

【作者】 黄海涛

【导师】 孙维炎;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的专业外贸出口公司在国家政策的指导和保护下,曾为我国出口贸易的长足发展作出过重大贡献,有过辉煌业绩。随着我国改革开放政策的深入贯彻实施,外贸政策有了重大的发展和变化,专业外贸出口公司如何在新的形势下克服困难,再创辉煌,这便是本篇论文所要探讨的问题。本文开头简要回顾了1978年以前我国的对外贸易体制的主要特点以及这种外贸体制存在的严重弊病。同时,扼要描述了1979年以后外贸体制改革的过程。进出口经营权的放开,一方面促进了我国出口的迅速增长,另一方面使专业公司失去特权陷入了困境。但这是一个进步,它将导致出口行业逐步实现完全公平和公开的竞争,将国有外贸公司完全推向市场。论文接着讨论了当前我国专业外贸公司所处的环境。随着世界经济全球化的迅速发展和跨国公司直接进入我国,以及我国生产企业直接对外营销,使专业出口公司承受越来越大的压力。 其它发展中国家的经济发展及其出口产品的日益丰富,质量的提高对我国产品形成竞争。但另一方面,由于其国内市场的日益发展,也为我国的出口创造了新的增长点。 发达国家产业结构调整,越来越多地把力量集中于高新技术产业,其一般工业品越来越依赖进口,这也为我国产品的出口提供了越来越大的市场。<WP=3> 此外,论文分析了三资企业出口的迅速发展,工业企业自营出口的发展,和外贸个体户群体的形成和发展等情况,进而指出我国专业外贸出口公司目前处在一个机遇与挑战并存,而威胁大于机遇的处境之中。外贸公司主要在下列各方面面临着激烈的竞争:货源、市场、渠道、人才、管理、服务和价格。 随后,论文采用了典型案例分析的方法,以作者所在的中艺陶瓷贸易实业公司为实例,从其发展历史,和几个阶段业务发展情况,成功经验和失败教训入手,分析了公司存在的问题和造成这些问题的历史原因,并对公司现状进行了剖析,找出公司当前存在的不利于竞争的劣势以及公司发展的潜在优势。 论文接着从这一案例所得出的结论推广开去,认为这些结论也适用于其它的国有专业外贸公司,包括其人事制度明显存在计划经济痕迹,影响公司的高效运行;普遍存在资本金很少,利息负担沉重,财务管理上漏洞大,综合管理费用高等情况;经营管理上存在官商作风;分配制度和激励机制还存在平均主义、论资排辈、奖罚不分明等现象。论文同时指出专业外贸公司仍然拥有宝贵的资源。此外国家政策对专业外贸公司仍然会支持一段时间。专业外贸公司还拥有一大批高素质的业务人员,广泛而稳定的营销网络,以及在融资方面的强大优势。论文还认为, 我国加入世界贸易组织将使专业外贸公司面临更大的挑战。<WP=4>在上述分析的基础上,论文总结归纳了专业外贸公司的竞争优势和劣势。 论文在最后一章,在分析探讨的基础上,试论专业外贸出口公司的出路。论文认为专业外贸出口公司应该建立“产权清晰,权责分明,政企分开,管理科学”的现代企业制度。并指出进行股份制改造是建立现代企业制度的最有效途径,同时也有助于解决沉重的历史包袱问题。 外贸专业公司进行股份制改造,其最后目标应该是通过内部职工持股,以增加企业外部活力和内部凝聚力;通过互相参股实现企业间联合;通过控股形成核心企业对周围企业的母子公司关系,以资产和经营为纽带,将各企业联合为一个有机体。在条件成熟的时候,发展我国的综合商社。 论文认为现代企业制度的基本特征之一就是要建立科学的企业领导体制和组织管理制度,形成激励和约束相结合的经营机制。专业外贸公司要通过管理体制的变革,包括建立科学、规范的管理制度;实行目标管理,提高员工积极性;压缩管理人员,降低管理费用;建立合理的分配和激励机制,稳定职工队伍;有效利用企业资源等手段,来提高效率。 论文最后提出了制订专业外贸公司全球营销战略的建议,包括:一,创立专业出口公司自己的品牌。专业公司可以通过品牌,将生产厂家的产品转化成自己的产品。在基本功能保持不变的前提下,品牌会成为消费者选择购买的主要因素,从而使国外进口商和国内厂家都<WP=5>离不开这个品牌;二,实施关系营销策略,建立稳固的国际营销网络。在生产厂家-专业出口公司-国外进口商这条供应链中,专业公司处于中间位置,要处理好和生产厂家以及和国外进口商的关系,使之成为利益共同体,三方面都能够在合作中获取应有的利益,这样的营销网络就可以稳定发展,专业公司才可以从中受益。买卖方在交易中双赢,是成功的关键; 三,建立战略联盟。专业外贸公司在制定企业的发展战略时,要考虑到与潜在的竞争对手发展战略联盟关系。在当今激烈竞争的国际环境中,开发国际市场靠出口企业本身的力量是不够的,应尽量而广泛地,甚至与自己的竞争对手结成联盟,从而减低风险和成本,提高企业总体竞争能力。论文的结论是,专业外贸公司只有适应环境,不断进行内部调整,克服竞争劣势,发扬竞争优势,同时创造新的优势,才能得到长期稳定的发展。

