

After the Founding of Henan Thousand TangZhiZhai New Unearthed Epitaphs Calligraphy Research

【作者】 刘小涛

【导师】 李放;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 美术学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 墓志是我国古代一种重要的石刻艺术形式,起源很早,历史十分久远,并且遗存非常丰富,形式品种多样。然而,墓志尽管很早就进入人们的视野,然而对墓志书法的研究明显存在着不足,其深藏的巨大历史和艺术价值需要我们认真仔细的研究和深入的挖掘。千唐志斋是以收藏唐代墓志为主的墓志博物馆,馆中所收藏唐代墓志最多时达一千二百余件,为我们保存了一大批重要的历代文物,留存了历代不同时代、风格多样的大量书法作品,为我们研究和全面认识唐代书法提供了珍贵详实的实物资料。本文拟以建国后千唐志斋新收墓志书法为研究对象,通过深入细致的梳理、考察,对建国后千唐志斋新收墓志书法的书体、书风进行归类、分析、溯源,以求对千唐志斋所收墓志书法有一个全面、系统、深入的认识。本文分五个部分第一绪论;第二建国后千唐志斋新收墓志书法概况及其编目整理;三建国后千唐志斋新收墓志书法的演变;四建国后千唐志斋新收墓志非楷体书法的类型源流;五建国后千唐志斋新收墓志书体对现代书家的启示。本文通过大量阅读有关河南千唐志斋新收墓志的相关研究成果、中国墓志的相关历史资料,论著并对其进行梳理,归纳总结。采用举例分析法,通过对河南新收经典墓志类型进行品读和分析,在前面所述理论的指引下,将河南墓志进行系统的阐述。采用图像比较法,新中国千唐志斋新收墓志书体与历代主流书风的研究,使用图像比较法研究是本论文使用的重要方法。采用考察法,对建国后河南千唐志斋出土墓志进行全面考察。

【Abstract】 The epitaph is a kind of important form of carved stone, ancient Chinese origin early, pop, and remains a very rich variety. By the end of the qing dynasty unearthed epitaph quantity also gradually increased, most scholars of the epitaph has certain research value. Many fine paper also early have become important calligraphy LinXi material and model, to become calligraphy LinXi’s origin.Therefore, in-depth system and thorough research on the epitaph calligraphy, naturally become an important theoretical subject. Paper has, however, are very early into people’s horizons, but compared with other forms of calligraphy research, the study of the epitaph calligraphy exist obvious shortage, its huge artistic and historical value is, we need to seriously excavation and research.Thousand Tang Zhizhai is give priority to in order to collect the epitaph of tang dynasty’s epitaph museum, collections in the tang dynasty more than one thousand two hundred the epitaph of most, for us to save a large number of important cultural relics of tang dynasty, kept the tang dynasty in different periods, different styles of calligraphy, and a comprehensive understanding for our study and the tang dynasty calligraphy provides a precious detailed material information. This paper in after the founding of thousand Tang Zhizhai new epitaph calligraphy as the research object, through a detailed comb, inspection, the thousand Tang Zhizhai collection the epitaph after the founding of the style of calligraphy, book classification, analysis, resource wind, to the epitaph of thousand Tang Zhizhai collection calligraphy have a systematic, comprehensive and in-depth understanding. In this paper the introduction is divided into five parts. Collect the epitaph calligraphy thousand Tang Zhizhai after the founding of the new2profiles and its catalog.3after the founding of thousand Tang Zhizhai new collect the epitaph the evolution of calligraphy. Four thousand Tang Zhizhai after the founding of the new type of the epitaph of regular script calligraphy origin. Five thousand Tang Zhizhai after the founding of the new enlightenment to modern ShuGu style epitaph. In this article, through a lot of reading about henan thousand Tang Zhizhai new collect the epitaph of the related research achievements, China the epitaph of relevant historical materials, treatises and comb, generalizations.By example analysis, through to the henan new reading and analysis of the classical paper type, described in the previous theory under the guidance of the henan the paper carries on the system in detail. USES the image comparison method, the new China thousand Tang Zhizhai new style receives the paper and the mainstream book the research of the wind through the ages, using image comparison research is an important method used in this paper. Using investigation method, after the founding of henan thousand Tang Zhizhai unearthed epitaph to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期