

On the Guangzhou Newspapers Competition Impact upon Media Operation Reform

【作者】 魏颖

【导师】 邝云妙;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 进入九十年代以来,广州报业市场“三强”(南方日报报业集团、羊城晚报报业集团、广州日报报业集团)鼎足而立的局面已维持多时,到了千年交替的时候,这种竞争态势愈趋明显。广州报业竞争究竟对于对新闻业务改革产生了哪些方面的影响?本论文意在捕捉最新的态势和特点对此进行阶段性的“盘点”。 本论文首先描述、分析了广州报业竞争的现状,接着简要分析了当前广州报业竞争的性质,对于报业竞争如何具体地影响新闻业务改革,本论文着重从六个方面进行讨论:一是报业竞争使报纸整体素质不断提高;二是报业竞争使新闻质量显著改善;三是报业竞争使各报加强了新闻策划;四是报业竞争使新闻采写及表现形式不断创新;五是报业竞争使各报更加倚重“包装”;六是报业竞争使报纸副刊更具可读性、与“新闻纸”的主体更加谐调。 本论文最后列举了激烈报业竞争态势下新闻业务改革的诸多失范、失序的误区(其中大多是由于恶性竞争而导致的),如发布假新闻、各说各话、自我吹嘘、互相攻讦,以及媚俗化倾向等。

【Abstract】 Since early 1990s, a tie situation among Nanfang Daily News Group, Yangcheng Evening News Group and Guangzhou Daily News Group has been maintained for years. The even fierce competition among 搕he three kingdoms?is being witnessed when the new millennium arrived. This thesis tries to record and discuss, in an up梩o梔ate fashion, the new landscape and trends of the newspaper operations, caused by the more and more severe competition. This thesis first describes and analyzes the current situation of Guangzhou?s newspaper industry competition. After briefly analyzing the characteristics of the competition, it proceeds to discuss the impacts of the competition, mostly covering the following six aspects: First, the overall newspaper landscape has been reshaped; Second, the qualities of news have been improved; Third, the 搑eport plotting?scheme has been utilizing; Fourth, the new interviewing, reporting and editing styles have been adopted; Fifth, newspaper has heavily relied on 損ackaging? Sixth, the newspaper supplements have been more readable and in better harmony with the news pages. Finally, the thesis lists some of the 搒ide effects?of drastic competition, such as news fabrication, off梑alanced coverage that leaves readers confused, self梒ompliments(over梒ompliments, of course), attack and counter梐ttacks scenarios in an evil梟atured manner.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 01期
  • 【分类号】G219.27
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】392