

【作者】 王志双

【导师】 漆侠; 高聪明;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 中国古代史, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 吕夷简是宋仁宗前期颇具影响的一位宰相。他三次入主中书,先后执政时间长达二十余年。作为保守势力的代表,他对当时的政治具有不可低估的影响。本文通过对吕夷简集团以及与其政见大致相同、迥乎相异的章献刘太后集团、范仲淹集团的考察,藉学界疏于考察的政治集团这一视角,对宋仁宗前期的官僚政治进行了探索。全文共分四章。第一章,论述吕夷简的从政,宋初以来保守政风的形成及其对吕夷简的影响。第二章,论述吕夷简集团的构成,他们在政治上的相互奥援,及其大官僚大地主阶级的性质。第三章,论述刘太后集团的组成,其大官僚大地主阶级的性质,以及刘、吕两大集团在施政方针、国祚天运上的同与异。吕夷简为了保护宋仁宗的帝位,而又不得罪于刘太后,首鼠两端,煞费心机,对维持政局的稳定起了一定的作用。第四章,论述代表中下层地主阶级利益的、具有革新精神的范仲淹集团的崛起,及其与吕夷简集团的政治斗争。本文探讨了封建官僚政治内部不同党派、不同集团之间政治斗争的复杂性和残酷性,分析了保守的官僚政治对于社会发展的阻碍作用,从而揭示出吕夷简及其所代表的官僚集团对宋仁宗前期的三冗三费、积贫积弱窘境的不可推卸的责任。

【Abstract】 Lii Yi-jian was an important prime minister of the early Song Ren Zong Dynasty. He had been prime minister for three times, which lasted for more than twenty years. As a representative of the conservative force , he greatly influenced the politics of his time. Besides the Lii Yi-jian Bloc, there were also the Empress Doager Lu Bloc and the Fan Zhong ?yan Bloc at that lime. The former bloc?s political view was similar to the Lii Bloc?s, yet the latter one?s was widely divergent. By exploring the bureaucratic poli- tics of the early Song Ren Zong Dynasty from the political bloc梐ngle of view, the the- sis completes the research work that has been long ingriored by the academic circles. This thesis consists of four chapters, Chapter One expounds Lii Yi-jian?s political career; as well as the formation of the general conservative mood of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it?s influence to Lii Yi-jian. Chapter Two explores the construction of the 111 Yi-jian Bloc. The members of it recommended each other. The study shows the na- ture of the LU Yi-jian Bloc as the representative of the upper bureaucrat and landlord class?s interests. Chapter Three analysizes firstly, the construction of the Emporess Dowager Lu Bloc; Secondly ,the nature of this bloc which was as same as that of the Lb Yi-jian Bloc ; and thirdly the alikeness of th~eneral and specific mental policies carried out by the two blocs and difference in protecting Zhao Song state power. In order to pro- tect Song Ren Zong?s imperial power, and to get on well with Empress Dowager Liu, Lii Yi-jian shilly ?shallied and racked his brains in scheming . He contributed to the polit- ical stability of his time . Chapter Four illustrates the abrupt rise of the Fan Zhong梱an Bloc , which represented the interests of the middle and lower landlord classes. More- over the conflict between the Fan and the Lii Bloc was discussed. This thesis inquires into the complicated and ruthless conflict inside of the fedual bureaucratic policicaf H Abstract blocs, illustrates the negative influence of the conser~ive bureaucratic politics U~Ofl the development of the Northern Song Dynasty. Thereby Lu Yi-jian?s unavoidable responsi- bility for the awkward situation of the early Song Ren Zong Dynasty is revealed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】483