

Study on the Construction of Rural Elderly Care Service System in Henan Province

【作者】 罗玉华

【导师】 张明锁;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 社会保障, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已步入人口老龄化时代已经是一个不争的事实,然而目前我国经济社会对人口老龄化的制度性回应还不充分,尤其是在农村老人的长期照护问题上,河南省的农村老年照护制度仅仅处在探索历程中的起步阶段。在河南省农村庞大的老人人口基数、老年人口的高龄化、农村年轻劳动力的大量外移等因素的共同作用下,老年人的照护需求对河南省经济社会的压力进一步显现,若不能及时妥善的处理,必将对河南省今后的和谐发展造成威胁。因此,如何构建一个完善的农村老年照护制度来改善农村老人的晚年生活状态从而缓解其对经济社会的巨大压力就显得尤为迫切,而本文正是基于这一目标进行的研究。本文共分五章:第一章主要介绍本文的选题背景及意义、主要概念的界定以及国内外学者对老年照护服务体系的研究状况;第二章主要系统介绍了河南省农村的人口老龄化状况、特点以及目前河南省农村老年照护服务的供给现状;第三章主要是采用定量的方法对老年人的对照护服务需求情况、对不同照护模式的态度以及老年人对照护服务提供的意愿进行了分析并得出了初步的结论;第四章主要对构建农村老年照护体系的理论基础以及发达地区的老年人长期照护经验进行了介绍;第五章主要介绍了构建河南省农村老年照护服务体系的设想,包括老年照护服务体系的模式选择、应遵循的理念、具体的构建思路及路径等。总之本文对构建河南省农村老年照护服务体系进行了比较系统的研究。本文的创新点在于切合河南省实际提出了构建河南省农村老年照护服务体系的新思路和具体的制度设计,为河南省在社会化养老服务的政策制定提供了有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Our country has entered the aging of the population age is an indisputable fact, but China’s economic and social systematic response to the aging of the population is not sufficient, especially in the long-term care of the rural elderly, rural elderly care system in Henan province is only in the initial stages of exploration process.In the factors of large rural elderly population, elderly population aging, rural youth labor mass migration, the elderly care needs pressure to the economy and society has further appear in Henan province, if not timely and properly handled, it will pose a threat to the future of the harmonious development of Henan province. Therefore, how to construct a perfect rural elderly care system to improve the rural elderly’s life status to alleviate the enormous pressure on the economy and society is particularly urgent, and this paper is to study this target. This paper is divided into five chapters:the first chapter introduces the background and significance of this paper, the definition of the main concepts, as well as domestic and foreign scholars’research on elderly care service system; The second chapter mainly introduces the condition of the population aging in rural area of Henan Province, the characteristics and the current rural elderly care service supply situation in Henan province; The third chapter analyzes the needs of the elderly care service, different attitude to elderly care model as well as the willingness to provid elderly care services using quantitative methods and comes to a preliminary conclusion; The fourth chapter mainly introduces theoretical basis for the construction of the rural elderly care system and the elderly long-term care experience in Developed regions; The fifth chapter mainly introduces the construction of the rural elderly care service system in Henan Province, including the elderly care service system pattern choice, the concept, specific building ideas and system design, etc. In a word, the construction of rural elderly care service system in Henan province were studied, this paper has carried systematic study on the rural elderly care services in henan province The innovation of this paper is to meet Henan Province actually putting forward new ideas and specific system design in rural elderly care service system, and provides a useful reference for socialized pension services policy formulation in Henan Province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】D422.6;D669.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】346
  • 攻读期成果