

The Research of the Elderly Guardianship System of China

【作者】 黄瑞敏

【导师】 张竞芳;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 民商法学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已于2000年步入老年人社会,随着我国老龄化进程的不断加快,老年人人口在不断的增加,人口的老龄化给我国的经济以及人们的生活带来广泛的影响。由于我国的监护制度关于成年人监护对象的规定仅限于精神病人,所以对于老年人的监护缺乏法律的保障,不能适应现今的老龄化社会的需求。而较早进入老龄化社会的德国、日本等国家都通过了监护制度的法律改革建立完善了全面的成年人监护制度,引入先进的立法理念,加强了对老年人权益的保护。面对我国的对老年人监护制度的立法空白,我们应该在立足本国国情的前提下借鉴国外的先进立法,引入新的人权理念,提出构建我国老年人监护制度的意见,以更好的维护我国老年人的合法权益。文章共分为五章:第一章为文章的引言,主要介绍了本篇文章的选题背景、研究方法以及写作意义等,对于本片文章起到一个引入作用。第二章为老年人监护制度的理论分析,文章从老年人的界定入手,介绍了老年人监护制度的涵义,通过对老年人监护和监护制度的比较,对设立老年人监护制度的必要性进行了考察。通过对这部分基础理论的分析为文章的一下内容打好基础。第三章论述的是我国监护制度的现状,在对我国现行的监护制度进行梳理的基础上,总结了我国现行监护制度的不足。第四章对老年人监护制度进行比较法上的研究。通过对日本、德国、美国等先进制度的介绍,为我们建立老年人监护制度、完善我国的监护领域的法律制度提供有益的借鉴。改革后的各国成年人监护制度在监护对象上都将因年老而导致的行为能力和判断能力下降的老年人包含在内,都引入了先进的人权保护理念,尊重被监护人残存的意识能力,并根据被监护人不同的行为能力设立多层次的监护类型,日本等还设立的任意监护制度,允许老年人在意识能力清醒时,通过合同的形式设立监护人,并且优先于法定监护等等。很多方面给我过老老年人监护制度的设立提供有益的借鉴。第五章是文章的重点,论述我国现行老年人监护制度的构建,文章在第三部分总结不足的基础上,借鉴国外先进立法经验的基础上提出构建我国老年人监护制度的设想,并从更新监护立法理念、扩大监护对象的范围、增设意定监护制度,细化监护类型、明确监护人的资格,扩大监护人的权利、建立监护监督机制五个方面提出构建意见,以望为我国的老年人监护制度的立法献上微薄之力。

【Abstract】 Our country has entered the aged society in2000, with China’s aging process speeding up, the elderly population is increasing, and it brings very widely influence to the economy of our country and people’s life. Due to the provisions of the guardianship of our country on the adult guardianship object is limited to the mental patient, so for the guardianship of the elderly lack of legal protection, and those laws can not adapt to the aging society demand. While the early aging society like Germany, Japan and other countries had established those legal to perfect the adult guardianship system, introduced the advanced legislation idea, strengthened the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly people. In the face of the blank of China’s elderly guardianship system, On the base of our national conditions,we should learn from foreign advanced legislation, introduce the new concept of human rights,to propose constructs to the elderly guardianship system, All of these are in order to protect elderly people’s legitimate rights.This article is consisted by five chapters:The first chapter is the introduction, introduces the background, research methods of this article and the significance of this article, this chapter plays a role in the article.The second chapter is about the analysis of theory for the elderly guardianship system, this chapter starts from the definition of the elderly people, introduces the meaning of this institution, by comparing the elderly guardianship and custody system to study the necessity of the establishment of the elderly guardianship system. This chapter is wan to from the analysis of the basic theory lay a good foundation for the article content following.The third chapter is about the current situation of China’s guardianship system.It bases on analyzing the existing guardianship system in our country, and summarizes the defects of our current monitoring system.The fourth chapter is about the comparative study of the elderly guardianship system.By introducing the elderly system of Japan, Germany, the United States to provide a usefull reference for the establishment of the elderly guardianship system of our country.The fifth chapter is the focus of this article, by discussing the construction of China’s elderly guardianship system, basing on the third part summarizes the problems, learning from foreign advanced legislative experience on the construction of the elderly guardianship system, and from new the legislative idea, expanding the update monitoring monitoring object range, adding the guardianship system, detailing monitoring type, clearing the guardians aspects of the establishment of monitoring mechanisms put forward opinions, to look for the elderly guardianship system in our country’s legislation offer modest.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期