

Functions of a Translator in Rendering Culturally Sensitive Text

【作者】 陈延兵

【导师】 王学文;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 英语, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 <WP=3>摘要一、 主旨、理论、方法本论文的主旨是探讨译者在处理文化类敏感文本中的作用。目前中国的翻译市场处于有史以来的高峰期,被称为第四次翻译高潮,其规模之大,频率之繁,数量之盛,所涉领域之多,都远远地超过前三次翻译高潮。这三次高潮是指东汉到唐宋的佛经翻译、明末清初的科技翻译和鸦片战争至“五四”的西学翻译。四次翻译高潮的启动都以社会对新信息的渴求为契机。而此次高潮的出现是以全球信息时代的降临为始端,信息爆炸的现实要求人类进行更快捷、更准确、更和谐的交流,译者必然成为这种交流中的活跃因素,由“隐形”(invisibility)转向“有形”(visibility),由“边缘化”(marginality)转向“中心化”(centralization)。传统翻译研究中,将译者隐去,只对原作和译作进行文本比较显然是不全面的。从指导理论方面讲,翻译研究已日益显现出其综合学科的本质,它是多种知识体系的交汇与融合,因而需要借助多学科的理论研究成果对翻译实践进行描述与解释。本论文以古典符号学(它分为语义学、句法学和语用学三个分支)为理论框架,综合运用了语义学理论,语用学中的言语行为理论(Speech Act Theory)对翻译活动进行了解释。另外, 本文从哲学的高度对翻译研究的科学性进行了论证。本文还采纳了文化人类学对文化所提出的一些观点。在进行译者认知敏感的论证时,采用了认知心理学的视角。从具体的方法方面讲,除了使用语义成份分析法和言语行为分析法之外,还使用了译例对比分析法、统计分析法、数学模型法、解释性模型法等等。在现代翻译理论中,GideonToury的描述翻译学(Descriptive Translation Studies)、Hans J. Vermeer的目的论(Skopos Theory)、后现代主义 (Postmodernism)、博奕论(Game Theory)、Norlert Wiener的控制论 (Cybernetics)等理论对本文的撰写有一定影响。本论文力求综合运用多种理论与方法,从而对译者的翻译行为做出理论上的解释,以期达到哲学上的高度和分析上的深度。二、 论证过程本文以对翻译的本体论思考为出发点,对什么是翻译,翻译是否是一门科学,这两个翻译研究的基本问题进行了探讨,并从符号学的角度对翻译进行了定义。该定义强调翻译是一个持续的语际间的信息交流过 程,它通过译者对表层的语言符号的处理和对深层的文化因素的处理来实现这一过程。本论文从这一过程中分析出八个参数和三个系统,并对它们之间的关系进行了分析,从而奠定了译者在翻译过程中的多功能地位:译者是整个翻译过程的支点,没有他/她的存在,整个翻译过程将无法成立;译者处于多系统的交汇处,他/她在语言、文化、社会等不同层面上综合地起着作用。<WP=4>以下即是各参数和系统在翻译过程中的关系的模型。 A Polysystemic Model of Parameters in Translation Process在各参数关系分析过程中,本文对(1)翻译过程的启动,(2)翻译能力及特点,(3)TAP方法对了解译者翻译过程的帮助,(4)译品的无限性与多样性,(5)翻译过程的终点等问题提出了自己的观点,尤其是在3.3.3一节中,提出了“相关”概念(relevance),重新解释了作者、原作、译者、译品之间的关系,并从自然现实、心理现实和文化现实的深层关系透视了尤金·奈达的“对等”概念的不可实现性。以此为基础设计了相关概念模型,译者的创造力在这一模型中可以得到恰当的解释。<WP=5>A Model of Relevance in the Link of ST-Tor-Tum以翻译过程中的参数关系分析为基础,第四章引入了文化和认知敏感两个维度。对文化的概念,本文基于前辈学人的研究提出了四点建议。对认知敏感的理解,作者依据认知心理学的研究成果和经验主义的思路设立了认知敏感的模型。通过对翻译过程中的参数、文化和认知敏感的分析,本文界定文化类敏感文本为:由于人类对语言内涵意义(connotation)甚于指示意义(denotation),而内涵意义深刻地依赖于文化系统,文化系统又潜在地规范着人类的思维模式和行为,所以一切文本都是文化类敏感文本,但敏感的程度却强弱不同。译者应具有敏感的意识去翻译文本中的文化因素,以期达到快捷、准确、和谐的交流。为了做到这一点,论文提出了处理文化类敏感文本的两个方法和一个标准。从以上分析中论文得出以下结论:翻译过程是信息交流的过程,翻译是一种媒体,而译者在处理文化类敏感文本中的作用是媒体操作。译者具体地在三个层面上起着作用:语符信息传输(linguistic information transfer) 、文化信息监控 (cultural information monitorship) 和信息交流调节 (communication mediation)。本论文用译例分析法对译者进行翻译媒体的 操作进行了分析,并提出了具体的操作建议。最后提出,译者在处理文化类敏感文本的作用的最高表现形式是创造了一种混合文化。因为译 品,或称之为混合文本,既部分地丧失了译出语文化的特征,又无法完全符合译入语的文化规范,这种独特的文化现象本文称之为混合文化。混合文化是一种暂时的现象,如果它被译入语文化抛弃,那么它

