

Applocation of Stylistic Analysis to the Translation of EST (English for Science and Technology)

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 陈宏薇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学·翻译理论与实践, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本文旨在从文体学的角度探讨科技英语汉译的相关原则和方法。 研究科技英语翻译的角度多种多样。传统的研究方法是从语言学角度探讨翻译,而本文从较新的、文体学的角度来研究翻译。作者认为,除了要对科技英语进行一般的语言学分析,还要对其进行文体特征的分析。由于科学技术内容的特定性,必然影响语言形式,因而科技语言必然带上显著的文体特征,即准确、简明、清晰及严谨。对科技英语进行文体分析,再将这些文体特点反映在汉语译文中,将有助于使译文忠实于原文的意义与文体,从而产生优秀的科技翻译作品。 本文以篇章忠实为目的,从词、句等各层次着手,探讨如何使翻译达到意义与文体的忠实。各层次翻译的探讨始终借助于对文体的分析,且文体的分析贯穿在翻译活动的理解原文与将原文表达成科技汉语这两个阶段。 在各层次的翻译研究中,本文重点探讨了篇章的衔接与连贯—科技英语最突出的特点,这就打破了以往科技翻译研究中往往以句子为最大研究单位的局限,从而从总体上使译文达到忠实。 文中所研究的科技英语材料涉及机械、医学、电学、化学等各领域,所引例句多从近两年内的出版物中选取。

【Abstract】 This paper sets out to study principles and techniques of the translation of EST from the perspective of stylistics. There are many perspectives from which EST translation can be studied. The traditional method to study EST translation has been prevalently based on linguistic analysis. However, the author of the present paper adopts the method of stylistic analysis to study EST translation. It is argued in the paper that besides the general linguistic analysis, the analysis of style should also be made in translating EST. The special content of science and technology inevitably influences the language form, and therefore, the language for science and technology certainly takes on its unique stylistic features. The stylistic features of EST include preciseness, conciseness, clarity and strictness in organization. The analysis of EST style and the subsequent reproduction of its style will help to achieve faithfulness in meaning and in style, which will bring about good translations. The paper investigates how to achieve faithfulness in meaning and style in EST translation on the levels of words, sentences, etc., with faithfulness of discourse as its ultimate goal. The investigation of translation on each level is made by means of stylistic analysis which runs through study of the whole process of translating? understanding the original text and turning it into corresponding CST (Chinese for Science and Technology). Among different levels of translation study, the paper puts special emphasis on the cohesion and coherence, the most prominent stylistic features of EST on the levcl of discourse. This differs from the previous studies which have taken a sentence as the largest unit of study, and helps to achieve faithfulness of a translation as a whole. The EST materials used in this paper involve such fields as mechanics, medicine, electronics and chemistry, and most examples are extracted from the publications in recent two years.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1068