

On the Government’s Responsibility for the Food Security

【作者】 孙健

【导师】 陈宏光;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 国以民为本,民以食为天,食以安为先。食品安全不仅与老百姓的生命安全和健康息息相关,也与经济社会的和谐稳定的发展密不可分,食品安全问题不仅是百姓大事,更是国家大事,不仅是经济问题,更是民生问题。在我国,政府在食品安全问题上起着至关重要的作用一如果政府依法履职,尽职尽责,则食品安全监管体系会有条不紊地运转;反之,则会使本以严峻的食品安全形势雪上加霜。如何保障食品安全,一直是社会各界关心的话题,对此的研究也很多。在笔者看来,从行政法角度出发,以政府责任为基点,探讨政府在保障食品安全中应扮演何种角色,担负起何种责任,在中国当前的语境下,具有积极的意义。本文首先分析政府承担食品安全监管职责的法理基础,重点论证政府承担监管责任的范围,指出政府的责任并不是“无限”的。接着,概括我国目前的食品安全监管现状,及在立法上和实践中存在的诸多问题。然后,笔者有针对性的选取了美国、欧盟、日本三个先进国家和地区在在食品安全监管上的做法,从中可以得出,政府想要落实监管责任,真正实现对食品安全的全程监管,关键在于完善立法,尤其是要制定细致入微的配套性行政法规、规章或者规范性文件;此外,还要分别针对政府、食品生产者和经营者、消费者等市场主体,建立健全一系列的衔接紧密的监管制度。最后,笔者回归我国国情,针对既有问题,结合前述域外经验,尝试对我国已有的监管体制从法律到具体制度上进行修正,并辅之以回应机制和问责机制作为制度保障,使政府责任落实到实处。本文除却引言和结语,主体共分为四大部分第一章论述政府为何要对食品安全应承担主要的监管责任,指出其背后的法理基础在于:保障生命安全和身体健康的人权理论、政府干预市场经济以纠正“市场失灵”以及现实的信息不对称。但是,我们应看到政府对食品安全的监管必须限制在自己法定职责范围,否则会侵害相对人的合法权益。第二章概括了我国政府对食品安全监管的现状及其问题,指出当前我国对于食品安全的监管沿用的是以前多部门分段监管,地方政府负总责的监管模式,并用一个图表简要的说明了主要监管主体的责任分配情况。接着,指出我国食品安全监管中存在的问题,一是食品安全立法上存在的问题,由于《食品安全法》制定的过于笼统和原则,导致实践中缺乏操作性,譬如关于监管模式、食品安全标准、食品进出口等方面都规定的很笼统,致使实际运用可解释的余地很大;二是政府监管体制上存在的问题,主表现为监管部门职责不清、协调配合不够、执法重叠、执法空白、缺乏回应机制等问题;三是食品安全监管主体权责不统一,导致现实执法中出现大量的有法不依,执法不严,违法不究,以罚代管的失职行为,甚至出现权力寻租,贪污腐败的行为。第三章,笔者是结合我国在食品安全监管中所遇到的问题,对美国、欧盟、日本等发达国家的监管体制进行有选择的考察。通过考察发达国家食品安全监管的历史和现状,发现统一完备的食品安全立法体系、统一协调的管理方式和严格有效的问责机制是发达国家食品安全监管取得成功的关键因素。接着,笔者对发达国家的经验进行归纳分析,得出适合我国的经验,即要在食品安全领域建立完备的法律体系,明晰各个监管部门的权限,政府还应建立健全严格的问责机制等。第四章,笔者在分析域外经验的基础上,在不对当前食品安全管理体制做大的变动的前提下,尝试通过一系列的立法和制度变革来改善我国的食品安全监管状况。主要有下几点:一是整合法律资源,完善食品安全法律体系,包括要做好相关法律法规的衔接以消弭冲突;完善配套性行政法规、规章、行政解释及规范性文件,以使《食品安全法》真正落实到实处。二是完善监管制度,优化监管方式,包括完善食品安全监管组织体系,完善风险治理体系两大方面。三是构建食品安全回应机制,实现多元化治理,目的是增强消费者的力量,与食品生产者和经营者进行博弈,主要包括完善食品安全举报监督制度和完善食品安全信息统一公布制度两方面。四是完善政府问责机制,目的是约束权力,提升执法质量,主要包括内部问责制度构建和外部问责机制的构建两个方面。

