

The Research of Screen Cleaning Construction in Station Line Technology

【作者】 谢兵

【导师】 李成辉; 朱焕新;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输工程, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路线路在运营过程中会发生变形、磨耗、脏污及老化,尤其是站台地段的线路,由于一端受固定建筑的影响,路基排水不畅,更容易形成道床板结与翻浆,因此要经常对其进行养护、维修。站台地段线路的枕木头外到站台建筑物的距离一般满足不了清筛车作业要求,这造成站台部分的线路无法进行机械清筛,使得这部分线路长期得不到有效养护而成为线路的薄弱环节。为解决这一问题,引进线路平行拨移原理,提出站场线路拨移清筛施工技术,即在清筛作业前利用清筛车和捣固车对这部分线路向远离站台一侧进行平行拨移,清筛作业完毕后,再利用捣固车将线路回拨到原有尺寸,并在京广线集中修进行了多次站台拨移清筛施工实践,通过实践来检验技术的可行性。具体的控制过程分以下三步:(1)工程开工之前,引进线路平行拨移原理,对站台拨移反向曲线进行理论计算,确定曲线的各要素和轨迹方程,形成理论数据。(2)工程施工过程中,动态跟踪施工全过程,及时的记录各种线路条件下站台拨移后的曲线要素,并与理论数据形成对比。(3)工程结束后,保存分析结果表,建立经验数据库,为后续工程或类似工程提供技术支持。

【Abstract】 Railway will be deformed, wear, dirt and aging during the operation process, especially the line of site lot, which is more easy to form a junction with Frothing of Track Bed because of the poor drainage of embankment affected by the fixed building on one end of the railway, therefore it must be maintained and repaired constantly. The distance between the Sleepers head of the line of site lot and platform buildings generally can not meet the operational requirements of the ballast cleaning instrument, which cause part line of site lot can not be mechanically cleared by sieve, thus making this part of the route become the weak link of the line for lacking effective conservation to long-term.To solve this problem, the principle of parallel line-moving is introduced and the sites allocated shift cleaning construction technology is also proposed, which means to parallel line-moving this part of the line to stay away from the platform side of the dial with cleaning machine and tamping machine before the operational cleaning, and then re-use the tamping machine to call back the line to the original size after pleaning screening operations, the technology of platform shift cleaning construction was repeatedly practiced in the repair of Beijing-Guangzhou line to test the feasibility of the technical. The control process is divided into the following three steps:(1) In the start of the project, introduce the parallel line-moving principle to theoretically calculated on platform allocated to move the reverse curve to determine the various elements of the curve and the trajectory equation, then form the theoretical data.(2) In the procession of the project, make dynamic tracking of the whole construction process, record the curve elements after the shift of the platform under different line conditions in a timely manner, and then compared them with the theoretical data.(3) In the end of the project, save the analysis results and establish the experience database to provide technical support to the follow-up projects or similar projects.
