

Study on Educational Administrative Litigation of Institutions of Higher Education

【作者】 于婷婷

【导师】 宋雅芳;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近些年来教育体制的改革,人们在追求稀缺的教育资源时,为维护自己的合法权益引起社会秩序的失衡,导致争端频现,尤其以高等院校为多发地带。高等院校的学生随着其人格的日趋健全和完善,越发重视自己的权利主体地位,开始质疑学校的权力本质。作为教育者的学校和作为受教育者的学生之间权力和权利的抗争中,如何控制权力的行使,保障权利,成为当下我们研究的课题。由抗争引发的教育纠纷除了由政府通过行政途径解决外,还应由作为权利救济的最后一道屏障的司法机关通过教育行政诉讼来解决。但是当下由于传统观念的影响,高等院校的法律地位并不明了,学生状告母校的许多行政诉讼案件得不到妥善处理。本文试图对高校的法律地位进行阐明,因民办高校和公立高校性质区别将重点放在对公立高校法律地位的研究上。而后通过对高校中各种纠纷进行分析,确立高校行政主体地位,厘清教育行政诉讼的受案范围,更好完善教育行政诉讼,使学生权利得到更好的救济。本文第一部分概述目前国内公立高等学校教育行政纠纷现状,简述相关案例:落榜生闵笛状告苏州大学录取过程不公案;甘露不服暨南大学开除学籍案;何小强诉华中科技大履行法定职责案;刘兵诉天津轻工业学院开除学籍处分案;武某诉暨南大学胜诉案;刘燕文案等,通过比较提出三个问题:高等学校行政主体地位的争议;高校管理行为可诉性争论;高校学术自由与司法的平衡等等问题。第二部分分别阐述英美法系与大陆法系关于高等学校法律地位的界定,提出实践中我国借鉴公务法人理论解决高等学校行政主体地位的理论困境。第三部分进入高等学校管理行为的可诉性及其范围的具体分析。第四部分提出司法介入可能产生的行政权与司法权、行政权与学术权的对抗,本部分试图寻找一个平衡点,以期保障司法、高校行政、学生权利三者的平衡。

【Abstract】 With the reform of the education system in recent years, people in the pursuit of scarce educational resources, intend to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests leading to lose balance on social order,especially to institutions of higher learning. Students of institutions of higher learning with improved and perfect personality pay more and more attention to the dominant position of their rights, and begin to question the nature of authority in schools. How to control the exercise of power and protect rights between school and students is the subject of our study. The educational dispute should be resolved through administrative channels by the government, and could be solved by the judiciary means as the last bulwark of the rights and remedies. Due to the impact of traditional concept, legal status of the institutions of higher learning is not clear and many administrative cases not handled between the student and the alma mate. Because the nature of private colleges and public universities is different,we will focus on the study of the legal status of public universities attempting to clarify the legal status of the institutions of higher education. According to the analysis of various disputes in the colleges and universities, we could establish the status of university administrative body, clarify the scope of educational administrative litigation, improve the education administrative proceedings.The first section provides an overview of the status about higher education administration disputes. A list of three classic cases act as the entry point of the article analyzes. These cases put forward some problem:the dispute about the college administrative dominant position, debate about the suability of university management, balance between academic freedom and justice.The second part elaborates the definition about the legal status of colleges and universities between the common law and civil law and puts forward official egal theory to solve the plight of a the College administrative dominant position in the theory.The third part researches two main topics, the first is whether the administrative action can bring an administrative lawsuit, the second is the rang of administrative action.The fourth part analyzes the confrontation about the executive power, judicial power, the right to academic. How to find the balance of the three is the emphasis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D922.16;D925.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】440