

The Research on Metaphorical Symbols and Thrir Use in the Interior Design of Theme Hotels

【作者】 毛彦怡

【导师】 胡剑忠;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 设计艺术学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 主题酒店在中国已经历了数十年的发展,从早期的停留在单纯向西方模仿、学习的阶段,已经慢慢开始成熟、完善。但是回顾主题酒店的发展,这其中仍然存在一定的问题。如何将我国的主题酒店设计提升到一定的高度,在满足消费者入住这一基本需求的同时,增强酒店的文化内涵、提升酒店品味,都是值得我们深思的问题。而隐喻作为一种常见的设计手法,可帮助设计者和使用者透过熟悉或已知的事物来理解、认识、体验陌生或未知的事物,包括设计的外观造型、使用功能、内在含义等。适当的隐喻不仅可帮助使用者了解其功能,更可与使用者之间产生共鸣和愉悦的感性特征。笔者通过查阅相关书籍和文献,发现目前国内外对隐喻性符号在设计中的研究主要集中在建筑、产品、景观设计方面,探讨主题酒店室内设计中的隐喻性符号几乎空白。面对这一现状,本研究以隐喻性符号为切入点,分析其在各艺术门类中的现象及特征,提出目前主题酒店室内设计中存在的问题,找出其与主题酒店设计之间的关系,并找出应用依据。本研究对相关资料进行收集整理,横向纵向比较研究,通过对主题酒店实际案例的分析,总结主题酒店室内设计中的隐喻性符号的分类,并对其在主题酒店室内设计中的艺术原则、表达形式、表达手法做——分析,总结隐喻性符号的在主题酒店室内设计存在的价值和启示。

【Abstract】 Theme hotels have been developing for decades in China, and despite the imitation from those in the western countries in the earlier time, they are now becoming increasingly well-established. However, problems still exist in their process of development. Therefore, it is absolutely worth considering how to perfect theme hotels’ interior design so as to strengthen the connotation of the enterprise culture while meeting the basic demand from the consumers. In this sense, Metaphor, as a common method of design, can help both the designer and the user to understand and experience new things through things familiar to them, including the appearance, function, and connotation of a design. Not only can proper metaphors help users understand the function of a design, but also raise empathy which pleases the users.Concluded from the bibliography as well as related documents, researches on the use of metaphorical symbols are mainly in fields of architecture, landscape and product design. Few are in interior design of theme hotels. This research is therefore to analyze the ways of expression and characteristics of metaphorical symbols in various kinds of artistic catagories and find out the existing problems in interior design of theme hotels, so as to figure out the relationship between the symbols and the design itself and the foundations of these symbols’ applications.By analyzing real cases, this research summarized the classification of metaphorical symbols used in interior design of theme hotels, and additionally made an analysis of the artistic principle and forms and ways of expression of their use, and thus got conclusions of the value and messages the symbols conveyed in designs of theme hotels.
