

Monk, Temple, and Social life in the tang dynasty

【作者】 于志刚

【导师】 李晓敏;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 硕士


【摘要】 《太平广记》是一部重要的类书,书中的一些故事生动的呈现了唐代民间社会的僧人、寺院与佛教的面貌。《太平广记》中僧人出家的原因既有宗教方面的,也有现实方面的。离开家庭而出家的僧人,在传统亲情观的影响下,一直都是“出家而不离家”。唐代僧人违背戒律的情况是极为普遍的,对于僧人的违戒,唐代社会有不同的看法,而佛教为了维护自身的形象,使用了宗教色彩的约束方式。《太平广记》中的僧人在世俗社会中通过宗教和医疗这两个方面的关怀来实现“自利利人”的宗教功德。僧人用佛教特有的宗教方式关怀世俗民众,帮助他们战胜现实生活中的困苦。而“斋僧"是佛教民间化的表现,也最能体现唐人对佛教的信仰与依赖,唐人请僧人为自己和家庭诵念经书,往往可以获得佛教功德和现世的福报。为了能够更好的传播佛教,也是为了自利利他,佛教鼓励僧人行医。唐代医僧有着高超的医术,总是有“化腐朽为神奇”的力量。唐代是儒、释、道三教斗争和融合的关键时期,《太平广记》展示了唐代僧人和士人、道士相处的方式。僧人为了传播佛教和实现自身的政治利益,积极交往士人,士僧的交往是唐代独特的社会文化形象。举子求助僧人为自己的仕途铺路,僧人为士人预知未来前程。士僧之间的关系极为密切,士僧之间可以互称门徒,两者交往既有宗教原因,也有政治原因。正史中唐代佛教和道教有着激烈的斗争,而《太平广记》却从侧面展示了民间两教之间融洽的关系,僧道在民间更多的是友好往来和相互学习,甚至共同参加一些宗教活动。寺院是传统意义上的宗教活动的场所,《太平广记》中寺院的社会文化职能却更为明显。唐代寺院中优美的风景、热闹的百戏以及僧人的讲说吸引了大量的游客和信众。而寺院没有排斥这类世俗性的活动,反而积极参与。寺院发挥了很重要的寄寓职能,唐人寄寓佛寺有不同的原因。寺院中丰富的世俗性活动在客观上也孕育了寺院中的商业,其社会文化环境也为青年男女的婚恋创造了很好的条件,可以说僧人和寺院在唐人的婚恋生活中充当着重要的媒介作用。寺院在唐人的社会生活中占据重要的地位,唐代的寺院也是一个社会文化的中心,它就像一个开放的小社会,浓缩着唐人社会生活的点点滴滴。总而言之,唐代的僧人积极入世,他们用各种方式去弘扬佛法,虽然诸如“斋僧”和“预知”之类的行为有稍染世俗化的趋势,但是却在无形之中增加了佛教的影响力。与此同时,佛教寺院中的各类世俗性活动也增加了寺院对民众的吸引程度,提高了佛教寺院在社会生活中的地位。虽然《太平广记》中所描述的唐代僧人和寺院呈现一定的世俗化特点,.但恰恰是这种神圣和世俗共存的特点才使佛教容易被民众所接受而融入民间社会,使佛教最终成为民间宗教。

【Abstract】 "Tai Ping Guang Ji" is a important collection. Some stories in this book vividly presented the civil society in the tang dynasty monk, monasteries and Buddhism."Tai Ping Guang Ji" aslo shows us some true face of the Tang Dynasty monk. People become a monk not only by the influence of religion, there are practical considerations. Under the influence of the family, although a person have left the family to be a monk, but has always been "becoming a monk but not away from home". In the Tang Dynasty there are different views on the society to the Monk’s disobedience of ring regulations which is extremely common. And in order to protect their own image, Buddhism always use the religious constraints.By religious and medical care in secular society, Monks described in "Tai Ping Guang Ji" realize their religious merit of "meeting their own and helping others at the same time". Monks care for people and help them to overcome the hardships of real life using unique Buddhistic way. Behavior of "Zhaiseng" can best embody people’s dependence on Buddhism. People in Tang Dynasty invite the monks reciting scriptures for themselves and their families, and they can always get a Buddhist merit and earthly reward. In order to spread Buddhism more better and help monks themselves and others, Buddhism encouraged monks to practice medicine. Medical monks of the Tang Dynasty have superb medical skills and always save patients’ lives when they are about to despair.Tang Dynasty is the critical period of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism’s struggle and integration,"Tai Ping Guang Ji" shows how Monk, Literati and Taoist get along with. In order to spread Buddhism and to achieve their own political interests, monks actively make friends with Literati. And the contact between Literati and monk is Tang Dynasty’s unique social and cultural image. Candidates ask monks for help to pave the way for their own career, monk also predict the future for the scholars. There is a very close relationship between Monk and Literati, they can call each other disciples and there are religious and political reasons. Buddhism and Taoism has a fierce struggle in official history, but "Tai ping Guang Ji" shows the harmonious relationship between the two denominations in implicit way, and more is friendly exchanges and learning from each other between monk and Taoist in the civil, even work together to participate in some religious activities.The temple is a place for religious activities in the traditional sense, however, temple’s social and cultural functions is more obvious described in "Tai Ping Guang Ji". The temple can attract a large number of tourists and believers because of its beautiful scenery, hundreds of lively drama and monk’s speech. The temple not only do not exclude any kind of secular activities, but actively participate in. Tang’s Yi Guan industry is still underdeveloped, and the temple just play a very important ignited function. There are both candidates who have calmly studied and frustrated reclusive people, some people are looking for religious attachment and some other people are forced. temple’s abundant secular activities objectively also give birth to the temple’s business and at the same time temple is also a platform for public entertainment. Temples is even like an open small society, they also create a very good condition for young men and women who live in and some monks also act as a medium of marriage.In conclusion, monks go out of the temple to spread and promote Buddhism in various ways, and temple’s all kinds of secular activities also increase the Buddhistic attractiveness to people in the Tang Dynasty. Although the Tang Dynasty’s monks and temples have obvious characteristics of secularization described in "Tai Ping Guang Ji", but it is just this sacred and secular coexistence feature which make Buddhism more likely to be accepted by people and get along well with the Tang society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期