

The Study in New Media Age on the Development of Chinese Film

【作者】 尹翠

【导师】 姚小亭;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,新媒体发展势头迅猛。新媒体是指利用网络技术和数字技术,并通过宽带局域网、卫星、无线通信网以及互联网等途径在电脑、手机、数字电视等终端设备上向大众提供各种信息与娱乐服务的媒介形态。尤其以网络媒体和手机媒体为主的新媒体,由于它们的交互性和联通性,给我们的社会生活特别是受众的媒介消费行为带来了巨大变化。而电影作为一种文化艺术和传播媒介,这种新媒体带来的数字化生存和大众对于资源的共享,也正在潜移默化地对其产生影响。本文以中国电影的发展现状为研究对象,以新媒体时代为研究背景,主要运用文献研究法、案例分析法、数据分析法和调查法等研究方法。首先从中国电影发展的历史角度梳理传播技术与中国电影的关系,不同的历史时期中国电影呈现不同的发展态势,不同时代的传播媒介对电影的影响也不同。其次,从新媒体的特点入手,讲述电影传播与新媒体相结合的必然性,进而分析新媒体时代中国电影的发展现状,主要以视频网站和手机网络平台为例研究电影传播的受众需求和盈利模式。再次从电影创作、电影发行和放映、电影营销、电影衍生品开发、电影的受众等视角详细分析新媒体给中国电影带来的翻天覆地的变化,与此同时新媒体也给电影带来了一些消极影响,主要表现在电影版权受到侵犯、网络道德遭遇挑战、电影在新媒体上的盈利模式不稳定等方面。最后针对新媒体对中国电影的消极影响提出一些应对策略,比如实行电影分类放映模式,完善电影版权保护的立法制度,加强电影行业规制和行业自律,提高新媒体用户的媒介素养等。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the new media which can offer all kinds of information and entertainment services to the public on the terminal equipment such as computers, mobile phones, digital TV through broadband local area network, satellite and wireless communications network and the Internet by the use of network technology, digital technology is developing swiftly and violently.Especially new media based on network media and mobile media, because of their interaction and connectedness has brought about great changes to our social life, in particular for the audience of media consumption behavior. And film as a medium, the new media also exerts a subtle influence on it because of digital survival and public for sharing resources.This article put the current development of Chinese films from2008to2012as the research object, with the new media era as the research background, using literature research, case analysis, data analysis and investigation interview law. From the perspective of the development of Chinese film history carding the relationship between transmission technology’s and China film, from analyzing the characteristics of new media, prove the necessity of combination of communication and new media, then analyze the development situation of Chinese films in the new media age.Then from the view of the film creation, film distribution and screening, development of film marketing, derivatives and movie audiences have a detailed analysis of new media brings to the film of earth-shaking changes, at the same time the new media have been threatened film.It is performed at the film copyright violations, network moral challenge, the profit pattern of films in the new media is not stable, etc.Finally based on the threat of China’s film by the new media,we put forward some coping strategies to it, such as carrying out the film classification, improving the film copyright protection legislation system, strengthening the industry regulation and industry self-discipline, improving media literacy of the new media users,etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期