

【作者】 严成

【导师】 蒋爱民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品科学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 北川白山羊是四川西部的一个较为优良地方品种。但对其种质特性和肉品质缺乏系统研究。因此,该项目于1997年被列入四川省教委重点科研课题。为此,本研究于1998年开始,通过对北川白山羊中心产区自然生态条件、体形外貌、种质特性的调查和与饲养在北川县的南江黄羊在生产性能、肉品质方面的对比研究,为该品种的进一步选育提高及杂交利用提供理论依据。研究结果表明: 1.北川白山羊二、四、六、八月龄的体尺均超过南江黄羊,表现为体躯容积的宽度、深度的性状差异显著(0.01<p<0.05)。其中体高、体长、胸围、胸深、腰围、腹围、腹深、尻高和管围等性状与体重呈显著或极显著的相关(0.01<p<0.05或<0.01)。用体高、腹围、管围、胸围等体尺能可靠地预测各月龄体重。因此,在选育品种时应以上述指标作为育种的主要指标。 2.北川白山羊初生重以及各月龄的体重,一月龄、四月龄、六月龄、八月龄的日增重均显著或极显著地高于同龄的南江黄羊(p<0.01或0.01<p<0.05);北川白山羊的初生重及各月龄体重间呈极显著的正相关(p<0.01)。南江黄羊的初生重同生后各月龄体重间呈不显著的负相关(p>0.05),而生后各月龄体重间相关根显著(p<0.01)。从体尺、生长发育速度来看,北川白山羊优于南江黄羊。而肉用品种主要的指标是早期生长发育速度快,饲养期短。因此, 北川白山羊是一个较为理想的肉用山羊品种。 3.北1!l白山羊的平均宰前活重、胭体重、肌肉重、嗣体产 肉率、肉骨比均显著或极显著地高于南江黄羊门刀1印叼刀5或 p功.01人 而南江黄羊的骨骼重占胭体重的比率显著地高于北川白 山羊川.01<p<0刀5人两者的屠宰率、嗣体骨骼重量、内脏脂肪 重量和比例、眼肌面积等指标的差异不显著中>0刀5);两者腿 臀部、胸肋部和前肢肉骨比也存在显著的差异;非胭体组成部分 的重量和占活重的比例差异均不显著(p>0刀5人因此,北);旧 山羊的产肉潜力更大。 4.北)!怕山羊肌肉的系水力高于南江黄羊,而南江黄羊肌 肉的失水率、贮存损失、熟肉率均高于北川白山羊,但两者的差 异均不显著中 h 0.05入在宰后 Zh内测定的肌肉 pH值两者差异 不显著,两种羊三个不同部位肌肉(臂三头肌、背最长肌、股二 头肌)的剪切值在 5刀6刀kg N儿m‘乙间,肌肉纤维直径为 31.5《7刀 卜血根,两者的差异不显著一列刀5人 5.北川旧山羊肌肉的平均水分含量为 乃.39士0.43%,平均 粗蛋白质含量为ZI.17士0.80%,粗脂肪为2.20土0.16O,灰分为l.38f 上0.“%;而南江黄羊相应的值分别为%.m土0.96%,Zo.咒士 0.50%,2.*土0.*%,1.34土0.*%,两者差异不显著(p>0*5), 而且两品种相对应的三个不同部位肌肉平均含水量、粗蛋白、粗 脂肪和灰分差异也不显著印>0.05卜北川白山羊肌肉中蛋白质。 氨基酸的种类齐全,含量丰富,品质优于同龄的南江黄羊。 4 因此,无论从体尺、体重、生长发育速度等种质特性方面看, 北川白山羊均优于南江黄羊,而在平均宰前话重、嗣体重、肌肉 重、胭体产肉率等方面也优于南江黄羊。两品种间肉质指标差异 并不显著。北川白山羊前期生长发育快,周岁体重大,屠宰性能 好,是一个较为理想的肉用山羊品种。应加大培育和开发力度。

【Abstract】 1. The body sizes at 2,4,6,8 monthsage of Beichuan White Goats are higher than that of the contemporary control goats. The weight of the treated group and the control group are significantly and positively correlated with their body size traits, such as withers height, body length, chest girth , the depth of chest and paunch et al.(p<0.01 or 0.01 <p<O.05) Using the corresponding regression coefficients of the body height and length, the girth of chest and paunch and the shank cicurnference can predict the body weight. 2. Under extensive conditions, the birth weight, the body weight from one to eight months age and daily gains at 1,4,6,8 months age of Beichuan White Goats are singnificantly higher than those of the Nanjiang Mongalian Goats(p<0.0l or 0.0 l<p<O.O5). The birth weight and the postnatal body weight of Beichuan White Goats are significantly and positively correlated with the body weight at each month(p<0.0 1). There is no significant and negative correlation for Nanjiang MongaLian Goats between the birth weight and the postnatal weight, but the correlation coefficient among the postnatal body weight is very significant(p<0.01). 3. The average live weight, the weight of the carcass and the meat, the meat percentage of the carcass and the meat-bone ratio of the Beichuan White Goats are significantly higher than those of the control group. There is no significant difference between the treated group and the control group of the dressing percentage, the bone weight, the internal fat weight and the percentage and the ho-eye area. The difference of the meat-bone ratio of the breech and hindquarter, bisket and rib, and the forleg are very significant. 4. The difference of the water holding and lossing percentage, drip lossing percentage and the cooked meat percentage ,the pH value between the treated and the control group is not significant. The shearing values of meat in three parts rank from 5.5 to 6.0kg/cm2. The diameter of meat fiber vary from 31.5 to 37.Oum , but there is no significant difference. 5. The average water percentage , crude protein , crude fat and ashes percentage of Beichuan White Goats meat are 75.39?43 21.17 ?.80 220+0.16 and 1.38?.45 respectively , but the control group is 76.1 ?.96 20 78+0.50, 2.50?.42 and 1.34?.40 respectively. The amino acids kinds and content of Beichuan White Goatsmeat protein are abundant. The protein quantity of Beichuan White Goats is superior to that of the Nanjiang Mongalian Goats. Therefore, BeiChuan White Goat is superior to NangJiang Mongalian Goat in the breed characteristics such as body sizes, weights, 42 speeds of growth and development. At the same time, in the respects of the average live weight, the weight of the carcass and the meat. BeiChuan White Goat is still superior to NanJiang Mongahian Goat. The difference between the two breed meat quality index is not remarkable. It is a much better breed of production for meat than others, so we should strengthen our exertion to cultivate and develop BeiChuan White Goat.

【关键词】 山羊种质特性生长发育肉质
  • 【分类号】S827.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】393