

Research on Intrusion Detection Method In Wireless Sensor Networks


【导师】 胡艳军;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着无线传感器网络的快速发展及应用,在国防、环境监测、交通管理和森林保护等领域应用的越来越广泛,传感器网络的安全问题日益突出,而入侵检测是无线传感器网络安全研究的一个方面。因此,本文针对无线传感器网络及其入侵检测的特点进行研究,分析无线传感器网络入侵检测方法当前面临的主要问题。然后,针对主要问题研究了解决方法。首先研究了无线传感器网络的特点;分别从物理层、数据链路层和网络层分别对无线传感器网络的入侵行为进行了详细的分析;并对三种典型的入侵检测模型进行了研究和对比。其次从无线传感器网络面临的能耗问题和入侵检测性能问题出发,研究了一种基于分簇的无线传感器网络入侵检测模型,从节点信息采集、信息处理和入侵响应三个环节进行阐述,并针对能耗问题和入侵检测性能问题提出了相应的解决方案。随后针对所研究的分簇无线传感网入侵检测模型进行了实验仿真和结果分析,对实验环境、实验方法和实验结果进行了详细的分析。本文实验中利用随机产生的入侵信号对无线传感器网络进行攻击,当入侵信号被接收端接收后,接收端会对接收到的信号进行分析。实验中是将有用的传输信号和入侵信号分别用不同的载波进行调制。在接收端再根据载波频率的不同来检测出入侵信号。最终,总结了论文的研究成果,阐明了将来的研究方向。本文的研究表明,无线传感器网络入侵检测方法的研究具有较好的实用价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and application of wireless sensor networks, applications in the field of national defense, environmental monitoring, traffic management and forest protection and a wide range of sensor network security issues have become increasingly prominent. Intrusion detection method for wireless sensor network security research is an important area. Study and propose a line sensor network intrusion detection method is very important in theoretical and practical significance.First studied the characteristics of wireless sensor network; Respectively from the physical layer, data link layer and network layer, respectively, the invasion of the wireless sensor network behavior are analyzed in detail; And the three typical intrusion detection model is researched and compared.Secondly from the energy consumption of wireless sensor network are faced with the problem and the intrusion detection performance problems, study a intrusion detection model based on clustering in wireless sensor network, from the node information collection, information processing and intrusion response expounds in three stages, and according to energy consumption problem and intrusion detection performance problems put forward the corresponding solutions. Then study the clustering wireless sensor network intrusion detection model are analyzed in simulation and experiment results, the experiment environment, experimental method and experimental results are analyzed.The tests used in this article are randomly generated intrusion signal that attack the wireless sensor network, and after the intrusion signal received at the receiving end, the receiving end is interested in receiving the signal for analysis. Transmission signals and the intrusion signals are useful experiments, respectively, with a different carrier modulation. Depending on the carrier frequency to detect an intrusion signal at the receiving end.Ultimately, a summary of the thesis research to clarify the direction of future research. This study showed that the wireless sensor network intrusion detection method has a good practical value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP212.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】212