

The Key Construction Technology Study on the Super-Small Clear Space and Super-Big Section Subway Station in the Layered Rock

【作者】 江黎

【导师】 王明年;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展以及现代施工技术水平的提升,修建城市地下车站的技术也在不断更新与进步。受到某些地区特有地质以及环境的限制,要求我们采用更的大断面、更小的净距来满足必要的功能要求,因此大断面小近距隧道不断地出现,记录也不断刷新,所以对于大断面小净距隧道的研究就越要广泛与深入,这样才能保证隧道技术能得到长足发展。隧道工程区别于其他土木工程,它的未知性与复杂性相对较大,施工风险大,可能造成的损失也更大,因此提供一个安全的施工环境显得格外重要,这就要求在设计与施工初期能有更深入的调查,以及更丰富的研究。考虑到本隧道的的设计与施工的难度与已有隧道的差异性,同时是城市的地铁车站的重要性。本文在总结前文基础上,综合研究了层状岩层条件下隧道的变形与破坏机理,中岩柱单边落底施工方法,以及该工法下的关键工序以及参数优化研究,最后对影响较大的风道进行了研究。并结合重庆六号线的礼嘉车站,针对礼嘉车站施工中的技术难点和重点,通过理论分析、数值计算和现场实测等方法,主要从以下几个方面进行了研究:(1)、针对车站所处地区特有的地质环境,对水平层状、中-厚层层状围岩的破坏特征和力学机理开展了研究,并对其主要影响因素进行了分析。(2)、结合礼嘉车站现场施工,较为系统地研究了施工中所采用的新工法,确定其可行性,并研究了中岩柱的宽度、高度等相关参数。(3)、比较了层状围岩和连续介质条件下小净距隧道的受力特征,并给出了净距和错开距离的设计参数。

【Abstract】 With the social economic developed and the level of modern construction technology enhanced, the urban underground station construction technology is also constantly updating and progressing. Limited by the certain areas of specific geological and environmental, the construction of larger section and smaller the spacing is necessary to meet the functional requirements. So more and more larger section and closer tunnels appear, the record is also constantly refreshed. Then the study for small spacing tunnel large section need to be more widely and in depth, so as to ensure the tunnel technology has made rapid progress.Tunnel project is different from other civil engineering works. The unpredictability and complexity will be larger, and will face more construction risks. The possible losses may be greater, and therefore provide a safe construction environment is particularly important, which requires a more in-depth investigation in the early design and construction, and there should be more extensive research.Considering the differences of the tunnel design and construction of the difficulty with the existing tunnels, while the importance of the city’s subway stations.This paper summarizes the basis of the previous, made a comprehensive study of the deformation and failure mechanism of tunnel Stratified conditions, the middle rock pillars and unilateral drop bottom construction methods, as well as the power law key processes and parameters optimization studies, conducted a study on the impact of large wind Road. Combined with Lijia station of Chongqing6th line, targeted the Lijia station construction technical difficulties and emphasis, through theoretical analysis and numerical calculation and field measurement method, mainly studied from the following aspects:(1)、For the station in which the region’s in peculiar geological environment, studied on the horizontally layered, medium to thick layers like the surrounding rock the destruction characteristics and mechanical mechanism and analyzed the main factors.(2) Combined with the Lijia station site construction, established a method of a large section tunnel called the middle rock pillars and unilateral drop bottom construction method, and determined the feasibility,also researched in rock pillars of width, height parameters.(3) Compared the layered rock mass and continuous media under conditions of Neighborhood Tunnel force characteristics, and gave a clear distance and stagger distance of the design parameters.
