

【作者】 李军

【导师】 侯铁珊;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国际贸易和国际运输的不断发展,国际货运代理业逐渐从这两个关系密切的行业里分离出来,成为独立的行业。它在发展国民经济中所起的重要作用是别的行业不可替代的,被誉为是连结货主与承运人的纽带,是国际贸易运输的组织者和设计师。他们通过采用经济有效的运输方式,对扩大贸易起到了积极的作用;通过促进出口和支持本国承运人或保险商,保持了本国收支平衡;通过使贸易及单证流程合理化,简化了贸易手续,减少了运输费用。 我国的国际货运代理业是一个新兴行业,自1984年逐步开放经营以来,不断发展壮大。随着中国“入世”进程的不断推进,我国的国际货运代理企业将面临着更多的机遇和挑战,必须借鉴欧美优秀货代企业的发展经验和教训,结合我国国情和企业自身状况,面对综合化、国际化、物流化、专业化的发展趋势,不断增强自身竞争能力,以变革求生存,生存中求发展。 本文将结合我本人的工作实践,研究我国国际货运代理业在新形势下的发展对策。

【Abstract】 International freight forwarding agency business ,which emerges from ever increasing international trade and international transportation,has become an individual business, It has undergone an important position which can not be substituted b~ others in the national economic. It is regarded as a bridge between the customers and carriers, the organizer and designer in international trade transport process. Fhe freight forwarding agency plays a positive role in the business increasing by the ecnomic and effective transportation mode. It also promotes exportation and supports native carriers and insurers to help the balance of international payments. Furthermore,it reduces the cost of transportation and makes business easier by reasonable documents~ process. Being a newly-emerging business, international freight forwarding agency in China has undergone the rapid development and occupied in the country’s foreign trade since the deregulation of the business in 1984. Along with the progress of China’s accession to WTO, international freight forwarding agency business in China will open to more opportunities and competition. Facing the tendcy of comprehensive, logistic, international and specialized, those domestic enterprises must strengthen competitive capability by learning from the overseas experiences on the basis of their concrete conditions. They must learn to survive on reform and experience an orderly development. Herein I would like to analysis and study the way to develop our domestic international freight forwarding agency business.

  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】2
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