

The Rebellious Generation——a Comparative Research on the Image of the Beat Generation and Troubleshooter

【作者】 宋剑豪

【导师】 徐行言;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 “垮掉派”是20世纪五六十年代产生于美国的一个文学创作团体,“垮掉派”作家笔下出现了大量的反叛性青年形象,这些青年酗酒、吸毒、提倡同性恋爱,以对现实的反叛追求自由的生活方式,被人们称为“垮掉的一代”。在30年之后的中国,即20世纪80年代中后期,我国文坛上出现了一批“顽主”形象,这些“顽主”是当时作家王朔创作的一系列反叛形象。这些人以“游戏的方式”对待生活、爱情和性,以讽刺性的、调侃的话语挖苦当时的政治,文化。然而这一“顽主”形象却得到了广大读者的热捧。“顽主”和“垮掉的一代”这两类人物形象身上所体现出的最大共同点即他们所具有的反叛性,这也为本文研究提供了切入点。另一方面,就“垮掉的一代”和“顽主”形象进行对比的研究成果目前来看并不多,即使有此方面的研究也并不成系统,这为本文的研究提供了研究空间,也是本课题可以研究的原因和意义所在。在研究方法上,本文运用比较文学影响研究和平行研究的方法对王朔笔下的“顽主”形象和凯鲁亚克、金斯伯格等“垮掉派”作家笔下的“垮掉的一代”形象进行比较研究。首先探讨二者形成的社会背景、历史文化原因和相互间的影响,然后分析出各种类型的“顽主”和“垮掉的一代”各自的特点,最后总结他们的共同点和差异性。在具体写作时,本论文主要分以下几个章节进行论述的:第一章为绪论,在本章中主要分析了本文的研究的背景和研究意义,以及研究现状;第二章重点介绍了“垮掉的一代”和“顽主”产生和发展的原因。“垮掉的一代”受到了美国传统文化、文学创作及有关作家和社会的影响。“顽主”的产生与“文化大革命”至八十年代社会转型期的中国的社会现实、思想文化以及王朔的自身经历有很大关系,同时,王朔在创作“顽主”形象时也受到了“垮掉的一代”的影响;第三章对不同类型的“垮掉的一代”形象和“顽主”形象进行了区分,并分别分析了他们思想行为上的特点;第四章在前一章形象分析的基础上对这两类人物形象进行比较研究,总结他们的共同特征,分析他们在反叛程度、反抗对象和个人追求方面的差异性及其原因。

【Abstract】 The Beat Generation was a literary group which emerged in American Literature in the1950s. The so-called Beatniks created a host of rebellious youth images in their works. These youth abuse alcohol, drugs and advocate homosexuality. They pursue unconstrained lifestyle by revolting against the reality, so that people called them Beat Generation.30years later, in the1980s’China, a batch of rebellious images, Troubleshooters, created by Chinese writer Wang Shuo, arose in Chinese literature. They adopt playing through life as their life creed, which can be seen from their attitude towards life, love and sex. Moreover, they criticize politics and culture sarcastically and ironically. However, this kind of image was greatly welcomed by Chinese readers. The two kinds of above-mentioned image have shown a particular characteristic in common:rebelliousness, which is also the breakthrough point of this research. Moreover, results about the comparative research on the image of BG and Troubleshooter are not sufficient and systematic, so it gives this paper the research space and significance.This article makes parallel study and influence study on the two typical images. Firstly, this paper discusses the social background, historical factor of their formation and mutual influence, then it analyses their characteristics and summarizes their similarities and differences at last.In practice, this paper is consisted by several chapters as follow:First chapter, Introduction, introduces the significance and status of this research. The second chapter analyzes the causes of their formation and development. The Beat Generation was influenced by American traditional culture, literature, writer and society. The Troubleshooters was also influenced by the Cultural Revolution and social transition in the1980s, but the writer’s own experience was involved. Meanwhile, the writer Wang Shuo was influenced by the Beat Generation. The third chapter distinguishes the different types of the two kinds of image and analyzes their characteristics reflected by their behavior and thoughts. The fourth chapter is the comparative study of these two images based on the analysis in the third chapter. The paper summarizes their similarities at first, then analyzes their differences in the degree and pursuit,and strives to discover the reason for these differences.

【关键词】 垮掉的一代顽主形象反叛王朔
【Key words】 Beat GenerationTroubleshooterImageRebellionWang Shuo