

Issues in Protection of the Customers’ Interests on the Third Party Online Payment in China

【作者】 阮晨璐

【导师】 储育明;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 经济法学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电子商务的发展,各种新兴支付方式与电子支付工具不断涌现,第三方网络支付正是在此背景下发展起来的。第三方网络支付机构是在买卖双方之间建立一个公共的、可以信任的中介,然后对交易双方的信用提供担保从而化解网上交易风险的不确定性。目前我国的第三方网络支付主要有两种模式,即支付通道模式与账户支付模式。其中账户支付模式中的担保型账户支付模式是目前第三方网络支付机构普遍采用的模式,也是发展最快的模式。但是在担保型账户支付模式中,涉及的法律关系较为复杂。主要包括买卖双方的合同关系,买卖双方通过银行卡协议或者网上银行协议与银行的关系,第三方网络支付机构与银行的合作关系及买卖双方与第三方网络支付机构的委托代理关系和担保关系。我们所要探讨的就是买卖双方与第三方网络支付机构关系的一个重点,即在第三方网络支付中的客户权益保护问题。国外第三方网络支付发展较早,所以在保护客户权益的制度方面相对较成熟。其中最具有典型代表意义的是美国模式与欧盟模式。二者对客户权益的保护主要从对第三方网络支付机构的监管、立法的完善及客户备付金的管理等方面实现,同时还创立了许多符合本国实际的具体制度。其中美国的存款延伸保险制度很好的解决了客户备付金的孳息问题,使得客户备付金被挪用的概率大大减小。欧盟允许第三方网络支付机构利用客户备付金进行投资活动的做法,提高了客户备付金的利用效率,合理配置了资金资源,这些做法都值得我国借鉴和学习。我国的第三方网络支付发展速度惊人,但与我国第三方网络支付发展不同步的是我国对于第三方网络支付的法律监管一直比较落后,所以关于客户权益保护的内容也比较缺乏。目前我国关于第三方网络支付的专项法律仅有《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》及其实施细则,但这两部法规中客户权益的保护内容十分单薄。第三方网络支付的客户权益保护在实践中面临许多问题。主要涉及的具体问题有格式合同问题、客户备付金的孳息归属问题、未授权支付的责任承担问题等,在宏观上还存在立法缺失、法律协调难、监管及退出机制不完善等问题。这些问题的出现,使第三方网络支付的客户权益保护显得尤为重要。为了改变目前在第三方网络支付中客户权益保护单薄的现状,我们应当充分借鉴外国先进经验,在结合我国具体实际的基础上加强对客户权益的保护。首先,完善关于第三方网络支付的相关立法并使之与现有的立法相协调,其次,健全第三方网络支付的监管机制,形成以中国人民银行为中心、其他多部门协同监管的体系。再次,从我国实际出发建立风险准备金制度、保证金制度及事前协商制度。最后,为第三方网络支付的市场退出制定合理的保障措施。力求在第三方网络支付机构出现任何问题时,客户的权益损害都能降到最低。相信通过这一系列的努力,我国第三方网络支付的客户权益保护状况将得到进一步改善,整个第三方网络支付市场也将健康有序的发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of electric commerce, a variety of new ways of payment and electronic payment tools are emerging. The third party online payment is developed under this background. The third party online payment mechanism is to establish a public trust intermediary between buyers and sellers, and provide guarantees to the credit of them in order to resolve the uncertainty of the risk of online trading. At present, the third party online payment in China mainly has two modes:namely payment channel model and account payment mode. The security account payment mode is widely used in the third party online payment mechanism, which is also the fastest growing mode. But in the security account payment mode, the legal relationship is more complex. Mainly includes contract relationship between buyers and sellers, relations between the two sides through the bank card agreement or online banking agreement with the bank business, cooperation between the third party Internet Payment institutions and banks and guarantee and agency relationship between buyers and sellers with the third party online payment mechanism. We want to explore is a key institutional relationships between the parties and the third party online payment. That is the third-party online payment of customer rights protection issues.Foreign third-party online payment developed earlier, so protecting the interests of customers in the system is relatively more mature. One of the most typical is the United States of America and the EU model. Both for the protection of the interests of customers mainly from the third-party online payment of a regulatory, legislative excess reserves of perfection and customer management, and also founded a number of specific systems consistent with their actual. The United States of America deposit extends insurance system is a good solution to the problem yields customer excess reserves, excess reserves allows customers to greatly reduce the probability of being misappropriated. EU allows third-party online payment institutions investing activities using customer excess reserves practices to improve efficiency in the use of customer excess reserves, the rational allocation of financial resources, these practices are worthy of our reference and learning.Not as the development of the third party online payment, the legal supervision of our country has been relatively backward, so the content on the protection of the interests of customers is also relatively lack. At present, China’s special laws about the third-party online payment are only "non-financial institution payment service management approach" and its implementing rules. But the content of these two regulations to protect customer rights and interests is still thin. Third-party online payment protected the interests of customers face many problems in practice. There are mainly related to the specific problems of form contract, the customer yields excess reserves ownership, accountability unauthorized payment problems, at the macro level there is lack of legislation, legal coordination, and monitoring and exit mechanism imperfect. The emergence of these problems make the protection of the customer rights in the third party online payment is particularly important.In order to change the current situation in the protection of the rights and interests of customer, we should fully learn the advanced experience of foreign countries and in combination with our country on the basis of specific conditions to strengthen the protection of the interests of customers. First, improving on third-party online payment related legislation and make it match with the existing legislation. Second, perfecting the supervision mechanism of third party Internet payment, formed the People’s Bank of China as the center, other multicultural coordinated supervision system. Again, from China’s actual establishment of a risk reserve system, guarantee system and the prior consultation system. Finally, for the third-party online payment market exit develop reasonable safeguards. In order to pay the agency of any problems in the third party network, damage the interests of customers can be reduced to a minimum. I believe that through this series of efforts, China’s third-party online payment customer rights protection situation will be further improved, the entire third-party online payment market will also be healthy and orderly development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.281;D923
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】731
  • 攻读期成果