

Explore the Chinese Ancient Poetry Art Songs, Chamber According to the Woed Line

【作者】 刘茜

【导师】 甘霖;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 艺术学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 我国自古以来就被誉为“诗的国度”,从第一部传世至今的诗歌总集《诗经》算起,中国的诗歌历史已有三千多年的历史了。中国的艺术是一个大系统,有着自己独特的审美情趣和文化心理,这些因素无疑都影响着中国古诗词风格的塑造。在古时,诗、乐本为一体,诗是有乐之诗,乐是含诗之歌。在历史的发展进程中,诗、乐相和,携手同行。音乐赋予了诗更多的旋律性和意境的拓展,诗从文字语音、语调、声韵等方面影响着音乐的节奏、旋律的发展。诗与乐在此基础上,共同承继了我国儒家、道家“天人合一”、“和”的哲学思想,折射出古代文人追求淡然恬静、灵逸虚空、孤傲清雅的美学理想。也正是诗与乐的完美结合,造就了中国古诗词歌曲数千年的沉淀与发展,它以丰厚的文化底蕴、含蓄的情感内涵、精湛的音乐手法,独特的艺术魅力,成为了中国民族艺术的精华。在中国古诗词艺术歌曲中,我们能够充分感受到诗词所营造的意境,体验到诗人超然于物外的精神气质,融合着汉语言声韵的抑扬顿挫,音乐与诗词的相互渗透,在每一字、每一音中都能找到它们互相依存的关系。“艺术性”是中国古诗词艺术歌曲最为重要的实质内涵,演唱者要想演绎出当中内在的艺术意蕴,使古诗词歌曲重新绽放出艺术的生命,就得在正确理解和感悟歌词内容的基础上,深刻挖掘古诗词艺术歌曲的特点,融入个人的二度创作,从而做到发于内而形于外,达到内外的和谐与统一。本文试图通过“依字行腔”为切入点,对古诗词艺术歌曲的艺术特点进行诠释,在韵味、咬字、行腔、装饰音的运用、四声字调的变化、发声技巧等方面进行分析与实践,获得一些有益的体验与心得,从而使演唱既具有古诗词艺术歌曲的演唱规范,又具有鲜明的个人演唱特色。

【Abstract】 China since ancient times known as the "kingdom of poetry, handed down since first poetry collection," The Book of Songs "date, which is the unique cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, occupies an important position in China’s literary history. Chinese art has its own unique aesthetic taste, cultural, psychological, and these factors undoubtedly influence the shaping of ancient Chinese poetry style, and how to correct product details of these works of art and expression.Poetry and music in the history of the development process, mutual maneuver each other and common prosperity. The given poetry more melodic music, poetry from the text-to-speech, intonation, phonological development affect the rhythm of the music, the melody.-Poetry and music on this basis, common inherited China’s Confucian, Taoist,"Heaven," and "philosophy, reflects the indifferent and quiet pursuit of ancient writers, Ling Yat vanity, the aloof elegant aesthetic ideals. It is also the perfect combination of poetry and music, creating precipitation and development of thousands of years of Chinese ancient poems, songs, exudes a unique charm, With a rich cultural heritage, the subtle emotional connotation, exquisite art practices.These vocal works of art, we are able to fully feel the mood created by poetry, poets experience the transcendent on objects outside ethos, fusion with the Chinese language and rhyme cadence, music and poetry of mutual penetration, it seems that in every word. can find a sound of their interdependence."Artistry" is the most important of the substance of the ancient Chinese poetry art songs, the singer wants to interpretation out which intrinsic artistic implication, to re-bloom artistic life of the ancient poems, songs, you have the correct understanding and perception of the lyrics based oncharacteristics of the ancient poems, art songs, to dig deep into the second creation of personal, which do occur in the inner shape on the outside, to achieve harmony and unity of the internal and external.This paper attempts to chamber as the starting point according to the word line, summarize the characteristics of ancient poetry art songs, and analyzed in terms of the use of charm, diction, line cavity, decorative tones, tones tones of changes in vocal technique and practice, thus presents a solo concert featuring ancient poems, art songs.
