

【作者】 胡章淑

【导师】 张剑渝;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2000, 硕士


【摘要】 什么是战略?企业为什么在今天尤其需要制定战略?按照著名战略学者迈克尔·波特的说法,“战略是要使你自己从竞争中脱颖而出。这并非只是把正在做的事情做得更好,而是要把正在做的事情做得与众不同。”在波特看来,企业把正在做的事情做得与众不同比做得更好更重要。那么,企业怎样才能把正在做的事情做得与众不同呢?通常,企业寻求“与众不同”的思路,常常是在产品上寻找差异。但是,当产品的同质性越来越强时,在产品上寻找差异并非易事。于是,企业将寻求差异或“与众不同”的目光投向了品牌,这是因为,产品可以是同质的,但同质的产品却可以有品牌的差异。然而,品牌固然可以是不同的,同时它还会因在消费者心智中具有不同的认知而形成品牌价值,不过它毕竟只是与产品相连的一种识别符号,尚不能从整体上反映一个企业的面貌与状态,因此,为了从企业整体着眼,寻求企业做事情的“与众不同”以及这种“与众不同”的不可模仿性,企业形象以及塑造企业形象的战略便进入了人们关注的视野。企业形象战略在八十年代流行于发达国家,九十年代初期传入中国,经历了时髦、喧嚣、沉寂等几个阶段。当笔者审视企业形象战略在中国传播的这种现象时,常常想到一个问题,是什么原因导致企业形象战略在中国的传播表现为由冷而热,由热而冷?为了对这一问题作出回答,笔者在查阅了国内外大量有关文献的基础上,结合中国企业实施企业形象战略的实践,对该问题进行了系统的分析与阐述。全文共分四部分:第一部分,在全面掌握有关文献资料的基础上,分析了“企业形象”理论的形成与发展过程,对企业形象理论进行了较为全面的综述,并介绍、比较、分析了主要的、具有代表性的观点。通过历史地考察企业形象的理论与方法,力图说明企业通过培育、提升、展示蕴涵企业文化与独特价值的企业形象,能够寻求持续的竞争优势。<WP=3>第二部分,在企业形象综述的基础上,对塑造企业形象的战略进行了分析,揭示企业形象战略的属性与特征在于其“整体性”、“长期性”、“竞争性”,以达到别的企业难以模仿的目的。在操作层面上,由于企业形象战略通过CIS识别系统外显出来,因此,实施CIS形象识别战略必须强调:CIS系统中MI、BI、VI三个构成部分中,MI是CIS的“精、气、神”,体现企业的文化、价值、理念;BI是CIS的“筋与骨”,体现企业支撑框架与“基础设施”;VI是CIS的“皮与肉”,外显企业的视觉标志与特征。CIS中MI、BI、VI三位一体,构成了企业的立体、统一的形象,任何割裂三者的作法,都是不可取的。对有着良好形象的IBM,笔者从MI、BI、VI的角度进行了分析与点评。第三部分,分析的视野转向企业形象战略在中国的传播与发展。指出企业形象战略在中国固然不乏成功的案例,如早期的“太阳神”、现在的“海尔”,在实施企业形象战略方面均有可圈可点之处,然而,遗憾的是,为数不少的企业在实施企业形象战略过程中,陷入了认识上、操作上的种种误区,由于这些误区的存在,使这些企业实施形象战略的效果大打折扣。笔者文中对各种“误区”进行了剖析,指出实施形象战略并非一蹴而就、立竿见影的举措。为了说明这一点,笔者以“瀛海威”为例,进行系统的分析与点评。第四部分,针对企业形象战略实施中的误区与问题,笔者进一步对实施企业形象战略的操作层面进行了阐述与分析,提出企业形象塑造“两步走”的实施框架,其一是企业的自我定位,其二是对企业形象的管理与控制。为了丰富这一框架的内容,笔者从不同的方面,提出实施企业形象战略必须坚持的五项原则及企业形象的物质依托。笔者认为,两项步骤、五项原则,使企业形象塑造战略能够在可操作的层面上构建出来。综观全文,笔者认为该项研究有以下特点或贡献:● 通过查阅大量的有关文献,对企业形象战略问题作出较为全面的分析与阐述。● 较为系统地总结了企业形象战略在中国发展过程中存在的问题<WP=4>与误区。● 通过对或成功或失败企业案例进行分析、解剖与点评,在战略思想与方法上获得启示。● 提出的企业形象战略实施步骤与原则,具有操作性。

【Abstract】 What is strategy? And why do enterprises today need to set up their own particular ones? "Strategy is nothing," says Mr. Michael Port, a well-known strategics specialist, "but what helps make you reveal your strength in the competition, doing better and making what you are engaged to be different from the common run." That is, as Port sees, it is more important for a business to be out of the ordinary. The point is, then, how to put that to work? In search for difference from others, an enterprise usually focuses its attention and efforts on products, which turns out not to be a easy job especially when products are tending to be of more or less the same quality. By virtue of that, enterprises turn to fix their eyes on brand images, in which products of the same quality may differ. That would conjure up perception of a certain brand value through the customers’ recognition of the very brand. As a discernment symbol related to a product, however, the brand value itself can hardly present an overall physiognomy and status of the very enterprise concerned. For the above reasons, enterprise image and its related strategy begin to bear on people’s concern.Started to prevail in western developed countries in the 1980s, the theory of enterprise image strategy found its way into China in the early 1990s, undergoing several stages of fashion, din and still. The author of this paper could not ponder over the reasons behind the cycling of the strategy shifting from cold to hot, and then from hot to cold, but examined its spread in China. To find an answer, <WP=6>the author presents in this paper a systematic analysis and elaboration of her own, on the basis of consulting lots of domestic and foreign literature, and against the very practice of China’s enterprise carrying out the strategy.The paper falls into four parts as follows:Part One: With as its base a considerable knowledge of the related literature, an analysis is made about the formation and development procedures of the so-called enterprise images. Also discussed and compared are some main and representative points of view on the image. With a historical perspective, an examination is made on the schools of the related theories and methods. In so doing, the author wishes to prove that enterprise will attain a sustainable competition superiority through cultivating, strengthening and manifesting a unique image of the enterprise’s culture and value.Part Two: After a comprehensive discussion about enterprise images, this part focuses on an analysis on the strategy of modeling enterprise images. In terms of its characters and features, it is pointed out that the image strategy is embodied in its "entirety, long-term, comprehensiveness, and non-imitativeness". With regard to practical performance, since the strategy stands out through CIS system, emphasis is to be laid on: MI is the very "spirit and soul" of the three component parts of MI, BI and VI in the CIS system, an indication of an enterprise’s culture, value and ideals; BI is the "bone", a manifestation of the enterprise’s supporting frame and "infrastructure"; VI is the "skin and flesh", a display of the overt visual marker and feature. In the CIS system, the three of MI, BI and VI are in an organic one, standing for the three-dimensional and unified image. It is unwise to separate any one from the other two.Part Three: This part is more oriented toward an analytic examination on the image strategy’s spread and development in China. Examples are cited, such as the brand image of Apollo and that of Haier, to illustrate the <WP=7>strategy’s successful practice in an early stage in China. Also pointed out, however, is the fact that quite a number of companies unfortunately failed to implement the strategy both in perception and performance. Due to these failures, their efforts suffered a lot in meeting up to its ideal demands. And after her check-up, the author comes to believe that the implementation of the strategy can not be done at one go. For this point, an illustration is also provided.

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