【Abstract】 Under the guidance and protection of our country’s policy, State-run specialized export companies had once made great contributions to the rapid development of China’s export business. The foreign trade policy has been changed and developed greatly along with the exercise of the policy of economic reform and opening to the outside world. It is to discuss in this thesis how the state-run specialized export companies can overcome difficulties and make great success again in new situation.In the beginning, the thesis briefly reviews the characteristics and shortcomings of our foreign trade system before 1978. Then, the process of foreign trade system reform after 1979 is compendiously described. The right of foreign trade was delegated to enterprises other than state-run foreign trade companies, and thus the country’s export business has been expanded rapidly, but, on the other hand, state-run specialized export companies lose their prerogative and fell into difficulties. However, this is a progress so far as foreign trade is concerned. It will lead to a fair and open competition in foreign trade business, and push specialized export companies into the competitive market.The present environment for the state-run specialized export companies is then discussed. With the rapid development of the <WP=7>globalization of the world economy, multinationals come to invest in our country and our industrial firms do business in the international market directly, thus the state-run specialized export companies have been under higher and higher pressure. The economic booms of other developing countries makes their products more and more competitive to our products. But on the other hand, the development of their local market offers us potential export business.Developed countries concentrate their industry in high and new technology, and they import more and more normal products, and it offers bigger and bigger market to China’s state-run specialized export companies.And then, this thesis describes the facts of the rapid development of export by joint ventures and our own industrial firms. And the private exporters play a more and more important role in export business, which has placed the state-run specialized export companies in a situation with both challenges and opportunities, but more challenges than opportunities. They mainly face keen competitions in products, market, networks, personnel, management, service and price.Then, a case study of China Ceramics and General Trading Enterprise in which the author works is used as a sample, and by studying its history, business in every stage, experience and lessons, the main problems and <WP=8>the historical reasons by which the problems caused are analyzed. And the recent condition, the disadvantages and advantages of the company are described.The conclusions drawn from this company are similar to other state-run specialized export companies. They have the following characteristics: the trace of planned economy still affects the personnel system; high capital-debit rate make them bear big amount of interests; operating cost is high; bureaucracy still exists; the allocation and prompting policy cannot meet the requirements of market economy.In the meantime, the thesis points out that state-run specialized export companies still have precious resources such as the support of certain government policies, rich experience in doing export business and reliable marketing network. Based on the above analysis, the thesis sums up the advantages and disadvantages of state-run specialized export companies in the competitive market, including qualified personnel with rich experience, good reputation in the world business circle, easy access to the world market information, etc.However, on the other hand, they bear heavy various burdens, low efficiency caused by inadequate administrative structure, high operating cost, poor personnel resource development programs, and poor operation, distribution, incentive systems.<WP=9> In the last chapter, the thesis trie

【关键词】 竞争 改革 出路
  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】707