

Research on Off-Site Backup of Archives

【作者】 丁宜

【导师】 王成兴;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 档案学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 2013年3月29日新疆发生Ms5.6级地震、2013年4月17日在云南省大理发生5.0级地震,震源深度11千米,随后大理洱源县、漾濞县又连续发生两次3.0级地震。2013年4月20日8时02分四川省雅安市芦山县,里氏7.0级地震,随后发生多起余震。自然灾害对档案造成彻底损毁,使档案工作遭受了前所未有的重创。对档案部门来说,这是对档案部门防灾应灾能力的考验。档案是清晰确定的原始记录性信息,其社会性、历史性、原始记录性决定其重要性。作为现代信息技术的伴生物,数字档案迅速增长,传统的纸质档案和新兴的电子数据档案都面临各种威胁。相比于纸质档案来说,电子档案具有信息保存不稳定,计算机软硬件技术及其通信和网络相关等相关技术的发展都会对其安全保护产生直接影响,因而保护工作不容乐观。面对各种灾难和破坏,开展档案异地备份工作是切实可行的,是保护档案安全的重要策略。本论文共分为五个部分。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了论文的研究目的、意义和研究现状,研究方法及思路进行详细说明。第二部分,主要是对档案异地备份的阐述,介绍了档案的概念及发展,论述档案异地备份的必要性和可行性,论述档案异地备份工作应遵循的五个原则,分别是经济适用原则、多元化原则、地理远缘原则、长期性原则、灵活性原则。第三部分,针对当今突发性灾害对档案的破坏及其损害的不可逆转性,介绍了我国档案异地备份保护的研究现状,总结出实践中存在的问题,包括一些档案部门对档案异地备份的重要性认识不足、档案异地备份缺乏国家层面战略支撑、重要档案异地备份工作缺乏明确制度规范、档案异地备份的长效机制不健全、资金问题、档案异地备份方式选择没有统一标准。第四部分,针对这些问题提出相应的解决措施,如下:加强对档案异地备份重要性的宣传、加快进行重要档案异地备份顶层设计、制定切实可行的标准和规范、建立档案异地备份长效机制、充分挖掘馆藏档案价值,解决资金短缺问题、形式多样,发挥异地备份档案工作的综合效用。以期推动我国档案异地备份保护研究,为我国档案保护略尽绵薄之力。第五部分结语,异地备份工作的进一步落实将任重道远,档案部门及档案工作者仍需努力。

【Abstract】 A Ms5.6earthquake happened in Xinjiang on March29,2013, and a5earthquake with the focal depth of11km happened in Dali, Yunnan Province on April17,2013, then two earthquakes of magnitude3happened continuously in Eryuan County, Yangbi county. A earthquake of magnitude7happened in Ya’an city, Lushan County, Sichuan Province, at eight two on April20,2013, followed by several aftershocks. Natural disasters destroyed thoroughly to the file, the file work suffered a hitherto unknown hit. As to the archives department, this is a test of response and prevention capacity for a sudden disaster. Archives are the real history, which are the precious non-renewable resources. Archive is the original record clearly defined information, the characteristic of social, historical and original records to determine its importance. With the development of Archive informatization, digital archives is growing rapidly, while the traditional paper files and emerging electronic data files are facing various threats. Compared to the paper-based archives, digital archives have a shortage of information storage instability. Development of computer hardware and software technology and communication and network technologies will have a direct impact on the safety protection, As it will become the dominant form of modern archives, the problem of safe custody is not optimistic. How to ensure the safety of archives and provide an effective use becomes the focus for archivists. In the face of disasters destruction, to carry out a file backup job is feasible, safe protection of archives is an important strategy.This paper consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research goal, significance and research status, content. And research method and approach will be stated in detail. The second part of the thesis, mainly for file backup elaboration, introduced the concept and development of archives, discusses the feasibility and necessity of archives off-site backup, and5principles of file backup to follow, respectively speaking, the application of economic principles, the principle of diversification, geographically distant principle, long-term adherence to the principle, the principle of flexibility. The third part, according to the irreversible destruction and damage to the sudden disasters on archives, introduces the research status of off-site backup protection in our country, summarizes the existing problems in practice, including the lack of understanding to the importance of off-site backup, the national level strategic support, the lack of clear rules to the important off-site backup, long-term mechanism of file backup is not perfect, the funds problem, no uniform standard for file backup.The fourth part, in view of these problems, the corresponding solutions are as follows:to strengthen the propaganda of the importance of the archives off-site backup,accelerate the top-level design of the important file backup, formulate feasible standards and norms, establish the long-term mechanism, to fully tap the archives value, solve the problem of shortage of funds, fulfill the comprehensive utility of backup file work in various forms. In order to promote the file backup protection research,and make contribution to the achieve protection in our country. The fifth part summarized the importance of the archives off-site backup, Archives the archivist needs to be done agencies the further implement has a long way to go.

【关键词】 档案异地备份保护问题对策
【Key words】 ArchivesOff-site backupProtectionProblemSolution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期