

Research on Related Problems of High-Speed Rail Emergency Management

【作者】 刘恩相

【导师】 程学庆;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,突发事件在全球范围内频繁发生,对人类和社会造成了巨大损失。世界各国为应对各类突发事件,相继都加强了突发事件应急管理工作。应急预案作为应急管理的核心工作,是预防和应对突发事件的行动指南。为了快速有效地恢复正常状态,最大程度的减少损失,各领域都建立起了相对完善的应急管理体系。高速铁路是交通领域的新兴产物,在我国得到了快速发展。高速度、高密度、大运量的特点使得高速铁路备受旅客的青睐。也正是这些特点,决定了高速铁路事故的严重后果。因而,提高高速铁路应急能力的问题成了铁路部门的热门话题。本文在介绍分析国外高速铁路应急管理的基础上,对高铁应急管理部分问题进行了研究,具体工作如下:(1)从人、设备、环境和管理四个方面分析了了高铁突发事件产生的原因以及介绍了高铁突发事件的分类分级,根据国内高铁应急管理现状,总结出高铁应急管理的原则。同时分析了突发事件和风险管理的关系。(2)分析了我国高铁应急管理现状,构建出阶段模式与体系模式的关系图。作为应急管理的微观层面,重点分析了高铁应急预案体系及组织机构。并通过对国内外高铁事故原因分析及应急救援行动进程对比,总结国内高铁应急预案存在的主要问题。(3)构建了以预案核心要素为基础的指标体系,并运用模糊层次分析法对某高铁应急预案进行了评价,总结了应急预案存在的问题。(4)分析决策者在不知道高速铁路突发事件具体信息的情况下,应急预案启动问题,通过与最优成本相比,证明了该启动模式的可行性。

【Abstract】 Emergency incidents occur frequently worldwide in recent years that caused great loss to human and society. To deal with all types of emergencies, many countries have to strengthen the emergency management. As the core work of the emergency management, emergency plan play a guide role to prevent and respond to emergencies. Emergency plan systems are established in many areas to make emergency response quickly and effectively, and to minimize losses.As a new product of traffic field, the high-speed railway has been development rapidly in China. The characteristics of high speed, high density, large capacity made the high-speed railway attractively for visitors of all ages. It is these characteristics that determine the serious consequences of high-speed railway accident. Therefore, improving the emergency response capacity of high-speed railway has become the hot topic.On the basis of introducing foreign high-speed rail emergency management and background domestic high-speed rail, this paper analysis emergency management part of the problem of high-speed rail, the concrete work is as follows.First, we analyze the causes of the incidents of the high-speed rail from four aspects of people, equipment, environment and management and introduce the classification and grading of high-speed rail emergencies. At the same time, we analyze the relationship between unexpected event and risk management. According to the domestic high-speed rail emergency management present situation, we summarize the high-speed rail emergency management principles.Second, we analyzed the current situation of China’s high-speed rail emergency management, and built a diagram between the stage model and the system model. As the micro-level of emergency management, we especially analyzed the high-speed railway emergency plan system and organization. Through analysis of the causes of domestic high-speed rail accident and emergency rescue action process comparison, summed up the main problems existing in the domestic high-speed rail.Third, basing on the plans for the core elements, we built the evaluation index system and used the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to evaluate of the high-speed railway emergency plan. Based on the evaluation we summarized the problems of contingency plans. Last, in the case of unknowing the case of high-speed railway incident specific information, we analyze the start problems of the contingency plan, and compared with the optimal cost, to prove the startup mode.
