

Study of class contradictions from the perspective of Harmonious Society

【作者】 袁晓静

【导师】 杨清涛;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十六届四中全会上《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》首次提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的目标。自此以后,“和谐社会”成了我国社会的主要基调。与此同时,改革开放以来社会主义市场经济快速发展的今天社会各阶层之间以及阶层内部围绕经济利益、政治利益、社会制度缺陷和政策欠缺等问题产生的矛盾日益增多和突出。社会各阶层之间利益矛盾的正确处理成为构建和谐社会的重中之重。因此,要构建中国特色的社会主义社会,必须遵循公平公正原则、平等互利原则、合理有序原则和统筹兼顾原则,坚持以经济建设为中心大力推进经济社会发展、构建合理有效的利益协调机制、深化体制改革、加强党的执政能力建设、重视文化建设增强民族凝聚力等措施妥善协调各阶层矛盾。本文以马克思主义为指导,吸收借鉴国内外相关学术研究成果,深入调查分析社会各阶层矛盾的表现、特点以及根源。通过对社会各阶层矛盾的现状问题及原因分析,提出构建和谐社会视域下协调各阶层矛盾的基本原则和对策选择。本文主要分为以下四个部分:第一部分首先阐述选题意义,对国内外相关研究文献进行了综述,并简述了本文的研究方法和创新点。第二部分首先解释本文有关的名词概念,通过对阶级和阶层的辨析,简要阐述了当前社会的几种阶层划分的观点,最终本文选择以十大阶层为合理的阶层划分方法,并分别对十大阶层进行了简单描述,简述了协调各阶层矛盾对构建社会主义和谐社会的现实意义。第三部分分析了我国社会各阶层之间工人与农民、知识分子与其他阶层、雇工与雇主、干部与其他阶层矛盾的表现;简单描述了经济利益矛盾日益突显、群体性突发事件不断频发、矛盾的对抗性因素明显增多等矛盾的特点、从经济、政治、社会制度缺陷和政策欠缺四个方面挖掘矛盾的根源等主要问题。并指出妥善协调各阶层矛盾是构建社会主义和谐社会的重中之重。第四部分提出和谐社会视域下协调各阶层矛盾的基本原则和方法途径。

【Abstract】 The goal of building a socialist harmonious society was first proposed in the "decision" of the CPC’s Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee. From then on, the thought of harmonious society plays a dominative role in our society culture. However, owing to the reform and opening up policy and the rapid development of socialist market economy, contradictions in different social strata and classes resulting from diverse economic benefits, political interests, social order and political deficiency, have been increased and prominent in Chinese society. As a result, how to handle the conflict of interests among the various social hierarchies has been the firstly priority of constructing a harmonious society. To build a socialist society with Chinese characteristics, we must follow the principles of fairness and justice, equality and mutual-benefit, rationalization and orderliness, and overall consideration. To coordinate the contradictions of different social hierarchies, we must insist taking economic construction as the center of development, construct an appropriate and effective coordination mechanism, deepen system reform, strengthen construction of the party’s ruling ability, and enhance national cohesion.Taking Marxism as a guide and absorbing domestic and international related academic achievement, this paper has investigated the impact of social contradictions, and analyzed their characteristics and origin. Through the analysis of contradictions and reasons of the present situation, this paper put forward basic principles and countermeasures for coordinating class contradictions in the perspective of constructing harmonious society.This paper can be divide into four sections:In the first section, the significance of the topic is elaborated, the domestic and foreign related literatures are reviewed, and the research method and innovation points are briefly introduced.In the second section, the involved concepts are accounted firstly. Through the discrimination of classes and strata, and briefly expounding the current several views of social strata division, this paper finally choose reasonable Ten Classes as the appropriate division pattern. With the characterization of Ten Classes, the realistic significance of coordination of each class for building a harmonious socialist society is descripted.The third section has analyzed the manifestation of various social class contradictions between workers and peasants, intellectuals and other sectors, the employer and the employee, the cadres and other classes in our country. Through introducing the characteristics of contradictions, such as prominence of the economic interest contradictions; occurrence of unexpected incidents; antagonism, the root of contradictions are exposed in4aspects:economic, political, lack of social system, and failure of policies. Finally, point out it is how to handle the conflict of interests among the various society sectors that has become the top priority of constructing a harmonious society.In the fourth section of this paper, the basic principles and methods of coordinating classes’ contradictions have been proposed under the perspective of harmonious society.

【关键词】 矛盾利益阶级阶层和谐社会
【Key words】 contradictioninterestclassstratumharmonious society
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期