

A Study on Local Government’s Function and Behavior in Local Tourism Marketing

【作者】 张学斌

【导师】 杨恭辅;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 <WP=3>摘要在人类即将迈进新世纪之际,伴随着全球经济一体化和多元文化的共存并进,资讯和交通的日益发达,人类在交流、提高生活质量方面的需求日趋强烈。因此,旅游活动作为人们追求生活中更高层次精神享受的方式之一,将演变成为一种大众时尚,旅游业也因此而备受关注。在我国,国家已将旅游业确定为国民经济新的增长点,在许多地方政府的区域产业定位中,旅游业被定位为本地区未来的支柱产业而重点发展。我国旅游业发展中一直采取政府主导战略,随着地方政府的介入,这种主导作用必将进一步加强。在区域旅游营销中,地方政府虽然不是以直接盈利为目的的组织,但他们在促进和扩大商业性经营部门的盈利方面起着重要的支持作用。同样,在遏制旅游业发展中的负面效应,保持旅游资源的可持续利用,使旅游业的经济效益符合全社会的利益方面,地方政府的导向作用更为重要。因此地方政府在区域旅游发展和营销中的作用日益受到重视。 但是在市场经济运行机制下,政府的作用应该怎样体现,如何处理好与企业和市场的关系,成为亟待研究的课题。本论文即试图运用市场营销和整合营销传播的理论和方法,以地方政府及其主管部门作为营销主体,分析研究他们在旅游营销中的作用及行为。 论文的第一部分论述了我国旅游业的发展及存在的问题。首先介绍了旅游及旅游业的有关概念,以及旅游产品不同于其他产品的一些特性和旅游业的特点。旅游产品具有生产与消费的同步性、无形性、不可贮存性、所有权不可转移性等主要特性。对产品的消费必须以旅游者的移动来实现。由于旅游者的旅游活动涉及了“食、住、行、游、娱、购”六大部分,因此而决定了旅游业的综合性。其次,分析了旅游业在国民经济中的作用。正是由于旅游产业的综合性,使其与其他产业相比,在国民经济体系中具有明显的关联、启动和先导作用。主要体现在:带动国民经济和地区经济全面发展、增加利税和货币收入、促进相关行业的发展、优化产业结构、扶贫致富、广泛吸纳就业、提高国民素质和生活质量等诸多方面。第三,论述了我国旅游业的发展概况及存在的问题。我国旅游业从改革开放前的外交工作的补充形<WP=4>式,迅速发展成为第三产业中的重要产业。产业地位不断提高,规模不断扩大,发展的软硬环境日趋改善,市场结构逐步完善,产品类型也日益丰富。但是也存在着对国民经济的贡献率不高,旅游资源受到损害,产品开发市场导向不清,旅游目的地形象模糊,经营管理水平低下等问题。原因之一是政府在旅游业发展中缺乏市场营销观念,没能很好地发挥作用。 论文的第二部分分析了政府在旅游业发展中的作用。在我国旅游业的发展中国家一直采取的是“政府主导型”发展战略。各地方政府也有意识或无意识地实施着政府主导作用。这是由于旅游业涉及到众多行业,旅游产品的包装表现为信息形态,旅游经营需要跨区域、跨部门,大型基础设施建设、旅游环境整治、旅游教育等为非企业行为,以及旅游地形象的宣传等,在客观上需要政府的宏观控制、指导与启动作用。作者还通过世界各国的实践加以佐证。论文进一步分析了政府在旅游业发展中的作用应该主要体现在规范市场、引导投资走向、规划资源开发、营造发展环境、进行目的地整体营销等几个方面。指出政府应充分发挥宏观调控作用,应该着眼于弥补市场缺陷,而不是代替市场直接参与或干预旅游企业自身的管理与经营。在旅游市场的激烈竞争中,许多地区已经意识到必须把整个区域作为一个整体的旅游目的地来进行营销。由于旅游企业的局限性,是无力承担区域旅游营销任务的。惟有地方政府作为本区域社会经济发展的全面领导者和综合管理者,才能以社会市场营销的观念,从全局角度,将区域作为一个旅游目的地整体来考虑营销政策,平衡各种利害关系,兼顾全社会的利益,避免那些因旅游盲目发展而带来的负面效应。政府在区域旅游营销中的作用是:在保护的基础上开发、利用好本地区的旅游资源,引导企业为旅游者提供有吸引力的旅游产品;建设和改造对外交通、基础设施等硬件环境,提高旅游目的地的可达性;为旅游者提供安全、愉快、满意的软环境;通过对区域旅游形象的塑造与传播,吸引潜在旅游者前来旅游,达到旅游营销的目的。 论文的第三部分以崇明岛为案例,分析、研究了地方政府在区域旅游营销中,应该如何运用市场营销的观念将整个区域作为旅游目的<WP=5>地进行营销,指出区域旅游营销的核心是旅游形象的营销。作者认为,区域旅游营销也应该按照市场营销的原理,遵循营销管理程序而进行。因此作为地方政府在进行区域旅游营销时,首先要分析区域的“SWOT”、研究客源市场;然后根据客源市场的需求、区域内旅游资源禀赋和竞争优势,确定本区域的旅游定位、规划旅游产品;在后通过发掘地域文化,结合旅游定位,确定本区域的旅游形象;最后是将区域的旅游形象传播给潜在旅游者。作者分析了崇明县政府在这些方面的成功做法以及不足。并着重研究了旅游目的地形象的塑造和传播方式,以及提升旅游目的地形象的途径。 论文的结论是:在市场经济体制下,政府对旅游业发展的主导作用应该是一种宏观调控的作

