

【作者】 韩乾国

【导师】 姚伯威;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 随着单片机技术和工业生产自动化程度的不断提高,单片机模糊控制技术已得到了广泛的推广和应用。这种建立在模糊控制理论基础上的控制技术为工业控制、家用电器和仪器仪表智能化的应用提供了一种全新的、有效的控制方法,并具有很大的实用意义和前景。 本文针对食品行业中蔬菜水果的保鲜与长期储藏、长途运输这一课题,提出了一种气调保鲜箱的设备。课题应用模糊控制理论,对保鲜箱的温度、湿度及O2含量进行自动控制,并用遗传算法对模糊控制规则进行优化,最后完成整个控制系统的软、硬件设计。 第一章对气调保鲜箱自动控制系统作一简单介绍,并确定下控制参数,提出单片机模糊控制方案;第二章应用模糊控制理论,介绍了温度、湿度、O2模糊控制器的设计和实现;第三章介绍了遗传算法的基本原理与实现,并应用该理论对模糊控制规则进行优化;第四章介绍了用单片机实现模糊控制的软、硬件设计;最后对整个系统的改进提出几点建议。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of the microprocessor technology and industry aLltomatiofl level, the microprocessor fuzzy-control technology has been widely sprcaded and applied. This control technology was based on fuzzy-control theory and provided a kind of fire-new and efficial control method in application of industry control, household appliances and instrument intelligence, it has prodigious practical use and prospect.This paper is aimed at the task of the fresh-preserved and long-termed storage, transportation of vegetable and fruits in foods industry, a kind of device, the gas-adjusted ficsh-preserved biii was put forward. In this paper we applied fuzzy-control theory to realize auto-control to temperature, humidity and oxygen composition o the bin, then we utilitied genetic algorithm to optimized the fuzzy-control rules. We complislied finally the software and hardware design of the whole control system.In the first chapter, the paper introduced simply the gas-adjusted fresh-preserved bin auto-control system, the control parameters are determined and the microprocessor fuzzy-control project was plan out. In the second chapter, the paper applied fuzzy coiitrol theory, the fuzzy controller for temperature, humidity and oxygen composition were designed realized. In the third chapter, the paper introduced the basic principle and realization of genetic algorithm, then optimized the fuzzy-control rules. In the fourth chapter, the paper introduced the realization of software and hardware design for fuzzy-controller with microprocessor. Fiiially, several pieces of?suggestions were put to improve the whole system.

  • 【分类号】TP273.4;TS205
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】374