

Study of China’s Food Safety Administrative Accountability System

【作者】 赵盼盼

【导师】 王伯鲁;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 食品安全监管行政问责制度是我国行政问责体系的一个重要组成部分。食品安全关系到每一个人的生命健康,一些食品安全事件甚至会严重影响到社会的和谐稳定。众所周知,现行的食品监管模式并不能从根本上杜绝此类事件的发生,监管职能部门的玩忽职守、不作为等具有不可推卸的责任。因此,健康、有序、高效和透明的食品安全监管行政问责机制对于保障人们的食品安全至关重要;同时,食品安全监管问责制的建立对于推动和促进食品安全监管体系的完善,也具有不可低估的作用。最后,就会形成一个保障食品安全的良性循环:有力问责推动监管责任落实,有效监管保障食品安全。追溯和探讨行政问责基本理论知识,对于我国食品安全监管行政问责制度相关理论研究和监管部门职能的转变具有导向作用,进而对我国食品安全领域的整肃更具有鞭笞效用。本文运用文献和案例分析社会科学研究方法,对我国食品安全监管行政问责的定义、内涵和制度安排等进行了定性分析,针对我国食品安全监管面临的突出问题,以河南双汇“瘦肉精事件”为案例进行深度剖析。总结得出:食品安全事件问责困难的中心问题是现行的食品安全监管行政问责制度安排不够清晰、明确,主要包括对问责主客体的界定不够清楚。另外,问责乏力的原因还有相关问责法律法规的不健全、问责配套措施的缺失和我国问责文化的相对滞后等。正是这些多方面因素的共同作用,导致我国食品安全监管行政问责领域出现这样的局面:问责客体的“问而不全”;问责后果惩处的“问而不力”以及人民对问责结果的“问而不服”等。新兴传媒媒介的曝光和人民群众的举报则是促使食品安全事件浮出水面进入大众视野的最重要推动力量,从侧面来看,则反映出政府监管职能部门的不作为,这也映射出目前我国食品监管行政问责最主要的特点——被动问责。据此,通过提出一些具有针对性的完善我国食品安全监管行政问责制的对策建议,希望以此保障人民群众的食品安全。

【Abstract】 Food safety regulatory administrative accountability system is an important part of China’s administrative system of accountability. Food safety related to everyone’s life and health, some food safety events even seriously affect social harmony and stability. As we all know, the current food regulatory model does not fundamentally put an end to such incidents, the dereliction of duty of regulatory functional department is one of the important reasons for the situation. Therefore, the healthy, orderly, efficient and transparent food safety supervision and administrative accountability mechanisms for the protection of people’s food security is essential; at the same time, the establishment of food safety regulatory system of accountability to promote and facilitate the improvement of food safety regulatory system has an underestimated function for our society. Finally, it will form a virtuous circle:serious accountability promotes the implementation of the regulatory responsibility, and effective supervision ensures food safety.The retrospective and exploring the administrative accountability basic theoretical knowledge is not only playing a guiding role for the China’s food safety regulatory administrative accountability system theory research and the transform of regulatory department functions, but also has a flogging utility to purge the field of food safety in China. By using literature and case analysis of social science research methods, this paper will make a quantitative analysis for the definition, connotation and system design of China’s food safety regulatory administrative accountability. Through Henan Shuanghui clenbuterol event, this paper will do a depth profiling for the outstanding problems which China’s food safety supervision are facing now. The summarizes:the central issue of food safety incidents accountability difficult is not clear enough, a clear definition of the subject and object of accountability is not clear enough, including the current food safety regulatory system of administrative accountability arrangements. In addition, the accountability weak reasons related accountability laws and regulations are not sound, the lack of supporting measures of accountability and a culture of accountability in China is lagging behind. It is these various factors together led to this situation of China’s food safety regulatory field of administrative accountability: accountability object "asked without; the accountability consequences punish the" ask without force "as well as the people of the accountability results "asked but refused to accept.Exposure of emerging media and report of people is the most important driving force to promote food safety incident surfaced into public view, and from the side view, it reflects the omission of Government’s regulatory functions, and also map out the most important characteristics of the food regulatory administrative accountability-accountability passive. Of course, this situation is inextricably linked with China’s economic and social development. Accordingly, by proposing some targeted path choices and suggestions to improve China’s food safety regulatory system of administrative accountability, hoping to protect the people’s food security.

  • 【分类号】F203;F426.82
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】293
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