

【作者】 方丹

【导师】 朱敏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 在中央决策实施西部大开发战略,进行“十五”规划的条件下,成都市委、市政府提出成都经济发展要实施跨越式发展战略。本文就这个战略规划从理论上做了初步的研究,提出了实施跨越式发展战略的一些政策建议。本论文分四个部分进行论述: 导论部分:提出了成都经济跨越式发展中必须解决“为什么要跨越”、“如何跨越”和“跨越什么”等三个问题;为了研究的需要,本文还回顾了近期成都市有关决策部门就成都市经济发展战略的研究成果,为分析奠定了良好的基础;对经济发展战略的研究必须有理论框架的支撑,因此在导论部分,我们提出了区域经济发展战略规划内容、规划中均衡发展和适度非均衡发展思想以及生产力布局的原理;最后,本文的研究采用了实证的方法和应用性的研究方向。 第一部分:从国际经济发展大趋势、中西部地区区域经济发展差异、成都市实施跨越式经济发展战略的依据、实施跨越式发展战略的预期收益等方面论证了“为什么要采取跨越式发展战略”的问题,认为全球化和知识经济导致的产业结构调整是我们进行跨越式发展的方向和大环境;中西部差距客观上成为了我们采取跨越式发展的原动力;成都丰富的资源禀赋完全具备跨越式发展的物质基础;我们相信,采取跨越式发展必然对四川省经济乃至西南地区、全国经济发展带来较大的预期收益,说明成都市经济跨越式发展战略具有重要意义。 第二部分:探讨了跨越式经济发展战略规划问题,即解决了“如何进行跨越”的问题。本文首先分析了跨越式经济发展战略模式的特征,认为跨越式发展是协调发展与重点发展相结合的模式,是一种外向型的发展模式,是在开放的条件下,内聚式发展和外促式发展的综合模式,是使经济发展模式成长为技术导向型的发展模式。跨越式经济发展战略模式是与较高的生产力水平相适应,在此基础上构建的一种有效的经济运行模式。根据跨越式发展模式这些特征,我们结合成都经济实际,对跨越式发展模式的目标、战略方向、经济区域布局、产业重点、措施政策等战略规划方面的问题进行了比较务实和深入的分析。 第三部分:本文认为当前实施成都经济跨越式发展战略的一项重要任务是确立成都在“十五”期间的主导或支柱产业。并对主导产业的选择思路和方法进行了分析。在此基础上,根据城市发展的理论依据和追赶世界新经济时代的目标,提出了重点发展生物工程(含医药、酒类)产业;改造发展机械工业;发展化学工业和食品工业;将旅游业培育成为新的支柱产业;建设商贸中心,形成中国西部大市场;将成都建设发展成为西南地区的金融中心等七个产业发展重点。

【Abstract】 The Central Committee Of the Communist Party Of China has decided to carry out the Great Development of West Part of China. "The GreatDevelopment of West Part of China, How should Chengdu do?" whichbecomes the more popular subject. I live in this city, and I am also concernfor the economic development of Chengdu, that is my original idea aboutwriting this article.The paper is divided into four parts:Introduction: It is necessary to resolve the following three problems todevelop the economy of Chengdu. Why do we need the great development?How can we fulfill the great development? What is the subject of the greatdevelopment? We also analyzed the research accomplishment of theeconomic strategy of Chengdu by the relative government department ofChengdu. And the analyzing is the good basis for our further research. Inorder to advantage our research, we need a theoretical support, sodevelopment, equal development, properly unequal development and thedistribution of the productive forces. Finally, we should stick to the way ofresearch by giving specific examples and the applications.Part One: From the principle of "Taking Advantages, and Avoiding theWeek Points", theoretically discuss the city economic development, andprovide the theoretical basis for exploring the economic development ofChengdu, and study the development strategy of the city economy mainlyaccording to the theory of reasonable work division and reasonable overallarrangement of productivity, bring the advantages or potential advantagesinto the extremely good play.Part Two: See clearly the new stream of world economy development,select the strategic goal for "Pursuing Type". Because of Rising of "NewIndustrial Revolution" from the early 1990s, today the world has enteredinto the new economic age taking electronics & information, network3economy, ergonomics and new materials, new energies and knowledgeeconomy. That has decided for us the pursuing goal of the cityunconventional and leaping development, running forward to the front postof economy, science & technology development of the world.Part Three: According to the theoretical basis and the goal of pursuingthe new economic age of the world, research the strategic direction of theeconomic development of Chengdu, analyze the seven advantages ofChengdu, they are: ~PThe Region Location Advantage of Three Centersand Two Hubs; c Constructions of the town and countryside have beenadvancing rapidly so as to lay a good foundation for high-speeddevelopment. c The capabilities of science and technology are strongand there sources of people with abilities is rich; ~9 There sources ofspecies is rich; c There sources of tourism is rich and colorful; cThere is support of clean and cheap energies; c The capability ofcirculations is strong, and the center position of Southwest China has beenestablished. Point out Chengdu should develop into the Big Market ofWest Part, the High Land of Person with Ability of the West Part. In theopportunity of the Great Development of the West Part of China, Chengdushould have the great daring to realize it and it is also possible to realizethe strategic goal.I hope this article could give a little help for the economicdevelopment of Chengdu, and certainly because of my limited level andlittle experience, there must be varies shortcomings and even mistakes,welcome people criticize and point out the mistakes so that they can becorrected.

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