

The Application of Cooperative Learning to the Teaching of College English In China

【作者】 尤春芝

【导师】 吴欣;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 大学英语教学的目的是培养学生的交际能力。但是,目前我国的外语教学主要是在课堂里进行,课堂之外少有接触外语的机会,加上其它种种原因,大学英语教学普遍存在一种令人担忧的现象,即过分强调语法知识的传授而忽略学生交际能力的培养。有些学生即使在学了多年外语之后还是不能用所学目标语进行简短日常会话。21世纪是一知识国际化的高科技时代,是一个由工业社会向信息社会转化的时代。科学技术的高速发展,以及知识和信息的日新月异更加剧了世界各国经济和文化的交流和合作。同时国际间的竞争会更加激烈。现代企业要求大学生不仅具有阅读和翻译的能力,更重要的是写作和会话的能力。这种形式要求我们培养出懂专业会外语的高质量人才,而我国传统的教学法,特别是在中国大学英语教学中较为常用的:语言点法及句子——课文——分析法过分注重语言形式而忽略其功能已落后于时代的要求。因此如何改进目前的教学方法,提高学生的实际运用语言的能力,是我们外语教学的当务之急。本文着重介绍了合作学习法的理论方法以及它在大学英语教学中的可行性以及局限性。 合作学习法在西方国家的教育中非常普及,而我国却很少采用,它将是我国教育实践,特别是在外语教学的一个新的尝试。大量的研究表明:(1)它能最大限度地为所有学习者提供合作学习的机会,使大家共同进步;(2)它能使学习者获得良好的情感状态;(3)它能帮助学习者进行自主学习,还能使学生在语言学习的动机、兴趣、自信力等方面有所提高,能使学生在轻松、合作的学习气氛中进行学习。本文指出了在中国这样一个语言学习的环境和条件下,合作学习法有着广阔的前景;但同时也存在一些局限性阻碍合作学习法的推广和使用。最后对大学英语最近采用的新教材《新编大学英语》进行了分析和介绍,一认为合作学习法可以应用于此教材。 这篇论文由五章组成: 第一章:首先,回顾了我国大学英语教学的现状,阐述了其间存在的问题。然后,分析了大学英语教学中较为常用的两种教学法:语言点法队anguageFointApproach)及句子一课文一分析法(Sentenc-Text-nalysis Approach)。通过对这两种教学法的分析,我们发现这两种方法过分注重语言形式而忽略其交际的功能。进而提出要培养学生的交际能力、自主能力,就必须对现行教学法进行改革,以适应我国社会,经济发展的需求。 第二章:本章论述了合作学习法的定义以及它的理论基础及相关的语言教学理论。 第三章:详细描述了合作学习法在大学英语教学中的应用,分析了在应用中可能会出现的问题,并提出了一些建议。 第四章:讨论了实施合作学习法在中国大学英语教学中的可行性,以及可能会面临的挑战。指出《新编大学英语》在大学英语教学中的应用为合作学习法提供了一个机会。 第五章总结了合作学习法的理论及其应用前景。最后作者建议有志于研究合作学习法的学者和教师们要不断提高自身专业素质,积极开展合作教学,以便在教学过程中共同探讨,更好地改善合作学习法在课堂中的运用。

【Abstract】 College English teaching aims at developing the learner抯 communicative competence. Obviously, developing the learner抯 communicative competence largely depends on the practice of classroom teaching in China. However, the present situation of college English teaching is not satisfactory in which teachers pay much attention to the teaching of the learner抯 linguistic knowledge, whereas little attention to the development of their communicative competence. As a result, quite a few students who have learned the foreign language for several years could hardly express everyday notions in the target language. In the new century梩he information age, cross-cultural communication through the medium of English will take place far more frequently. Consequently now more and more corporations demand the learners to have a better command of English not only in reading and translation, but also in speaking and I writing. The current teaching methods employed in CET seem lagged behind the requirement. To meet the challenges of the new century, we are much in need to improve the current teaching methods. This paper focuses on introducing an approach 桟ooperative Learning(CL) and its feasibility of implementing CL in College English Teaching in China. CL is very popular in western countries, but it seemed rarely been adopted in FLT inn China. It is a new approach in the repertoire of education practice. A great bulk of research plus present study has proved to be and effective attempt in maximizing opportunities for cooperation to yield better learning outcomes by all learners: in x Application of Cooperative Learning to the Teaching of College English 69 achieving better affective state in learners, and in helping learners to become more autonomous which is considered as an ultimate goal of education. The learners? motivation, interest in language learning, self-esteem and task perseverance can all be enhanced after the treatment of CL. CL values the relaxed and cooperative learning environment. Positive results achieved in the study may lead to opportunities of implementing CL in CET. The recent publication of a new textbook and its widespread adoption in College English have also offered an opportunity of applying CL to CET. Nevertheless, there are some limitations in implementing CL in CET. Major challenges result from the dominating product-oriented educational policy and practical obstacles in the low-resourced Chinese context. This dissertation consists of five chapters: Chapter One introduces the reality of college English teaching and two major methods dominating CET: Language-Point Approach and Sentence-Text-Analysis Approach. Chapter Two discusses the concept of CL, its theoretical basis and its relevant language theories. Chapter Three describes the implementation of CL in dealing with Intensive Reading, Exercise and Extensive Reading in CET, and some possible problems may occur in the course of implementing CL in language learning. Chapter Four analyzes the possible opportunities and challenges of implementing CL in CET. The recent publications of a new textbook and its widespread adoption in College English teaching have offered an opportunity to apply Cooperative Learning. Chapter Five serves as a conclusion. We summarize the theoretical significance of Cooperative Learning(CL). And we also point o

  • 【分类号】H319
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