

Anqing Cityindustries to Relocate to Adjust the Industrial Structure

【作者】 许成真

【导师】 胡艳;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 目前第四轮产业转移浪潮方兴正艾,一些经济发达地区丧失比较优势的产业不断转移到经济落后地区。《皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区规划》的出台标志着中国第一次以产业转移为主题的区域发展规划的产生,这是顺应时代发展要求和符合产业发展规律的决定。安庆市作为皖西南的中心城市,区位条件优越,产业基础雄厚,具备承接产业转移的各种比较优势,是产业转移的重点承接地。产业转移是在产业不断发展的过程中,为了促进产业结构调整与升级,一个国家或地区把一些没有产业成本与生产效率比较优势的产业通过跨国或跨地区直接投资的方式转移到另一个国家或地区的现象。在微观的基础上,产业转移的本质是企业在空间上不断扩张的过程,也可以说是企业在投资区位上不断调整的过程。在宏观的基础上,产业转移其实就是生产要素在空间上不断流动的过程,也就是不同产业部门不断形成和逐渐进步的过程。而产业结构,也就是国民经济部门之间的结构,主要是指不同产业部门在国民经济中的构成和不同产业部门内部的构成。现在经济学家们大多集中对产业转移发生的动因、规律和特点进行研究。本文认识到产业转移一定与产业结构调整同时发生,对于产业转移的双方来说,产业结构调整不仅是产业转移的必然结果,还是产业转移的根本目标。因此,本文通过对产业转移与调整产业结构的研究,得到一个重要认识,即产业转移与产业结构调整的相互关系。产业转移和产业结构调整在许多时候全部是一个一体两面的问题。产业转移与产业结构调整是相互影响、相互联系和密不可分的关系。产业转移不断成为每个国家或者地区调整产业结构的重要方法,而产业结构的现状又决定了产业转移的具体内容。由于这种密不可分的联系,研究产业转移和产业结构调整的关系显得非常有意义。本文首先分析安庆市三次产业结构现状,从产业发展过程和产业结构现状的分析,得出安庆市现在处于工业化中级阶段以及其产业结构对承接产业转移的影响,然后给出安庆市承接产业转移现状,再次以望江县为例分析安庆市承接产业转移类型的演变,进而给出安庆市承接产业转移比较优势最大的三个产业,即石油化工产业、轻工纺织产业和机械装备制造产业,最后分析安庆市承接产业转移存在的问题。根据以上分析,确立安庆市选择承接转移产业的政策标准和政策选择以及产业结构调整的路径。

【Abstract】 Currently the fourth round of industrial transfer wave FRANSHION positive Ai, some economically developed regions continue to lose comparative advantage industries shifted to economically backward regions."Little City with a demonstration area industries to relocate planning" marks the introduction of China’s first industrial transfer to the theme of the generation of regional development planning, which is the development requirements of the times and in accordance with the law of industrial development decisions. Anqing City, Anhui west as the central city, in an advantageous location, strong industrial base, with a variety of industries to relocate to comparative advantage, is the focus of transfer of industry to undertake.Transfer of industry is evolving in the industrial process, in order to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading, a country or region to put some no cost and production efficiency industry comparative advantage industries through cross-border or inter-regional FDI way to transfer to another country or region phenomenon. At the micro, based on the nature of the transfer of industries in space expanding business process, it can be said that enterprises in the investment position of constantly adjusting process. At the macro, based on the factors of production is actually the transfer of industries in space constant flow of process, which is different industrial sectors gradually evolving and progressive process. The industrial structure, that is, the structure between economic sectors, mainly refers to the different industrial sectors in the national economy structure and composition of different industries within the department.Economists are now mostly concentrated on the industrial transfer occurs Motives, rules and characteristics were studied. This article recognizes the transfer of industries and industrial structure adjustment must occur simultaneously, both for industrial transfer, the adjustment of industrial structure is not only the inevitable result of the transfer of industries, or industrial transfer the fundamental goal. Therefore, this paper through the industrial transfer and adjustment of industrial structure, and obtained an important recognition that the transfer of industries and industrial structure adjustment of mutual relations.Industrial transfer and industrial restructuring in many cases, both sides are all an integral problem. Industrial transfer and adjustment of industrial structure interaction, mutual contact and close relationship. Industrial shift increasingly becoming each country or region an important method to adjust the industrial structure, while the status of the industrial structure in turn determines the transfer of industry specific content. Because of this inextricably linked, research and industrial restructuring industrial transfer relationship is very meaningful.This paper analyzes the status quo Anqing three industrial structure, from the process of industrial development and industrial structure analysis of the status, results in Anqing City, is now in the middle stage of industrialization and its industrial structure, the impact on industries to relocate, and then gives Anqing undertake industrial transfer status, again an example of Anqing City Wangjiang industries to relocate to the type of evolution, and thus gives Anqing comparative advantage industries to relocate to the three largest industries, namely, petroleum chemical industry, textile industry and the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, and finally Analysis of Anqing industries to relocate to the existing problems. Based on the above analysis, the establishment of Anqing City Select undertake the transfer of industrial policy standards and policy options as well as the path of industrial restructuring.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期