

Research of the Causes and the Way of Boiler Corrossion of Steel

【作者】 刘炳伟

【导师】 朱世杰;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 材料工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 锅炉是在高温、高压的条件下工作的,同时,受压元件的火(烟)侧受到烟气、空气、炉灰以及水蒸气、渗漏出来的水滴等的作用;水侧受到高含盐量炉水、水垢、高温蒸汽以及二氧化碳、氧等气体的共同作用。在这些条件的作用下,锅炉钢材不可避免的会产生腐蚀,因此,对锅炉来讲,腐蚀是一种很普遍的现象。锅炉又是一种破坏力相当大的具有爆炸危险性的设备,因此,当其产生严重腐蚀时危害性也是很大的。本论文结合自己在锅炉检验工作中遇到的一些案例,采用内部检验、资料审查、化学分析、水质化验、光谱检验、扫描电镜、X射线衍射分析等试验手段,分析、论证了锅炉产生腐蚀破坏的原因和机理,并真对锅炉的设计、制造、安装及运行方面提出作者有意义的意见和建议。在锅炉设计和制造方面,从结构上尽量减少或避免出现循环死滞区、结构不连续区、复合应力或出现应力集中;尽量选用性能好、耐腐蚀性强的钢材;正确设置水质取样点,取样装置和取样点应保证取出的样品具有代表性;暴露于炉膛内的锅(壳)要进行绝热。在锅炉安装方面,连续排污应为一只截止阀和一只节流阀串联在一起,节流阀调整好后在运行期间要保持常开。在锅炉运行方面,运行过程中加煤要均匀、平稳,升、降温及启停炉要缓慢,避免温度、压力过大、过快波动使金属产生疲劳;要采用正确的方法加强排污;根据运行方式合理选择炉型。在锅炉使用和管理方面,因炉因水采用相应的水处理方法,使水质指标达到要求,并配备合格的、持证的化验员;s042-会造成腐蚀,在水质化验的过程中,CL-、SO42-的危害要予以同样的重视;采取正确的停炉保养方法,依次将炉水放干、清理水垢及烟灰、烘干、加干燥剂、密闭人孔、手孔及门孔;要重视特种设备作业人员的配备、持证、日常培训等工作,不能忽视对管理人员的相关要求;认真、及时进行定期检验工作,及时发现、掌握腐蚀情况、程度,采取措施消除事故隐患。

【Abstract】 Boiler works in the conditions of high temperature and high pressure,at the same time, the pressure part of the fire (smoke) side are under the action of the smoke, air, ashes and water vapor, leakage water; Water side are under the action of the high salinity boiler water, scale, high temperature steam and carbon dioxide, oxygen, and so on, so the working condition of boiler is very poor, the surroundings are corrosive,so the producing Of corrosion is a very common phenomenon for boiler. Meantime, Boiler is a kind of explosilve equipment which has destructive power, accordingly, the dangerousness of its corrosion is also big. This paper writes about the causes and the way of boile corrossion of steel through analysis from some cases encountered in writer’s everydaywok of boiler inspection.in the process, some test means which include internal inspection, material examination, chemical analysis, water quality analysis, spectral inspection, scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis were used.Aspect of design and manufacture:the phenomenon such as circulation flow stagnation zone, discontinuous structure zone, composite stress or stress concentration shoud be reduced or avoided as far as possible;try to choose good performance, strong corrosion resistance steel;Set the correct water quality sampling points correctly, sampling device and sampling point should ensure that the samples are representative; the drum (shell) exposed to hearth should be adiabatic;Installation:Continuous drainage should be a cut-off valve in series with the control valve, control valve should be kept open during operation after proper adjustment.Operation:the process of adding coal shoud be even and smooth; the process of heating and cooling and Rev. Stop furnace shoud be slow;avoid temperature and stress fluctuate too fast so that the metal appear the phenomenon of fatigue; strengthen pollution discharge in the correct way; select the type of boiler reasonably according to the operation mode.Management Aspects:To make water quality indicators meet the standards,chose the corresponding water treatment method according to different water and boiler type; allocate qualified, card holder of water quality laboratory technician;SO42-Can cause corrosion,In the process of water quality analysis, CL-, SO42-can be harm to the same extent;Take the correct boiler stop maintain method,And in turn the boiler water put dry, clean scale and soot, drying, and desiccant, airtight manhole, hand hole door hole;Attention should be paid to the staffing, card-holding, daily training work of Special equipment operators, requirements for related management personnel can not be ignored; to discover the situation and the degree of corrosion timely, periodic inspection shoud be done Seriously and timely, so as to take measures to eliminate hidden danger of accidents.

【关键词】 锅炉钢材腐蚀原因机理水质结构运行
【Key words】 Boiler steelcorrossionCausewayWater qualityMicrostructureOperationmanagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期