

【作者】 张重刚

【导师】 林今柱; 辛世俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 卫生事业改革是我国改革开放和现代化建设事业的重要组成部分,是社会主义文化建设和社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,从广义上讲,也是有中国特色社会主义实践的一个重要方面。改革是社会主义发展的根本动力,也是推进卫生事业健康发展的根本动力。卫生事业改革是在中国经济体制改革和经济社会发展的大背景下进行的,这就要求卫生事业要通过改革,建立起与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的新的卫生体制。 我国的卫生体制是几十年计划经济条件下形成的。从八十年代初开始,卫生事业虽然进行了一些改革探索,但是尚未触及其深层次的矛盾和问题。诸如卫生事业多头管理,条块分割;资源配置不合理,城市相对过剩,农村严重不足;在城市,省、市级医疗卫生单位资源过剩,基层社区卫生资源严重匮乏;医疗卫生机构重复设置,无序竞争,资源浪费;医疗保险制度不健全,社会保障覆盖面小,基本医疗卫生保健缺乏公平性;卫生费用增长过快,国家财政和职工不堪重负;卫生法规不健全,执法软弱乏力,医疗秩序混乱;公立医疗卫生单位法人自主权极小,管理体制和运行机制缺乏活力;产权不明晰,公立医疗机构垄断市场,缺乏有效的竞争机制;卫生服务总体质量下降,效率不高,难以适应不同层次医疗保健需求。凡此种种,都与建立社会主义市场经济体制存在相当大的距离。甚至现行的卫生管理体制在某种程度上,障碍了社会保障体系的建立和完善,对建立社会主义市场经济体制还有一些消极影响。 因此,可以说目前的形势是,社会主义市场经济体制呼唤卫生事业改革,要求建立新的卫生体制与纠B适应、相协调。社会主义市场经济体制,既要求建立和完善现代企业制度,建立与纠目适应的民主政治制度及法律体系,同时还要求建立和,完善社会保障体系。卫生事业作为社会保障体系的重要组成部.I分,其发展必须与国民经济和社会 目适应、相协调,才能 乏对经济发展、社瓣定以及市场经济体制的建立起到促邮用和保障作用。 卫生事业改革的内容包括,实行全行业管理、建立新的医疗蛐分类管理制度、建立健全社区卫生服务组织同综合医院和专科医院合理分工的医疗服务体系、加强卫生资源配置的宏观管理、改革预防保健体系、转变公立医疗卫生机构的运行机制、实行医药分开核算分别管理、完善卫生经济政策、建立卫生执法体系、加强药品执法监督管理、实行乡村一体化管理、开展农村合作医疗等方面的内容。本文重点从转变政府职能、资源配置、执法监督、医疗保险、产权制度、产业化发展、卫生经济政策等方面进贿究和探讨。 在转变职能上,强调突破传统意义上卫生事业性质的束缚,确立卫生事业既是社会福利性事业,但又必须走产业化发展之路;政府主管部门要牢固树立蛐观念和群众观念,从过去部门利益的代言人,转变为人民群众利益的代表者,走出“部门卫生”的小天地,转向全行业管理的“大卫生”。实现由微观向宏观,由部门向行业,由卫生机构管理向全社会卫生管理的转变。Z 在资源配置止,强调按照世界卫生组织(WHO)提出的“卫’生服是指人民健康水平的提高,不是指卫生资源的服和增 一长”这一新思想,加强政府宏观调控,实施区域卫生规划,依2 据需求配置资源,疏导卫生资源向基层社区流动。政府对卫生 的投入,应向农村和社区基层倾斜。 在执法监督上,强调加快卫生法制建设,健全卫生执法体 系,加大执法力度,实施依法管理、依法监督。严钛击非法 行医和不正当竞争行为,保护医疗卫生机构和消费者的合法权 益,营造一个规范、公平、有序的竞争环境。 在医疗保险制度上,强调扩大城乡居民的覆盖面,在更广 范围内为广大群众提供基本医疗保健服务。把社会保障与商业 保险结帧来,提高医疗保险。程度和水平。 在产权制度改革上,强调i借鉴国有企业改革的经验,实行 所有权与经营权分离,扩大法人自主经营权。探索形式多样的 改制形式,如股份制、股份合作制、内部职工控股制、医院集 团、拍卖转让等。 在产业化发展上,强调开放医疗市场,规范竞争行为,引 导正当竞争。鼓励和引导非国有经济参与卫生资源书乙\,扩大 其在医疗卫生事业中的占有份·额。引导个体私营经济进入医疗 服务领域,鼓励多种所有制经济成分参与卫生产业,包括引进 国外资本兴办卫生产业。同时,运用市场经济杠杆,实现卫生 市场的有序竞争。 在完善经济政策上,强调健全和完善政府投入机制,将卫 生投入纳入法制化管理的轨道,。建立科学合理的医疗价格服务 体制,降低全社会医药费用。发挥税收杠杆作用,调控卫生事 业有序发展。制订多元化卫生筹资政策,调动社会力量投资卫 生保健事业。

【Abstract】 The health undertakings reform is an important constituent part of reforming, opening-up and the cause of modernizing construction in China. It is the principal content of establishment both in socialistic culture and in socialistic spirit civilization, and broadly speaking, it is also one of the fundamental sections of Chinese characteristic socialistic practice. Reformation is a radical power of developing socialism. At the same time, it is also a main force of promoting healthy development of health undertakings. The health undertakings reform is being proceeded under the background of Chinese economic system reform and economic society development, so it is necessary that a new health system that may adapt to socialistic market economy system should be built up by the means of reformation. The Chinese health system was founded at the condition of planned economy lasted for several decades. The preliminary research in the health undertakings reform had been done since the early 1980抯. However it had not dealt with the deeper contradiction and problems yet, such as multiple management of medical institutions, isolation and separation of departments; unreasonable allocation of health resources, surplus of urban provincial and municipal medical units but severe shortage in grass-roots communities and rural areas; repeated establishment of medical organizations, inordinate competition, waste of medical resources; imperfection of medical insurance system, small coverage 4 in social guarantee system, unjust basic medical and healthy system; fast increase of medical expenses not to be afforded by the state finances and the individuals; imperfection of the laws and regulations of health and impotence of executing the law, disorder of medical status; absence in the right of acting on one抯 own for the law persons of public medical units, deficiency of vigor in the management and administration system; unclearness of property right, market monopoly of public medical institutions and lack of effective competition system; decline of health services quality as a whole, low efficiency of management and so on. All these problems, even present health administration system to some extent, not only severely obstructed the setting-up and perfection of social guarantee system, but also had a negative influence on the establishment of socialistic market economy system. As for the problems mentioned above, the present situation showed that socialistic market economy system called for the health undertakings reform so as to make the new health system harmonize with the market economy. The socialistic market economy system not only demanded the building-up and improvement of modern enterprises system, democracy and political system and laws system, but also required the establishment and perfection of social guarantee system. The health undertakings is an important constituent part of the social guarantee system, so it should be developed and perfected in accordance with the national economy and society development. Thus we could fully play an important role of health facilities in promoting the formation of market economy system and guaranteeing the economic development and social stability. For the reformation of health undertakings, on the one

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】R19
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】482