

The Traditional Yurts Structure and Optimization Design of Interior Space

【作者】 隋茵

【导师】 缪根生; 黄涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 艺术设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 长期的历史发展和自然选择,蒙古族人民形成了逐水草而居的生活方式,蒙古高原特有的地理特征与游牧文化长期融合形成了草原特殊的民居形式。传统的造型语言是蒙古民族对各历史时期游牧民族文化的继承与发展,由于生产关系和生活方式的改变,目前我国大草原上蒙古包的数量正在不断减少,原有蒙古包较多的锡林郭勒盟和呼伦贝尔盟,也因为四季轮牧变成了两季轮牧,蒙古包的数量也越来越少。虽然经济的发展使牧民的生活水平不断提高,但他们对蒙古包的情感依旧没变,比起在草原上搭建新的住宅房屋,他们更喜欢居住在蒙古包内。另一方面,在积极挖掘保护和发展草原文化遗产的进程中,蒙古包作为草原游牧民族的特殊民居形式,有着紧迫的文化保护需求和特殊的开发利用价值。蒙古包这一北方游牧民族的传统民居经历风风雨雨,传承至今,己成为北方游牧民族的象征,对蒙古包的更新与改进也层出不穷。近年来,许多新材料与构造方式应用在蒙古包的制作上,例如轻钢骨架的应用以及在研制的充气蒙古包和其他轻质材料的应用,但大多将这些更新手法用于现代商业、旅游业中,忽略游牧民族自身的使用需求以及存在的现实问题。本文从草原牧民生活现状出发,深入内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特蒙古草原,切身体验,提出传统蒙古包现存问题以及蒙古包存在的必要性与草原牧民之间的关系,通过现场实地调研及自身体验,将蒙古包建筑中的防潮问题、通风问题、内部空间隐私性的等等问题提出,试图针对这一系列问题进行阐释和分析,提出蒙古包内部功能适应性调整的设想,以蒙古包自身特点为基础,以及内部空间功能性的优化,改善草原牧民生活质量及提高牧民居住舒适度为出发点进行优化设计研究,试图探索出一条保护草原文化遗产及改善草原牧民生活的新道路。

【Abstract】 Mongolia people have formed the nomadic way of life in the historical development and the long-term natural selection. The geographical features of ancient highland and the nomadic culture are formed by the fusion of the long-term grassland special forms of residential. The traditional modeling language is Mongolia nation inheritance and development of the culture of the nomadic nationalities in different historical periods. Because of the relations of production and the life style change, the number of China’s grasslands of Mongolia package is decreasing. The original Mongolia packages more Xilin Gol and Hulun Buir, but also because of rotational grazing into two seasons rotational grazing, Mongolia number of packets is continuously decreasing. Although the economic developments of the herdsmen’s living standards improve, but their emotion of Mongolia package still didn’t change, rather than building a new residential housing in the grasslands, they are more like living in Mongolia package. On the other hand, in the process of the preservation and development of heritage prairie culture Mongolia as a special form of dwelling, there is urgent demand of protecting the cultural and a special value of development and utilization.The traditional houses of the northern nomadic experience ups and downs, passing so far, Mongolia package has become a symbol of the northern nomadic, their constant updates and improvements are endless, in recent years, many new materials and construction method used in the production of yurts, such as the application of light steel skeleton and inflatable yurt and other lightweight materials developed For yurt improvements, but most of these updates tactics used in modern commerce, tourism, ignoring nomadic own needs and the presence of the real problem. Departure from the status quo of life of pastoralists, in-depth Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia Xilinhot Mongolian steppe, personal experience, put forward the relationship between the traditional yurts existing problems and yurts necessity and pastoralists, the yurt construction site observation and experience, the moisture problem, the problem of ventilation, interior space privacy issues, trying to interpret and analyze this series of questions, put forward the idea of the yurt internal functions adaptation, based yurt own characteristics, as well as the internal space function of optimization, to improve the quality of life for pastoralists and herders living comfort to optimize the design as a starting point, to try to explore a protection of grassland cultural heritage and improve pastoralists life new road.