【Abstract】 <WP=6>AbstractTourism is now in vogue as one of the main higher-level spirit enjoyments. People pay close attention to the tourism. In 1998 Chinese Central Government chose tourism as the new economic increasing point for the national economy. Many local governments also chose the tourist trade as the main industry in the position of local industries, and give concrete policies and methods to support the development of the tourist industry. Actually China adopted a strategy of "Government Orientation" policy in the tourist trade. This function will be strengthened if the local government get involved in this trade. The main function of the local governments will be very important on the containment of the negative effects of the tourism development, keeping the function of the tourism resources, the economic efficiency consistent with the whole society’s efficiency. In the local tourism marketing, the local governments will have important role in supporting and increasing the efficiency of the business departments. Under the operating system of market economy, how to carry the function of the local governments and how to manage the enterprise and the market, are critical issues which should be studied. This thesis is on the behavior and functions of the local governments as the main topic using the marketing theories.The first part is about the issues of the tourism development and current positions in China. Tourism is a comprehensive activity including six parts of the tourist as "food, lodging, traveling, tour, entertainment and shopping". Comprehensiveness is the most important characteristics of tourism. Tourist industry consists by several interrelated and independent industrial factors. They are combined as a longer industrial chain. It makes the tourists industry have an outstanding interrelated and leading function in the national economic systems. After the reform and opening to the outside world in China the tourist industry was considered as from the supplementary form of the diplomatic activity to the important sector of the third industry. Tourism has made great achievements: the position of the industry is increased, the tourism volume is larger, the soft and hard environment is better, the market system is developed, the tourist products are abundant. Though it still has the problems as the ratio of the contribution to the national economy is low, the tourism resources are deteriorated, the orientation of product development is not clear, the duplication of the tourist products, the vague impression of the tourism destination, low management quality etc. It seems that the leading function of the local government is not good, or some of the local governments lack of ideas of marketing, they do not operate under the principles of market economic law and abuse of the power and hinder the development of the tourism industry.The second part of this thesis analyses the functions of the government in the tourism development. The leading function of the government depends on the characteristics of the tourism itself. The author evidences its point of view with the actual activities from other countries. It states the roles of the government as following: regulating the market, directing the investment, planning the development of tourism resources, <WP=7>managing the development environment and designing the comprehensive destination marketing etc. It points out that the government should strengthen the macro-economic regulation instead of intervention of the management and operation of the tourism industry in order to remedy the market defect. As a tourism enterprise it can not shoulder the responsibility to market for the local tourism. The local government has the responsibility to shoulder it since the government is the whole and comprehensive leader in the local economic and social development. It is also only the local government that can take the whole marketing policy as a whole towards the tourism destination. The local governments have to balance the interests of all parties and take t

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