

Dynamic Congestion Pricing Study Based on the Sections of Saturation

【作者】 赖君

【导师】 李娟;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 由于国民经济的快速增长,城市人口剧增,居民的出行需求也逐渐扩大,生活水平的提高使得人们对交通的需求量扩大,交通供给无法满足巨大的交通需求,产生了严重的交通问题,为了很好的调整交通需求,学者们提出了拥挤收费政策,作为交通需求管理的有效手段。目前国内外学者仅仅对拥挤收费在静态层面进行了较全面的研究,然而静态拥挤收费在实际应用中受到很大的限制,其理论假设条件苛刻,因此提出动态拥挤收费原理。本文总结介绍了国内外实施拥挤收费的情况,以及各个地方拥挤收费带来缓解交通拥挤的效果,引出需要研究基于路段饱和度的动态拥挤收费的必要性。本文对拥挤收费定价模型类型做了比较,选取最优定价模型作为路段收费费率的定价模型,并比较了常用的短时交通流量预测模型,分析了各种预测方法的利与弊,最终构建出瞬时动态配流模型的变分不等式模型,对路段交通流量进行预测。分析影响路段阻抗大小的各种因素,强调了饱和度对阻抗大小影响的重要性,并且将路段实时变化的交通流量,按照其计算出来的饱和度值大小分为四个等级,每个等级收取一个的固定拥挤费用,将路段阻抗和最优拥挤定价模型共同建立实时路段阻抗的拥挤定价模型。最后用具体案例验证模型的可行性,对给出的路网结构进行瞬时动态配流分析,使用修正投影算法对模型进行求解,得到每个时刻进入每个路段的流量,每个时刻每条路段的交通流量。并且对成都市靠近市区的三条道路:抚琴西路、文华路和百寿路进行交通流调查,将调查的交通流数据进行处理,拟合出瞬时路段阻抗函数参数值,得到该路网的路段阻抗函数。并根据路段交通流量,计算出实时路段的饱和度,通过饱和度路阻拥挤定价模型,得到每个路段实时的道路拥挤收费价格。

【Abstract】 Due to the rapid growth of the national economy, the sharp increase in the urban population, the travel needs of the residents have gradually expanded, and the improvement of living standards makes it expand traffic demand and traffic supply is unable to meet the huge demand of traffic, resulting in a serious traffic problems, in order toadjust traffic demand, the scholars proposed congestion pricing policy, as an effective means of transportation demand management. Scholars only in a static level of congestion pricing was more comprehensive study, however static congestion pricing subject to considerable limitations in the practical application of theoretical assumptions harsh conditions, so the proposed dynamic congestion pricing principle.This paper summarizes at home and abroad to implement congestion pricing, as well as various the place crowded charges brought alleviate the effects of traffic congestion, leads to the need to study the necessity of dynamic congestion pricing based on sections of the saturation.Type of congestion pricing pricing model compared to select the optimal pricing model as the congestion charge rate pricing model, and compare the commonly used term traffic flow prediction model to analyze the pros and cons of the various forecasting methods, and ultimately buildthe instantaneous dynamic assignment model variational inequalities model sections traffic flow forecast. The analysis of the various factors that affect the size of the sections of impedance, emphasizing the saturation degree of the importance of the size of the impedance, and will change in real time road traffic flow, the saturation values calculated in accordance with its size is divided into four levels, each level receive a fixed congestion costs, the sections of impedance and optimal congestion pricing model to establish the impedance of the real-time road congestion pricing model.Finally, specific cases to verify the feasibility of the model, the instantaneous dynamic with flow analysis, using a modified projection algorithm to solve the model, every moment into each section of the traffic on a given road network structure, each moment of each section of the traffic flow. And Chengdu, close to the city’s three roads:Zither West Wenhua Road and Baishou, road traffic flow survey, the survey traffic flow data processing, fitting the instantaneous link impedance function parameter values, get the road network sections of impedance function. And in accordance with the sections of the traffic flow, calculate the real-time section of the saturation resistance saturation Road congestion pricing model, get the each link real-time road congestion pricing Price.