【Abstract】 <WP=8>AbstractThe present thesis attempts to investigate the functions of a translator in rendering culturally sensitive text. In the traditional translation studies, the translator has invited both favorable and unfavorable comments. On the favorable side, the translator is designated a creative representative of the source text author, and an educator of the readership. On the unfavorable side, the translator is viewed as a traitor who can not faithfully convey the thought of the source text author onward to the readership. S/he has even been nicknamed a tyrant because s/he has the power to manipulate the source text in the translation process. These diverse opinions incur puzzlement on the functions of a translator. The main concern of the thesis is to clarify the puzzlement and define the functions of a translator.The academic endeavor is a defense against the traditional paradigm built between the authors and translators, original and translatum, composition and translation. The fantasy of viewing the author, original and composition as stable, primary and authentic source has been deconstructed, while the marginality and invisibility imposed on a translator have been substituted by centrality and visibility. The tradition to associate a translator with secondariness and failure has been criticized and the multifunctional position is established.The departure point of the investigation is the ontological reflection on translation. What is translation? Is translation a science? A serious doubt is cast upon the philosophy of modern science. The controlled laboratory experiment is the salient feature of modern science. But in the real-life world, too many elements are out of control.The results derived from the controlled laboratory experiments may be perfect in laboratory but may have serious flaws in the real-life world. If one result can not serve human beings better, it may either mislead human activities or cause harm upon our species. Therefore, the purpose of thesis is to bring the real-life dimension into the philosophy of modern science. In this way, translation can make a step further to be acknowledged as a branch of science because translation occurs in a translator’s use of language in the real-life world. Only in such a world, its value can be evaluated.With the adjustment of the position of translation in the scientific world, the thesis suggests a <WP=9>definition of translation under the framework of semiotics. It defines that translation is a continuous process in which the interlingual communication occurs through the operation of linguistic signs in the surface structure and cultural elements in the deep structure by a translator. On the basis of this definition, the thesis hereby conducts an anatomy of the translation process. Eight parameters and three systems are identified and a polysystemic model of parameters in translation process is established.A Polysystemic Model of Parameters in Translation ProcessThe position of a translator in the polysystemic model lies at the point of convergence as the figure shows. A translator immerses in both the source and target text cultures as well as the translation process system. Hence a translator occupies a functional position. To illustrate the importance of a translator in a translation process, four links in the translation process are under examination: the IC-IT Link, the ST-Tor-Tum Link, the ST-Tor-Tum-Rer Link, and the Tor-Tum-Rer Link. Then, what are the functions of a translator, specifically in rendering culturally sensitive text? Firstly, the author pinpoints the concept of culture through a series of statements. The core statements among them are: * Culture is not only a term to cover material phenomena, but also more importantly, to serve as an invisible institution in organizing all human activities.* <WP=10>Culture is the presentation of history in a certain reality.* Culture inhabits individual mind.* Culture is stable with only slight fluctuation

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