

Institutional Pension Social Perspective to Improve the Pension System Path Selection of He Nan Province

【作者】 张云飞

【导师】 范会芳;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 社会保障, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 纵观党的十八大报告,民生问题成为各界关注的焦点。近三年的政府工作报告也明确指出社会保障的一个基本要义:保障民生,调节分配。面对不断加剧的养老形势,如何健全老年人养老服务体系,将是今后若干年内,我国解决民生问题的主旋律之一。我国老龄化社会的快速到来并不断推进,使养老问题成为社会保障领域常提常新的问题。家庭结构的不断变化,家庭功能的不断变迁,又使得家庭养老的功能也在不断受到冲击。这样,传统的养老观念和养老方式已经在数千年的人类文明面前裹足不前,岌岌可危。不论从国家层面、社会层面还是家庭及个人层面,都在热切呼唤一套成熟的、可持续、操作性强的养老服务系统横空出世。不断弱化的家庭养老功能和传统养老观念,使得家庭养老已经变的更加无力和缺乏现实保证。家庭养老功能的弱化,必须有另外资源或力量的支援才能实现整个系统的平稳过渡和动态平衡。笔者预见,家庭养老功能的缺口,在未来一段时间内,必然由政府主导,集合整个社会的力量来共同弥补。因此,笔者以此为主要线索,探究完善我国养老保障的路径。河南省为我国人口大省和养老服务大省,突破养老问题具有至关重要的现实意义。其中,郑州市作为河南的省会城市,破解养老难题具有非常重要的示范作用;信阳市作为豫南地区的代表城市,具有非常重要的区域代表特性。笔者以共性和特性相结合的方式,以郑州和信阳两地为例,进行调研和访问,共获得有效问卷208份,调研访谈数十篇,涉及到民政管理干部、街道办事处工作人员、机构负责人、老年人等相关工作人员。该研究以养老服务体系为基础,社会化养老为核心展开论证。主要内容有五个部门,各部分逻辑严谨,从不同角度展开论述。首先,文章简述了本论文的研究背景、研究意义、理论基础等,这是论文的基石,也是立论的保障;接着,本文以宏观的视角,探讨了中国养老服务体系的基本情况,提出了当前中国养老服务的机遇及挑战;在充分了解全国整体情况后,笔者以实地调研和访问的一手材料为基础,说明了河南省养老服务体系的现状及存在的突出问题;基于以上材料的分析和整理,笔者结合中国养老服务的现实需求,着重分析了家庭、社会和政府的需求情况;最后,笔者提出整合河南省社会化养老服务机构的路径选择,成为本研究的目的和落脚点。

【Abstract】 Eighteen Party government work report clearly stated that social security is a basic system to protect people’s lives, regulating the social distribution. We have to insist on full coverage of basic security, multi-level, sustainable guidelines to enhance fairness adapt to liquidity, to ensure the sustainability focus fully completed the social security system covering both urban and rural residents. Actively respond to the aging of the population, and vigorously develop aging services career and industry. It shows that the service system for the elderly, improve and perfect the important issues facing today’s society.The arrival of the aging society, so the pension become the focus of the community, the proportion of the aging population is also rapidly improve over time, the speed of the aging of the population is rare. Family functioning and changes in the structure the traditional pension ways and ideas to the social pension shift being to further explore the need to promote social pension model.One can imagine, with the function of the weakening of family pension and family miniaturization and democratization, rely solely on the basic design of the pension system, and hope that the family can provide all pension services practice, increasingly lack a realistic basis.Henan Province as the population density of the central province of its pension service problem has an extremely important significance.Field surveys and interviews to collect208valid questionnaires were research interviews dozens of cadres involved in the civil administration, street offices staff, agency heads, the elderly and other related staff. This study is mainly based on old-age service system, to expand the salient points of social pension. The main content of the study is divided into five parts, each part a different point of analysis, ring interlocking rigorous logic, together constitute the papers. The main contents are as follows:First of all, the article outlines the research background, significance, theoretical basis, which is the cornerstone of protection of the argument; Then, a macro perspective, explore the basic situation of China’s old-age service system proposedthe opportunities and challenges of China’s current pension services; fully understand the overall situation of the country, the author field research and access to first-hand materials based on the pension service system in Henan Province, the outstanding problems of the current situation and existing; based on the above materials analysis andfinishing, the author of the practical needs of pension services, analyzed the needs of the family, society and government; Finally, the author proposes to integrate of Henan social pension service path selection, the purpose of this study and the end result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期