


【作者】 何晴

【导师】 董红敏;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 环境工程, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 针对畜禽养殖业中的疫病损失巨大和畜禽场的环境污染严重问题,为了隔断畜禽场疫病的交叉感染以及畜禽生产对大气环境的污染,本文在理论分析的基础上,设计了中效过滤系统以及生物质挡尘墙分别对畜禽舍的进气与排气进行净化,并在北京市种禽公司的后备鸡场与20万蛋鸡场进行了现场效果测试。 中效过滤系统采用中效过滤装置与正压送风装置,总送风量为54660m3/h,总有效过滤面积为61.6m2,空气流经滤材的流速V0为0.246m/s。经过整个育雏期的测试,结果表明:育雏舍的外界空气处于普通空气与轻度污染空气的界限范围内,经过中效过滤系统处理,流入空气达到了清洁空气的标准。中效过滤系统对总悬浮颗粒物过滤效率达75%,可吸入颗粒物的过滤效率为30%,微生物过滤效率达90%。雏鸡生长速率提高2.5%~25.5%,均匀度提高4%~20%,死亡率下降1%。其中,雌鸡的受益较雄鸡更为明显。证明了采用中效过滤膜能够明显改善动物生长状况,可以用于畜禽舍的进气净化。 生物质挡尘墙以为秸杆主要填充材料,全长17米,厚0.5米,高3米,置于排风机后4.8米处。测试表明:经过挡尘墙处理,排风机后10米处的空气质量从超标数倍的严重污染降到正常空气界限之内。总悬浮颗粒物浓度与可吸入颗粒物浓度,挡尘墙内侧的分别下降42%与46%,外侧分别下降77%与55%。空气中的微生物总数与大肠杆菌浓度可以降低85%以上。挡尘墙外侧的臭气浓度降到内侧的50%。挡尘墙对鸡舍通风系统不造成影响,而排风区风速迅速降低,内侧与外侧的降幅分别为12%与77%。

【Abstract】 The polluted air in livestock farms associated with the epidemic disease outbreak and the environment problems. The objective of this study is to control the inlet and outlet air contaminants by removing the suspending particles. Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper designed the positive pressure ventilation systems with medium filters and the biomass dust-break wall to control inlet and outlet air pollution, respectively. The air contaminants make adverse effect on animals, especially for the newborns. So positive pressure ventilation systems with medium filters were installed in a full size Chicky occupied with about 12000 chicks to improve the inlet air quality. The ventilation rate was 54660m3/h which is based on maximum ventilation requirement of 3 - 4 m3/h per chick. The efficiency filter area was 61.6 m. The medium filter can remove 75% of TSP, 30% ofPMlO and 90% of Microbes suspending in the inlet air, respectively. After filtration, inlet air quality reached clean air standards. Compared with standard growth index, the gain in weight is increased by 2.5% - 25.5%, equality is increased by 4% ?20%, and mortality is reduced by 1%. In addition, it seems that the females could get more benefit than males from the same filtration system. A biomass dust-break wall filled with straw is designed to control the dust and odor emission from tunnel ventilated layer housing. A 17 metre x 3 metre x 0.5 metre sized dust-break wall was placed 4.8 m downwind of the exhaust-fan of a 3 level cage layers. The results of field experiment show that dust-break wall makes a good control for particles, microbe and odor emission. At lOin downwind to the exhaust-fan (about 4.7m downwind to the windbreak wall), TSP, PMIO, total microbes and colibacillus concentrations are reduced by 77%. 55%, 88% and 85% respectively. Odor concentration is reduced by a half. After biomass dust-break wall treatment, the heavily polluted exhaust air quality is improved to normal airstandard. The results show that dust-break wall greatly reduces the wind speed atl0m downwind to the exhaust-fan, and makes little effect on the ventilation systemof the layer housing.

【关键词】 空气净化畜禽舍过滤挡尘墙
【Key words】 air pollution controllivestockfiltrationdust-break wall
  • 【分类号】X713
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】443