【Abstract】 People are fundamental to a country; food is vital to people; security is essential to food. Food security is concerned not only with people’s health and life, but also with the economic and social development and stability, and with the image and international reputation of our government too. The government’s supervision and management is essentially responsible for the food security. If the government’s responsibility is implemented properly, the system of food security will be in organized operation; otherwise, serious consequence would be caused. The consequence would involve the disturbance of the government’s internal responsibility system, such as the supervision department’s "scrambling for power" or "abandoning power", or even the "dysfunction" of the food market and the deterioration of food security situation.Beginning with the analysis of the government’s responsibility for food security, the author tries to explore the range of responsibility taken by the government in food security before probing into the status quo and problems in food security supervision of our country. Combined with the experience in the advanced foreign nations’ responsibility by the government in food security supervision, it is proposed that the perfection of legislation and a complete set of regulatory system are key to the implementation of the government’s responsibility in food security supervision. Afterword, the author put forward a series of measures to improve the government’s responsibility implementation in food security supervision on the basis of our national condition and in combination with the foreign experience. The improvement measures, assisted with the response mechanism and accountability mechanism as the institutional guarantee, are expected to be the final assurance in the government’s taking the responsibility for the food security supervision.Apart from the introduction and conclusion part, the main body of the dissertation consists of five chapters:Chapter One explores the reasons why the government should shoulder the major supervision responsibility in food security, which is based legally on the human rights theory safeguarding the life and health of people, on the government’s intervention in market economy to correct the "market dysfunction", and on the information asymmetry in real life. However, it should also be noted that the government’s supervision in food security could only be within the scope of official duty rather than indefinite.Chapter Two summarizes the status quo and problems in our government’s supervision in food security at present before pointing out that our country’s food security supervision mainly follows the pattern of the old multi-sectoral segmented supervision and the local government taking the total responsibility. A diagram is designed to briefly illustrate the duty assignment of the major supervision subjects. Then it comes to identify the problems existing in our food security supervision. The first problem lies in the legislation of food security, which means the poor operation of the "Food Security Law" mostly due to the overgeneralization of the legislation. For example, there are problems in the supervision pattern, the food safety standard, the food import and export and so on. The second problem lies in the government supervision system, such as the confusion of responsibility, the rough enforcement of law, the insufficient cooperation between the law enforcement agencies, the poor contact between the upper and lower divisions, the overlapping of law enforcement and the absence of response mechanism. The third problem results from the disunity between the power and responsibility of the food security supervision subjects. It leads to a large amount of malpractice like the law-breaking, the loose law enforcement, the acts of failing to punish lawbreakers and replacing regulation with fines, and even the acts of power rent-seeking corruption.Chapter Three makes an analysis of the advanced experience of America, the European Union, and Japan in their food security management. The author, on the basis of our country’s food security supervision problems, selectively examines the supervision system of those advanced countries rather than comprehensive introduction. Through the inspection of the developed countries’ history and status quo, it is found that the unified and complete food security legislation and management, as well as the strict and efficient accountability mechanism, are the key factors to the success of the developed countries’food security supervision. Then, the author analyzes the experience of the developed countries before finally proposing the suggestion appropriate to our country, that is, a complete legal system should be established in the field of food safety, the authority limits of every regulatory agencies should be clearly divided, a perfect and strict accountability mechanism should be set up by the government, etc.In Chapter Four, the author attempts to improve our food security supervision through a series of legislation and institution reform, which is based on the analysis of foreign experience and on the premise of no major variation in our current food security management system. First is the integration of legal resource, and perfection of food security legal system. In specific, the relevant laws and rules should be connected properly to avoid the conflicts; the matching administrative rules, regulations and interpretation, as well as the normative files, should be perfected in order to make the "Food Security Law" be carried out in practice. Second is the perfection of supervision system, improvement of the government’s food security supervision. It involves the perfection of the food safety supervision system, the perfection of the risk management, the exertion of the risk management advantage. Third is about the establishment of food security response mechanism, and the realization of diversified management. It is to enhance the power of consumers to a level that is possible for the competition between food producers and food operators. This measure involves the perfection of food security’s report and supervision system, and perfection of the food security information’s uniform announcement. Four is about the perfection of the government’s accountability system, whose purpose is to restrain the authority, enhance the law enforcement quality. And it involves the establishment of internal accountability mechanism and external accountability mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期