

Study on the Location Public Parking Lot Based on GIS

【作者】 易鸿杰

【导师】 熊永良;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 测绘工程(专业学位), 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,城市规模越来越大,城市机动车数量也高速增长,各种城市道路交通问题也随之出现,解决以上问题的一个重要手段就是建立城市社会公共停车场,而我国大部分城市现有的城市社会公共停车场存在很多问题,主要表现在:布局不合理、规模小、车位少等方面,目前我国大多城市只能提供机动车保有量的三分之一的停车位。路外公共停车场是为从事各种活动的出行者提供公共服务的停车场所,它的服务对象广,影响也最大。因此扩建和新建城市公共停车场是解决停车难问题的重要手段。因此扩建现有或新建公共停车场显得尤为必要。合理社会公共停车场布局在缓解交通拥挤、提高居民生活水平、合理利用土地规划、构建和谐城市环境等方面有着重要意义。随着GIS的发展,城市GIS应用于当前经济建设的诸多方面,但GIS应用于城市社会公共停车场选址尚少被提及。本文在前人进行的相关研究的基础上,介绍了影响公共停车场选址的因素,几种传统的公共停车场选址模型,同时也介绍GIS的基本原理及其应用。对比得出传统选址方法的不足以及GIS应用与公共停车场选址的优点。本文将GIS多准决策分析与公共停车场选址结合起来,提出了基于层次分析法(AHP)的GIS多准决策分析选址模型。同时提出了到功能区内所有兴趣点最短路径距离之和为最小的选址模型。以湖北省松滋市的有关数据为例,设计了选址的AHP模型,并利用ARCGIS10.0软件,综合运用GIS网络分析法、缓冲区分析法、叠加分析法,实现了公共停车场选址影响因子的客观选取以及综合权重的赋值。并通过人口密度和用地性质对松滋市泊位需求进行了评估。实验输出结果与泊位评估进行对比,验证了技术方案的可行性。同时通过实验也发现了先前提出模型的部分不足,并提出改进方案。GIS应用于公共停车场选址有着传统选址方法不可比拟的优势,本文的研究结论主要验证结合GIS对公共停车场进行选址的可行性及科学性,为今后的规划提供可供借鉴的技术思路和方案。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s economic, the size of the cities is increasing, the number of motor vehicles in cities is also growing rapidly, then road traffic problems appear. An important means to solve the above problem is to establish the city public parking lot. But most of our urban cities exist a lot of problems in the city public parking lot. The problems mainly reflect in:unreasonable layout, small scale and fewer parking spaces, etc. Most cities in China can only provide one-third of the vehicle population in the parking currently. Public parking in the road outside provides a public parking lot for travelers engaged in various activities. Its service object is wide and has the greatest impact. So expanding and building urban public parking is an important means to solve the problem of parking. Reasonable layout of the public parking has a great significance on improving people’s living standards, rational use of land planning and building harmonious urban environment. With the development of GIS, urban GIS is applied to many aspects of the current economic construction, but the application of GIS in urban social public parking’s location is less mentioned yet.Based on predecessors’researches, this thesis introduces the effect factors of public parking’s location, several traditional public parking location models and the fundamental and application of GIS. The research indicates the weakness of the traditional location method and the advantage of the GIS’s application in public parking lot location method.This thesis combines GIS multi-criteria decision making analysis and the location of public parking, then it proposes the location model multi-criteria decision making based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)GIS analysis. The total of the shortest path distance to all the interest points in function area is the minimum.Taking a relevant data of Songzi, Hubei province for example, the thesis designs the AHP model, and use ARCGIS10.0software. Through the integrated use of GIS network analysis, buffer analysis overlay analysis, the thesis achieves the objective select of public parking location’s impact factor and comprehensive weight assignment. It assesses the berth requirements in this city through population density and the nature of land. By comparing the experimental output with berth assessment, the thesis verifies the feasibility of the technical program. At the same time, it finds some in adequacies of the previously proposed model by experiments, and brings about some improved program.

  • 【分类号】P208;U491.71
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】911