

The Research of the Villager Autonomous System Construction in China under the View of Socialist Rule of Law

【作者】 姜锐

【导师】 曲玉萍;

【作者基本信息】 长春师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 “依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”在党的十五大正式提出,作为占总人口绝大多数的农村,它的法治化程度成为制约着整个国家法治化的重要原因之一。法治是民主的保障,民主是法治的基础,民主和法治相互促进、相辅相成。在农村实行好民主,无疑对农村法治化有着极大的促进作用。始于二十世纪八十年代初的村民自治应运而生,成为我国政治体制改革的重要组成部分。三十年来,在党和国家的领导支持下,村民自治制度发展迅速,它带给中国的是一个崭新的民主形式,不仅真正让农民享受到民主权利,也带动了经济发展,催生了农民的民主法治意识,意义深远而重大。但不容忽视的是,任何一种制度由产生到完善,都将经历曲折的过程,难免会出现失误甚至暂时的倒退,村民自治制度的构建亦是如此。如相关配套法律不完备、破坏选举情况时有发生、当民主权利受到侵害时缺乏救济渠道等法治问题。必须厘清并逐一解决这些问题,才能不断完善村民自治制度,适应广大农村的政治经济形势,以便更好地推进农村法治化进程。因此本文拟从法治的角度来挖掘村民自治过程中出现的普遍性问题,并提出相应的可行性理论对策。本文主要分四个部分:第一部分,村民自治制度的建立与法治意义。主要论述村民自治制度的起源、发展以及村民自治的涵义、村民自治制度与社会主义法治的互动。村民自治是我国民主法治化的重要内容,是我国宪政制度的创新,是我国农民的伟大创举,也是我国农村基层民主制度的主要形式。第二部分,建构村民自治制度过程中出现的主要法治问题。这里面主要呈现的是四个问题:一是村民委员会选举制度不完善;二是村民委员会与乡镇政权关系错位;三是村民委员会与村党支部冲突迭起;四是村民及村干部法治意识较弱。第三部分,村民自治制度构建中存在法治问题的原因分析。从法治角度看,当前村民自治产生问题的原因,既有立法不全面细致,也有司法救济渠道狭窄的方面,更有着历史原因----两千多年的封建专制与农村普遍文化素质程度低于城市的实际情况,导致广大农民的民主与法治意识薄弱。第四部分,完善村民自治制度的法治对策。此部分提出要解决村民自治制度构建过程中出现问题的解决方案。目前有许多学者着眼于民主政治角度为促进村民自治制度提出了很多建设性意见和建议,但笔者认为从法治的视角出发来解决我国村民自治所面临的问题更加迫在眉睫,因此提出从立法、救济渠道的拓宽等方面完善我国村民自治制度,促使它沿着法治化的道路继续前行。

【Abstract】 Since the15th CPC National Congress was first filed "rule of law and building asocialist country ruled by law, the process of the rule of law in China’s footsteps didnot stop. As a large agricultural country, the degree of rural rule of law has become animportant factor of the rule of law in the whole society. Democracy and the rule oflaw is always a twin brother and sister, no democratic rule of law, nor can not cure thedemocracy, rule of law has become an important precondition for the perfection ofdemocratic governance, only to better in the soil of Sino-French democratic life.Therefore, the democracy in rural areas will undoubtedly have a great role inpromoting rural legalization. Began in the villagers’ self-government since the early1980s came into being, this is a great initiative of the hundreds of millions of farmersin the historical context of China’s reform and opening up, is an important part ofChina’s political reform. Nearly three decades of ups and downs, the national systemof supply and farmers under the leadership of the Communist Party of Chinaspontaneous creation of this together to jointly promote, the villagers autonomouspractice in China has made remarkable achievements in rural China and even thewhole country, its political development and economic overall social progress veryfar-reaching significance, the real power to be returned to the hands of the majority offarmers. Role in promoting the development of democratic politics in China are alsonot to be underestimated. But can not be ignored, any kind of system generated by the perfect, willexperience a tortuous process, there may be errors and even retrogression, so is thedevelopment of villager autonomy system. Such as the related laws is not complete,the majority of farmers awareness of the rule of law is not high influence ofdemocratic election results, when the democratic rights have been infringed the lackof relief channels etc.. Must solve these problems, in order to constantly improve thevillager autonomy system, and make it more suitable for rural political and economicform. Therefore, this article from the angle of law to mining the common problemsarising in the process of villager autonomy, and puts forward the correspondingcountermeasure theory.This article is divided into four parts:The first part is established the system of villager autonomy and meaning of therule of law. This part mainly discusses the origin and development of the autonomoussystem of the villagers, and the villagers’ autonomy, the meaning of legal origin, legalsignificance for the whole country is established and the villager autonomy system.The villager autonomy is the important content of China’s democratic rule of law, isthe innovation of our constitutional system, is a great creation of Chinese farmers,refers to the rural grass-roots mass in accordance with the law by the establishment ofthe Commission, to manage their own local affairs, it is a basic policy of our countryto solve the democracy at the grassroots level, is a basic democratic system. The second part is the main problems of construction of rule of law of villagerautonomy system. It mainly shows the four problems: one is the villagers committeeelection system is not perfect; two is the relationship between the village committeeand township government dislocation; three is the village committee and village Partybranch conflict; four is the village cadres and villagers legal consciousness is weak.The third part is analysis of the causes of the existence of the rule of lawproblems of the construction of the villager autonomy system. From the perspective ofthe rule of law of villager autonomy, the causes of the problems, existing legislationdoes not fully not detailed, and supervision is not in place, but also has historicalreasons--two thousand years and rural general cultural quality is lower than the levelof the city, the democracy and the rule of law awareness in the minds of the majorityof farmers become weak. This paper will tap the reasons of present villager autonomyin our country has the question from the deep level reason.The fourth part is legal countermeasures to perfect the system of villagerautonomy. This part proposed solution to solve problems. At present, there are manyscholars focus on the democratic political angle to promote the villager autonomysystem put forward many constructive opinions and views, but I believe that to perfectthe villager autonomy in our country from the rule of law environment perspectiveissues facing the more imminent, therefore put forward in the background of rule oflaw from the legislation, legal supervision system, and relief channels widen much angle the villager autonomy in our country towards a healthy legal road ahead.

【关键词】 村民自治制度法治法治意识
【Key words】 Villager autonomy systemRule by lawProblemSuggestions