

【作者】 倪莉

【导师】 王树菁; 金卫;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文概述了超声波探伤脉冲反射法的基本原理,介绍了超声探伤嵌入式控制机监控系统的硬件组成和原理,详细陈述了用C语言实现该监控系统软件设计的设计思想和过程,特别是讨论了进行缺陷定量、定位的算法及波幅曲线制作中的内插算法和数学模型,对软件设计中使用到的嵌入汇编、中断实现、图形方式显示等C语言编程技巧也给予了具体详细的介绍,最后给出了监控系统软件安装和自动启动的方法,提出了一些进一步改进的设想。 本文讨论的探伤原理和算法具有一定的实用性和创新性,涉及到的编程技巧也对其他软件设计具有参考价值。

【Abstract】 This thesis summarizes the principles of the Ultrasonic Flaw Detection (UFD) with Pulse Echo Method. The hardware structure and principle of the system for monitor and control in embedded UFD controller is discussed. The design ideal and process of the system’s software in language C are given in detail. Especially, the algorithm of flaw measurement and locating, the interpolating algorithm of AVG curve and math model are researched. The practical programming skills, such as embedding assembly language, the implement of interrupt and graphic display, are also described in detail. At last, the methods for installing and automatic start-up of this software are given. The conceive for further development is also put forward. The principles and algorithms for flaw detection discussing in this thesis are practical and creative, the programming skills related are also useful for other software design.

  • 【分类号】TB553;TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】240