功能广、结构复杂、并受各种外界条件的制约,使得其无论是在技术广度上还是在设计深度上都远远超过一般的建筑给排水。其中不少问题,在国内外还没有得到很好的解决,因而在现在的给水设计中存在许多待解决的问题。 特别是,在国内外的高层建筑中,随着各种设备日益完善,给水、热水、排水、消防、暖通、电器等使得建筑内各种管道增多,相应的费用也不断增加,这就迫使人们去寻求最经济的优化设计,包括选择合理的供水方式、进行竖向最优分区、管网优化设计、合理的水泵选型等以节省投资、节约资源。但在这些方面所作的工作不多,本文正是基于此需要,借鉴前人的己有成果,在高层建筑给水系统优化设计方面作了一些工作,并得出一些结论。 本文采用层次分析法对供水方式进行选择。针对各种供水方式(8种),从占有建筑面积、设备投资情况、供水可靠性、能量消耗情况及管理方便程度等5 个方面进行考虑。综合考虑业主和专家意见以及供水方式本身的适用情况,用层次分析法进行求解,对某一具体建筑选择一相对最优的供水方式。结果表明:这种方法可为方案选择提供依据,使其更趋合理。 本文对于具体建筑从系统的观点考虑问题,对高层建筑进行最优分区。在满足用户用水要求下综合考虑管道和设备的投资、管理费用、土建投资等因素。通过建立数学模型,对模型求解获得在年费用最小情况下的分区数,以及各分区立管的管径,水平配水管的管径,进而对各区选泵。这种分区选择方式,克服了以往以卫生器具的最大承压力作为分区依据的缺陷,能够考虑经济性和用水可靠性,获得给水系统的最优分区数。 本文借鉴城市管网优化设计的经验和前人的研究成果,并结合建筑管网的特点,对室外管网压力下和水泵加压下的管网分别建立线性规划和非线性规划数学模型,求解获得满足用户用水要求的各管段管径值。对室外管网压力下的建筑管网,以标准管径的管长为优化变量,以管网投资最小为目标函数,以压力和流速为约束条件建立线性规划数学模型,对管径进行优选。模型用单纯形法求解:对水泵加压下的建筑管网,对所有计算管段以标准管径为优化变量,以管网投资最小或年费用最小为目标函数,建立非线性规划数学模型,用遗传算法进行求解。通过求解,结果表明:能获得合理的管网配管,可对无水箱供水方式下的管网选泵;同时优化设计具有节省投资、提高设计效率的作用。 根据本文的研究结果,编制了相应的管网优化设计程序,包括线性规划法,遗传算法,该程序具有通用性,能用于各种管网的优化设计。

【Abstract】 High-rise’s water supply system is an important component of high-rise,who is far superior to general water supply system in technology scope and design depth because of the particularity of high-rise, such as more floors, big height, wide functions, complex structure and being restricted to all kinds of external conditions. In the design of high-rise water supply system there are many unsolved problems both here and abroad.Especially, with the perfection of all kinds of establishmnent such as water supplyhot water system, drainage water, fire control, central heating and wiring, which lead to the increase of all kinds of pipes and consequently the fee will increase. Under this condition it is necessary to look for the most economical optimal design, including selecting rational water supply manners, having optimal vertical subarea, pipe networks optimal design and rational pump selection, to save investment and resource.However little work has been done in these fields to this day. This paper is just based on this demand and to do some work on the optimal design of high-rise water supply system. Some satisfied results have been got.This paper emp1oys Analytical Hierarchy Process (ALP for short) to select waterSupply manner. Aiming at all kinds of manners (eight kinds), this paper considersquestion from possessive building area, equipment investment, water supply reliability. energy consumption and management convenience extent and also considers the opinions of owner and experts as well as manner’s applicabi1ity synthetically. By the way of ALP we can get a building’s relatively optimal water supply manner. The result shows that : this way can supply a gist for scheme selectionand make it more rational.From the viewpoint of system this paper makes an optimal water supply verticalsubarea for high-rise. On the precondition of satisfying the consumers’ waterutilization demands this paper considers the factors of the investment of pipes andequipment, management fee, construction investment. Through a mathematical model,we can get the optimal subarea number, each riser pipes’ diameter, horizontaldistribution pipes’ diameter and select each subarea’s pump type also. This subareaselection manner overcomes the shortcoming of taking sanitary ware’s utmost bearingforce as the gist of vertical subarea, and can consider the question of economicefficiency and water utilization’s reliability By this way can we get water supplysystem’s optimal subarea number.This paper benefits from the experience of city pipe network’s optima1 designand predecessors’ research accomplishments, combines the characteristics of building ABSTRACT一pipe network and establishes linearprogr删ming model andnon-linearProgrammingmodel to pipe network under outdoorpipe network pressure and pump pressureresgectivelt·几 the formerthis paPertakesthe standarddiameter’spipe lengthasoPtimal variable,the least pipe network investment as objective function along withvelocity and pressure as restriction conditionic form a linearprograrnming model.The model can be solved by simplex method,T帅ugh the model we can get thetubulations’oPtimal diameter.h the ataterthis papertakes standard diameter asoptimal variable to all the pipes and takesthe least pipe network investment or leastannual cost as function’s objective to establish a non-linear progra。lug.The paperemploys Genetic Algorithm to solve this model.The result shows that:by this mannercan we obtain rational pipe network tubing and have pump selection also,and at thesame time the optimal design has the effect ofsaving investment and improvingdesign efficiency. According to this paper’s researchresult,relatedprogramming ofpipe networkoptimal design has been programmed including linear programming program,GeneticAlgorithm program.These programs haVe versatility and it can be used in other kindsofpipe network”s optimal design.

  • 【分类号】TU821
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】837