

Research on Gratitude Problems Under the Chinese Marketing Economy

【作者】 代文慧

【导师】 辛世俊;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 伦理学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 在现实生活中,人发展的每一步都离不开自然、社会、他人的馈赠与帮助。感恩是人对自己生存状况的认识,是人的道德良知和道德实践行为。感恩德性促使人与人之间形成和睦友爱、团结互助的关系,它是维系家庭和谐、维持社会秩序的一条纽带。感恩这个道德概念看似与经济有些距离,然而它们的关系却很紧密。发展市场经济是否需要感恩道德?这是个值得思考的问题。大量事实证明感恩道德是一种可普遍化的道德准则,尤其适用于人际交往范围。市场经济是以人与人的关系为核心的经济形式,它打破了传统的人情社会模式,使人们进入陌生人社会。本文主要探讨市场经济与感恩道德的内在逻辑关系以及市场经济与感恩道德的相互作用。文章首先梳理了感恩道德在中西方社会发展流变的历史和理论根据。感恩道德源远流长,东西方文化中都有丰富的感恩思想。虽然感恩道德在东西方社会有不同的表现形式,但感恩的内容大致相同,感恩自然、感恩社会、感恩他人是感恩的主要内容。感恩不仅仅是一种传统美德,还具有永恒的价值,在今天,感恩道德在社会生活中仍发挥着不可替代的作用。在当今社会,市场经济对感恩道德的发展有着双重影响。市场经济促进了感恩道德的发展,感恩道德有利于市场经济主体主动承担社会责任,诚信经营,遵守公平竞争的市场准则。然而市场经济的负面效应给传统感恩道德带来了很大的冲击,感恩缺失、感恩错位的现象增多。发展市场经济需要弘扬感恩道德,感恩是市场经济主体的基本素质,是建立健全市场经济秩序的内在保障。在继续推进市场经济建设的今天弘扬感恩道德意义重大,在弘扬感恩道德的同时,我们应认清市场经济负面效应的危害,用社会主义核心价值体系来引领大众的价值观,深入开展社会道德领域的专项教育治理工作,逐步完善社会主义市场经济监督管理体制,并树立社会各领域的模范典型引领社会风气。

【Abstract】 In people’s real life, every step of development cannot leave the gifts and the help of nature, society and others. Gratitude comes from people’s awareness of their living condition, which is a moral conscience and moral practice of human beings. The virtue of Gratitude makes people love peace, unity and mutual assistance relationship, it also as a band to maintain family harmony, maintain the social order.Gratitude as a moral concept which appears to be some distance with economy, but their relationship is very close. Does the development of marketing economy need gratitude? This question is worthy to think about. Numerous facts prove that gratitude is a kind of moral code which can be generalized, especially in intercommunication scope. Marketing economy is a kind of economic form and the interpersonal relationship is the core of it, it broke up the traditional pattern of human society, changed it into stranger’s society. This dissertation mainly discusses the inherent logic of marketing economy and gratitude virtue, and the interactions between marketing economy and gratitude virtue.This dissertation presented the gratitude virtue in Chinese and western social development according to the historical development and theoretical basis. Gratitude virtue has a long history, and with abundant gratitude ideas between eastern and western culture. Although gratitude virtue has different forms in eastern and western society, but the content is roughly same, appreciate nature, society and other people are the main content of gratitude. It is not only a traditional virtue, but also has the eternal value. Today, gratitude virtue still plays an irreplaceable role in people’s social life.In the contemporary society, the development of marketing economy on gratitude virtue have dual influences, on the one hand, the development of marketing economy promotes the gratitude virtue, gratitude virtue conducive to the subject of marketing economy take social responsibility actively, integrity management, abide by the market rules of fair competition. However, the negative effects of marketing economy brought great impact to traditional gratitude virtue, such as gratitude deficiency, gratitude dislocation phenomenon. Development of marketing economy need to carry forward the gratitude virtue, gratitude is the basic quality for the subject of the marketing economy, which is the internal security to establish and perfect the marketing economic order.Vigorously promote gratitude virtue in marketing economy activities would have major implications today, meanwhile to promote gratitude moral, we should recognize the harmful influence by the negative effects of marketing economy, use the socialist core value system to guide the public values, carry out social morality in the field of special education management work, gradually improve supervision and management system of socialist marketing economy, and set up the moral models to lead the social ethos of society in various fields.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期