

【作者】 熊林

【导师】 雷文慧;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 智能网电话业务(简称智能网业务)是电信运营企业在充分利用现有网络资源的条件下,通过适当投资建设智能电话网络而开发和推出的新种类的电话业务。智能网业务可以满足不同地区、不同行业、不同消费层次的机构、企业和个人对电话通信的不同需求,是电信增值业务。在电信行业格局重组后的今天,电信行业垄断的局面已经打破。四川电信面临新技术发展对传统网络的冲击、行业管制政策扶持竞争对手、市场竞争日趋激烈、业务收入被分流等等诸多压力。“生态环境”的变革迫使四川电信转变经营观念,寻求新的市场,开发新的业务。本文认为智能网业务将成为四川电信新的业务增长点之一。如何根据市场需求的差异,设计、开发和提供智能网业务以及如何策划智能网业务的营销组合,是四川电信面临的新课题,也是智能网业务发展成败的关键。在西方发达国家,智能网业务是电信公司的主要收入来源之一,例如,AT&T三分之一以上的收入与智能网业务有关,各大电信公司均有一套智能网业务发展战略。在国内,智能网业务市场开始启动,各电信运营商将会对智能网业务发展战略进行逐步深入研究。本文作者作为四川电信智能网建设项目负责人,参与了我省智能网网络规划、方案制定、项目实施管理、新业务开发计划等过程,根据实际工作经验,本文分析了四川电信面临的机遇和挑战,提出了大力推行智能网业务发展战略,对智能网业务进行了市场定位分析,提出了加快业务发展的措施,对解决当前四川电信在智能网业务发展过程中存在的主要问题具有一定的参考价值。 电信技术的进步和市场竞争正在改变着各种电信业务的格局,一些新的业务迅速崛起,一些传统业务逐渐萎缩,但可以肯定的是智能网业务的比重将会越来越大,智能网业务市场将成为电信运营商争夺的焦点,稍有不慎就会被市场无情地抛弃,四川电信如不尽快行动,从网络、业务、营销等方面做好充分准备,将会陷入被动,丧失大好市场机会,因此,充分认识发展智能网业务的战略意义,尽快实施一<WP=3>整套发展战略,是四川电信在市场竞争中立于不败之地的当务之急。四川电信智能网业务发展的总体战略是:用电信高科技在任何时间、任何地点服务于每一个人。以竞争者的姿态进入市场, 始终注重寻找客户需求的差异,不断推出新的智能网业务,并保持特色和不断创新,满足市场和竞争的需求。充分发挥网络、人才和技术优势,利用现有基础电信网络资源和庞大的客户群资源,采用灵活多样的营销策略,以不断扩大市场占有率和不断完善客户服务并重为经营目标。大力推行与基本电话业务相关的多样化业务发展战略,使基本电话业务和增值业务相互促进、共同发展。力争在2000年内实现智能网业务收入1.5亿元,在此基础上,以后五年内每年实现收入增长100%,使智能网业务逐步成为四川电信的主要收入来源之一。

【Abstract】 Telecommunications businesses, by making full use of existing network resources, make appropriate investment in establishing an Intelligence Telephone Net to develop new telephone services to meet different needs of customers in different locations, different industries and different consumption levels. It is a value-added business to telecommunications.Currently, telecommunications industry is undergoing a process of restructuring; the monopolized market has been broken. Sichuan Telecommunications is under all pressures resulting from the development of hi-tech, competition supported by regulated policies, reduced revenue caused by increasingly intensified competitive market. The rapid change of "ecological environment of telecommunications industry" forces Sichuan Telecommunications to change its business philosophy by developing some new businesses to creating a new market. This paper demonstrates that the development of Intelligence Telephone Net will become a new economic growth for Sichuan Telecommunications. The new challenge Sichuan Telecommunications faces today is to design and develop Intelligence Telephone Net and provide the service associated with this new business according to the difference in market demand. In the developed countries, Intelligence Telephone Net is one of the major revenue sources. For example, more than one third of the revenue of AT&T <WP=5>is from Intelligence Telephone Net. Each and every big telecommunications companies have their Intelligence Telephone Net business development strategies. In China, Intelligence Telephone Net market is just emerging; all telecommunications businesses will surely make a thorough study on the Intelligence Telephone Net development strategies. The author of this paper is charged with the responsibility of construction of Sichuan Intelligence Telephone Net participating in planning, designing, project managing and new business developing. Based on these practical works, the paper analyzes the opportunities and challenges Sichuan Telecommunications faces, proposes the Intelligence Telephone Net development strategy and measures of implementing this strategy. This strategy formulation and implementation will serve as a guideline in solving the problems during the process of developing Sichuan Intelligence Telephone Net.The advancement of telecommunications technology and intensity of market competition are changing the market structure of telecommunications business. New businesses are emerging while old ones are shrinking. The percentage of Intelligence Telephone Net will increase, and this market will become more and more competitive. One mistake will result in being driven out of business. Sichuan Telecommunications has to respond quickly and be well prepared in terms of network establishment, business development and marketing, otherwise, it will be in an inferior position and lose its market. Therefore, to completely understand the strategic significance of developing Intelligence Telephone Net and to formulate and implement its development strategy, are top priorities, which <WP=6>will ensure Sichuan Telecommunications to maintain a sustained competitive advantage. The overall strategy of developing Sichuan Telecommunications Intelligence Telephone Net is: To serve every customer at any time in any place by means of telecommunications hi-tech. As a competitor in this market, Sichuan Telecommunications will always be sensitive to the different demands of customers. It will continue to promote new and unique business to satisfy the market demands. It will make full use of networks, human capital and advanced technology, further exploit the current basic telecommunications network resources and customer base. It will implement a flexible and diversified marketing strategies, to achieve the goals of expand market shares by constantly improving quality of service. By vigorously promoting the diversification strategy related to basic telephone business, the financial objective of 150 million RMB revenue would be realized in the y

  • 【分类号】F623
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